This repository contains code for CS 162 group projects.
wait must fail and return -1 immediately if any of the following conditions are true:
- pid does not refer to a direct child of the calling process.
So we need a way to find childs! Maybe can store child's pids in pcb.
25 struct process {
26 /* Owned by process.c. */
27 uint32_t* pagedir; /* Page directory. */
28 char process_name[16]; /* Name of the main thread */
29 struct thread* main_thread; /* Pointer to main thread */
pid_t* childs; // <- maybe append child's pid here when call process_execute()
30 }
- The process that calls wait has already called wait on pid. That is, a process may wait for any given child at most once.
I think the lock(or disable intr) is what we need.