What are the most popular libraries in the Elm ecosystem?
Number | Name | Description | Stars |
1 | elm-lang/elm-compiler | Compiler for Elm, a functional language for reliable webapps. | 3499 |
2 | dvajs/dva | π‘ React and redux based, lightweight and elm-style framework. (Inspired by elm and choo) | 1888 |
3 | elm-lang/elm-lang.org | Server and client code for the Elm website. | 1148 |
4 | redux-loop/redux-loop | A library that ports Elm's effect system to Redux | 920 |
5 | elm-lang/core | Elm's core libraries | 789 |
6 | ohanhi/elm-native-ui | WIP experiment: Build mobile apps in Elm using React Native. | 773 |
7 | evancz/elm-todomvc | Proper implementation of the TodoMVC app | 681 |
8 | moarwick/elm-webpack-starter | Boilerplate for developing Elm apps on Webpack | 577 |
9 | avh4/elm-format | elm-format formats Elm source code according to a standard set of rules based on the official Elm Style Guide | 570 |
10 | elm-lang/elm-platform | Bundle of all core development tools for Elm | 545 |
11 | debois/elm-mdl | Elm-port of the Material Design Lite CSS/JS library | 501 |
12 | izdi/elm-cheat-sheet | An overview of Elm syntax and features | 452 |
13 | rtfeldman/elm-css | Elm CSS preprocessor that lets you use union types rather than Strings for your classes and IDs | 430 |
14 | evancz/react-elm-components | Write React components in Elm | 411 |
15 | evancz/start-app | DEPRECATED. Moved to elm-lang/html | 409 |
16 | rtfeldman/dreamwriter | (NOTE! This has not been updated since Elm 0.15.1 and is not using current best practices. I plan to circle back to it in Spring 2017 and bring it up to standards.) Streamlined long-form writing software. Written in Elm. | 393 |
17 | salsita/redux-elm | The Elm Architecture in JavaScript http://salsita.github.io/redux-elm/ | 379 |
18 | evancz/elm-html | DEPRECATED. Moved to elm-lang/html | 349 |
19 | elm-lang/elm-reactor | Interactive development tool that makes it easy to develop and debug Elm programs. | 316 |
20 | dwyl/the-book | π THE Book on Full-Stack Web Application Development covering User Experience (UX) Design/Tesgin, HTML5, CSS (responsive functional), JavaScript (Basics & Functional), Mobile/Offline First, Progressive Enhancement, Node.js, Hapi.js, Redux, React (Native), Elm, Elixir, Phoenix, Continuous Integration/Deployment, Testing (TDD/BDD), Performance-Driven-Development and much more! | 312 |
21 | sporto/hop | Navigation and routing helpers for single page applications in Elm | 298 |
22 | NoRedInk/take-home | A take-home application written in Elm and only Elm | 297 |
23 | tomekwi/elm-live | β‘βA flexible dev server for Elm. Live reload included. | 272 |
24 | Gizra/elm-hedley | Elm web app with Headless Drupal backend | 264 |
25 | slorber/scalable-frontend-with-elm-or-redux | An attempt to make Redux and Elm applications scale | 260 |
26 | halfzebra/create-elm-app | β Create Elm apps with zero configuration | 260 |
27 | ravichugh/sketch-n-sketch | Prodirect Manipulation for SVG | 260 |
28 | seliopou/elm-d3 | Elm bindings for D3.js | 259 |
29 | sporto/elm-tutorial | A guide to building web applications using Elm | 250 |
30 | elm-community/elm-webpack-loader | Webpack loader for the Elm programming language. | 248 |
31 | knewter/time-tracker | An example Single Page Application in Elm, using elm-mdl for the UI, with a Phoenix backend. | 247 |
32 | jarvisaoieong/redux-architecture | elm architecture in redux with redux-loop | 234 |
33 | sporto/elm-tutorial-app | An example Elm single page application | 209 |
34 | deadfoxygrandpa/elm-test | A unit testing framework for Elm | 204 |
35 | knowthen/elm | Source companion for the Elmlang course at | 191 |
36 | matthieu-beteille/gipher | tinder like app for gifs built with elm and firebase | 182 |
