armfly stm32f103ze-ek v2 board
apollo stm32f767ig board
not all toolchain ported, but have verified follows:
qv ok (armfly-stm32f103ze-ek|gnu)
qk ok (armfly-stm32f103ze-ek|gnu)
qf and ucosii ok (armfly-stm32f103ze-ek|gnu)
qf and freertos ok (armfly-stm32f103ze-ek|gnu)
qs ok (armfly-stm32f103ze-ek|gnu,mdk)(apollo-stm32f767ig|mdk)
qspy -c COM3 -b 115200
qspy -c /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200
python3 qview
1.figure out a better way to avoid f103 qspy mode QF_poolInit() failure in main()
for now I just simply commente qspy segment in QF_poolInit()
Because Rxbuf didn't initialized when used in here, and F103 always throw HardFault_Handler() when executing QS_INSERT_BYTE() or somelike statments.
2.gnu version of apollo stm32f767ig (startup.s)
3.mdk version of armfly stm32f103ze-ek (startup.c)
4.UML QMtool usage