This plugin aims to bring some awesomeness of fuzzy openers like emacs-helm and ctrlp.vim to yi.
This plugin provides a single function fuzzyOpen.
Refer to yi's example config for your preferred keymap to see how to bind keys to actions.
For emacs and cua it will probably look like this:
(ctrlCh 'p' ?>>! fuzzyOpen)
And for vim keymap something like this:
V.mkStringBindingY V.Normal ("<C-p>", fuzzyOpen, id)
<C-p> (or whatever mapping user chooses) starts fuzzy open dialog.
Typing something filters filelist.
<Esc> and <C-g> cancel the dialog.
<Enter> opens currently selected file in current (one that fuzzyOpen was initiated from) window.
<C-t> opens currently selected file in a new tab. <C-s> opens currently selected file in a split.
<KUp> and <C-p> move selection up <KDown> and <C-n> move selection down
Readline shortcuts <C-a> , <C-e>, <C-u> and <C-k> work as usual.
Don't hesitate to file an issue on github or come by #yi@freenode.