37 | terezka/elm-plot | π Plotting library in Elm! | 182 |
38 | mdgriffith/elm-style-animation | The style animation library for Elm! | 175 |
39 | w0rm/elm-flatris | A Flatris clone in Elm language | 168 |
40 | mbylstra/html-to-elm | An online tool for converting HTML to elm-html. Go to | 167 |
41 | pzavolinsky/elmx | A tiny precompiler that takes an Elm program with embedded HTML and desugars the HTML into elm-html syntax. Elmx is to Elm what React's JSX is to Javascript | 165 |
42 | rgrempel/elm-route-url | Router for single-page-apps in Elm | 163 |
43 | johnpmayer/elm-webgl | Functional 3D Rendering with WebGL in Elm | 154 |
44 | ThomasWeiser/elmfire | Firebase Bindings for Elm | 153 |
45 | elm-lang/navigation | Routing for SPAs, the Elm way | 142 |
46 | fbonetti/elm-phoenix-socket | Pure Elm state manager for Phoenix channels | 142 |
47 | elm-lang/elm-package | Command line tool to share Elm libraries | 137 |
48 | ythecombinator/safadometro | πΌ Polyglot implementations of "safadeza" calculus. | 135 |
49 | evancz/elm-sortable-table | Sortable tables for whatever data you want to display | 130 |
50 | robertjlooby/elm-koans | A set of koans for learning Elm | 129 |
51 | carleryd/elm-hipster-stack | Simple project using Elm, Phoenix, GraphQL and RethinkDB | 129 |
52 | eeue56/json-to-elm | Create Elm type aliases and decoders based on JSON input | 128 |
53 | elm-lang/elm-repl | A REPL for Elm | 128 |
54 | rtfeldman/elm-workshop | An introductory Elm workshop. Video available on Frontend Masters! | 126 |
55 | elm-lang/html | Use HTML in Elm! | 124 |
56 | zalando/elm-street-404 | A fun WebGL game built with Elm | 121 |
57 | elm-community/elm-test | Write unit and fuzz tests for your Elm code, in Elm. | 120 |
58 | eeue56/servelm | Server-side Elm | 120 |
59 | thebritican/elm-autocomplete | Autocomplete for Elm apps; in Elm | 120 |
60 | jcollard/elmtris | A Tetris game for the web browser written in Elm | 119 |
61 | pdamoc/elmChallenges | A learning project for Elm programming language | 117 |
62 | NoRedInk/elm-decode-pipeline | A pipeline-friendly library for building decoders. | 114 |
63 | KtorZ/elm-react-component | A React component which wraps an Elm module to be used in a React application. | 113 |
64 | fluxxu/elm-hot-loader | Hot Module Replacement for Elm using webpack. | 109 |
65 | ElmCast/elm-oracle | Query for information about values in elm source files. | 108 |
66 | ccorcos/elmish | A Javascript UI library inspired by Elm | 105 |
67 | elm-community/builtwithelm | A list of projects and apps built with Elm. | 105 |
68 | etaque/tacks | Real-time multiplayer sailing game, in your browser | 104 |
69 | elm-lang/elm-make | A build tool for Elm projects | 103 |
70 | Gizra/elm-spa-example | 102 | |
71 | usesold/elmongo | Give your Mongoose data the Power of Elasticsearch | 102 |
72 | niksilver/elm-explained | Demo code to explain basic features of the Elm language | 100 |
73 | elm-lang/package.elm-lang.org | website for browsing packages and exploring documentation | 97 |
74 | stoeffel/redux-elm-middleware | Elm middleware for redux | 96 |
75 | etaque/elm-form | Forms handling in Elm | 94 |
76 | ElmCast/elm-node | Elm server side support | 93 |
77 | rundis/albums | Sample application for my blog series on creating a Single Page CRUD app using Elm and Haskell | 92 |
78 | evancz/elm-http | Make HTTP requests in Elm | 91 |
79 | halfzebra/elm-examples | Practical examples in Elm | 91 |
80 | rundis/elm-light | Elm language plugin for Light Table | 89 |
81 | TheSeamau5/elm-router | Easy routing in Elm | 89 |
82 | slawrence/vessel | A "tunnel" game written in Elm! | 88 |
83 | TheSeamau5/elm-checkerboardgrid-tutorial | Tutorial on Container Components in Elm | 88 |
