npm install
npm run dev
npm run build:prod
- AxesHelper.js - A helper to show scene axes x,y and z.
- Game.js - Game renderLoop main entry. 游戏部分主入口,总调度类。
- Cock.js - The character controller Class "Mr. Cock". 主人公“鸡”的控制类。
- Floor.js - Stair 3D Object controller Class. 单个台阶模型控制类。
- MainCamera.js - A extends class of ArcRotateCamera to manage camera moving. 继承自babylonjs.ArcRotateCamera的镜头类
- PanAxesUpdater.js - A class base on hammer.js to receive user finger touching and moving, then calculating Acceleration.基于hammerjs的一个类用于接收用户的交互行为,并计算加速度。
- BarrierManager.js - A Tree Pool to manage barrier tree plant and recycle. 障碍树池,用于管理障碍树的回收和重新部署
- JumpAssertManager.js - A extends class of AssetsManager, get meta GLTF 3D object from network and caching them. 继承自babylonjs.AssetsManager,获取来自网络的GLTF格式3D模型。
- JumpCurveManager.js - A Bezier curve path generator which generate path and "Mr. Cock" will follow it. 根据游戏逻辑产生“鸡”的跳跃曲线。
- Stairs.js - A Stair Pool to manage stair plant and recycle. 楼梯池,管理楼梯对象的回收与重新部署。
- Index.jsx - Page 游戏内嵌React页面