84 | stephenbalaban/Gravity | An orbital simulation game written in Elm | 85 |
85 | massung/elm-hn | Hacker News in Elm | 84 |
86 | mxgrn/pairs.one | Source code for http://pairs.one | 82 |
87 | elm-lang/persistent-cache | Persistent cache, exposing localStorage functionality in a nicer way | 80 |
88 | rogeriochaves/elm-peer-tweet | Decentralized feeds using BitTorrent's DHT. Based on lmatteis' peer-tweet. | 79 |
89 | NoRedInk/elm-rails | Convenience functions for using Elm with Rails. | 79 |
90 | evancz/first-person-elm | First-person navigation in a simple 3D world, written in Elm | 78 |
91 | rtfeldman/node-elm-compiler | A Node.js interface to the Elm compiler binaries. | 76 |
92 | johnomarkid/elm-electron-webpack | A guide, not a template, for building electron apps with elm and webpack | 74 |
93 | NoRedInk/elm-phoenix | Phoenix helpers for Elm | 72 |
94 | yupferris/elmsteroids | A non-trivial Asteroids clone written in Elm. | 71 |
95 | evancz/TodoFRP | Basic Todo list example, written with FRP in Elm | 70 |
96 | CiscoCloud/mantl-ui-frontend | Mantl-UI frontend code | 68 |
97 | gkubisa/elm-app-boilerplate | Elm application boilerplate. | 66 |
98 | elm-lang/virtual-dom | The foundation of HTML and SVG in Elm. | 64 |
99 | elm-lang/error-message-catalog | A catalog of broken Elm programs / data to improve error messages | 63 |
100 | rtfeldman/elm-in-action | Resources for the Elm In Action book. | 63 |
101 | evancz/react-angular-ember-elm-performance-comparison | Comparing performance of Elm, React, Angular, and Ember | 62 |
102 | eeue56/elm-static-site | Static site generator using Elm | 62 |
103 | irh/circles | A sound toy written in Elm | 62 |
104 | lukewestby/elm-http-builder | elm-http-builder | 62 |
105 | twopoint718/elmchat | Using elm to make a simple chatroom | 61 |
106 | yang-wei/elmflux | Visualization of Elm Signals | 59 |
107 | Bogdanp/elm-route | A library for parsing routes. | 58 |
108 | rtfeldman/node-test-runner | Runs elm-test suites from Node.js. Get it with npm install -g elm-test | 58 |
109 | andrewsuzuki/elm-todo-rest-api | Modular, heavily-documented Elm todo app with a json rest api | 58 |
110 | jinjor/elm-time-travel | An experimental debugger for Elm | 58 |
111 | TheSeamau5/elm-check | Property Based Testing in Elm | 57 |
112 | srid/chronicle | Forming reliable memories. | 57 |
113 | Bogdanp/elm-combine | A parser combinator library for Elm. | 56 |
114 | etaque/elm-transit-router | DEPRECATED - Drop-in router with transitions for animated, single page apps in Elm. | 55 |
115 | jessitron/elm-sydron | a first elm app. Hits the github API for events for a hard-coded repository. | 54 |
116 | Gizra/generator-elmlang | Yo generator for Elm | 53 |
117 | eeue56/elm-server-side-renderer | Work in process! | 53 |
118 | circuithub/elm-bootstrap-html | Html shorthand for Bootstrap | 53 |
119 | krisajenkins/elm-export | Create Elm types and JSON decoders from Haskell source. | 53 |
120 | jackfranklin/elmplayground | An Elm blog, written in Elm, about Elm. | 52 |
121 | elm-lang/debug.elm-lang.org | Control time and change history. Laszlo's debugger lets you pause, rewind, and replay programs, swapping in new code to debug. | 52 |
122 | halohalospecial/atom-elmjutsu | A bag of tricks for developing with Elm. (Atom package) | 52 |
123 | haskell-servant/example-servant-elm | Example for a web app with a servant backend and an elm frontend | 51 |
124 | debois/elm-parts | Elm library to reduce Elm Architecture boilerplate | 50 |
125 | evancz/elm-markdown | Markdown parsing within Elm | 50 |
126 | elm-lang/svg | Fast SVG in Elm | 50 |
127 | evancz/elm-effects | DEPRECATED. Moved to elm-lang/core | 49 |
128 | Bogdanp/elm-datepicker | A reusable date picker component in Elm. | 49 |
129 | svard/elm-phoenix | Native Phoenix channels in Elm | 48 |
130 | Dobiasd/Breakout | A clone of the classical game for your browser. | 48 |
131 | mgold/elm-socketio | Socket.io wrapper for Elm. | 47 |
132 | grzegorzbalcerek/elm-by-example | A tutorial for the Elm programming language | 47 |
133 | etaque/elm-route-parser | Route parser for Elm, based on parser combinators | 47 |
134 | etaque/elm-routing-example | SPA routing example for Elm 0.17 | 46 |
135 | wuct/elm-charts | A pure Elm chart library π | 45 |
136 | moroshko/sliding-puzzle | Sliding puzzle built in Elm | 45 |
137 | elm-lang/websocket | Websockets for Elm | 44 |
138 | abadi199/elm-creditcard | π³ Pretty credit card form built with Elm | 44 |
139 | evancz/focus | A library for getting and setting values in deeply nested data structures. | 44 |
140 | sectore/haskell-elm-todo-app | Todo app build with Haskell (server-side) and Elm (client-side) | 44 |
141 | jschomay/elm-narrative-engine | A framework for building interactive fiction style stories in Elm. Play a sample story: https://jschomay.github.io/ene-dev/sample-stories/mystery-of-the-missing-marbles/ | 43 |
142 | irh/asteroids | An Asteroids clone written in Elm | 43 |
143 | mukeshsoni/frolic | Learn elm faster and in a fun way | 42 |
144 | Bogdanp/elm-ast | A parser for Elm in Elm. | 42 |
145 | mattjbray/servant-elm | Automatically derive Elm functions to query servant webservices | 42 |
146 | madsflensted/elm-brunch | Brunch plugin to compile Elm code | 41 |
147 | ThomasWeiser/todomvc-elmfire | TodoMVC Firebase in Elm ElmFire | 41 |
148 | rgrempel/elm-web-api | Elm bindings for various web APIs | 41 |
149 | arturopala/elm-monocle | Monocle-inspired library providing purely functional abstractions to manipulate complex records for elm-lang | 40 |
150 | w0rm/elm-mogee | A WebGL platformer that fits into 64x64px screen | 39 |
151 | saschatimme/elm-phoenix | An Elm client for Phoenix Channels | 39 |
152 | thebritican/elm-calendar | Reusable Calendar widget written in Elm | 38 |
153 | agrafix/elm-bridge | Haskell: Derive Elm types from Haskell types | 38 |
154 | krisajenkins/elm-dialog | A modal library for Elm | 38 |
155 | sonnym/node-elm-loader | 38 | |
156 | splodingsocks/elm-starter | A starter kit for writing front-end apps with Elm | 37 |
157 | steos/elmar.js | Elm Architecture for JavaScript | 37 |
158 | Diamond/elm_articles | Elm/Phoenix Article List | 36 |
159 | gdotdesign/elm-github-install | Install Elm packages directly from Github | 35 |
160 | elmasse/elmasse-bundle | A Resource bundle implementation for ExtJS | 34 |
161 | simonh1000/elm-fullstack-starter | Elm (0.18), Gulp, Sass Starter with optional Express server | 33 |
162 | JoeyEremondi/haskelm | Haskell to Elm translation using Template Haskell. Contains both a library and executable. | 32 |
163 | ScrambledEggsOnToast/2048-elm | A clone of 2048 using FRP in elm. | 29 |
164 | justinwoo/elm-simple-loader | A simple Webpack loader for Elm sources. Uses your system Elm installation. | 29 |
165 | evancz/virtual-dom | DEPRECATED. Full rewrite in elm-lang/virtual-dom | 27 |
166 | aepsil0n/electron-elm-hello | Basic application skeleton for desktop apps using the Elm programming language | 27 |
167 | eeue56/elm-static-html | 27 | |
168 | kaleidos/olmo | Attempt to bring Elm's Architecture to JavaScript. | 27 |
169 | philopon/gulp-elm | Gulp plugin that compiles Elm files to JavaScript. | 26 |
170 | mukeshsoni/elm-instant | atom package to try your elm code from the editor. Provides a visual REPL and a preview pane | 26 |
171 | agrafix/elm-react | React bindings for Elm | 25 |
172 | alexeygolev/elm-architecture-using-ramda-and-flyd | Elm architecture implemented in javascript using ramda and flyd | 25 |
173 | mozilla/elmo | Elmo | 24 |
174 | avh4/elm-upgrade | Upgrade Elm projects | 23 |
175 | adam-r-kowalski/Elm-Css | Use the full power of Elm to generate CSS thats both elegant and expressive | 22 |
176 | andrewgleave/OpenElm | Open Elm Project | 21 |
177 | mybuddymichael/linter-elm-make | Lint your Elm files in Atom with elm-make | 21 |
178 | mattludwigs/elm-version-manager | Manage local Elm versions: https://www.npmjs.com/package/elm-version-manager | 21 |
179 | yelouafi/snabbdom-todomvc | TodoMVC using snabbdom and Elm architecture | 21 |
180 | nickbalestra/E2 | E2 (Elm, Express) - A Simple, Scalable and Easy starting point for full stack web development. | 21 |
181 | Diamond/livechat-elm | The LiveChat repository, except with Elm powering the chat code | 20 |
182 | justinwoo/cycle-elm-etch-sketch | Little demo using Elm from Cycle.js as a driver | 19 |
183 | joefiorini/hi-elm | 19 | |
184 | leahsteinberg/co | collaborative text editor, uses woot. front end in Elm, back in node. | 18 |
185 | Gozala/elmjs | Elm in JS | 18 |
186 | jwmerrill/elm-animation-frame | An Elm Signal that is synchronized with the monitor's refresh rate. | 18 |
187 | TheSeamau5/elm-storage | Local Storage in Elm | 18 |
188 | salsita/redux-elm-skeleton | Skeleton project for quick start with redux-elm | 18 |
189 | kevva/elm-bin | elm-platform bin-wrapper that makes it seamlessly available as a local dependency | 17 |
190 | elmahio/Elmah.Io.ElasticSearch | Elmah.Io.ElasticSearch is a ElasticSearch storage backend for ELMAH. | 17 |
191 | jackfranklin/elm-boilerplate | Starting point for Elm-Lang projects | 17 |
192 | GabiGrin/ElmFiddle.io | Source code for Elm snippet sharing website elmfiddle.io | 17 |
193 | JoeyEremondi/haskelm-old | Haskell to Elm translation using Template Haskell. Contains both a library and executable. | 17 |
194 | brabadu/tanok | Elm Architecture-inspired wrapper for Rx.js React | 16 |
195 | rtfeldman/grunt-elm | Grunt plugin that compiles Elm files to JavaScript. | 16 |
196 | ohanhi/elm-ement | The "Hello world" of Elm Web Components. | 16 |
197 | joefiorini/elm-routing-example | 16 | |
198 | tazjin/elm-yesod | elm-yesod contains the Language.Elm.Yesod module for embedding Elm code in Yesod applications. | 16 |
199 | garbles/elm-generate | Generate boilerplate code because Elm doesn't do code generation yet. | 15 |
200 | rayshih/fun-react | Elm like js framework built on top of cycle-react. | 15 |
201 | keuller/vuelm | Elm-inspired Application State Management for Vue.js. | 15 |
202 | johnpmayer/elm-linear-algebra | 14 | |
203 | christianalfoni/exploring-elm-boilerplate | A boilerplate used in an article series exploring Elm | 14 |
204 | etaque/elm-dialog | Modals for Elm | 14 |
205 | GabiGrin/elm-codemirror | CodeMirror wrapper for Elm | 14 |
206 | danneu/generator-elm | a yeoman generator for elm 0.17 webpack project boilerplate | 14 |
207 | ohanhi/polymer-in-elm | Experimenting with using Polymer elements in Elm applications | 14 |
208 | purcell/servant-elm | WIP: Generate Elm modules which talk to Haskell Servant APIs | 13 |
209 | NoRedInk/elm-moment | A Moment port to Elm | 13 |
210 | greim/elmsweeper | A minesweeper clone written in Elm | 13 |
211 | sgillis/elm-highcharts | Elm bindings for Highcharts | 13 |
212 | amitaibu/elm-leaflet | For better integration see elm-hedley | 13 |
213 | panosoft/elm-node-main | Node main for Server-side Elm programs | 13 |
214 | paparga/elmish-react | 12 | |
215 | Nazanin1369/elm-memoryGame | Memory game using Elm | 12 |
216 | ivanoats/elm-brunch-starter | A Brunch template for Elm Start-App apps | 12 |
217 | Kriegslustig/meteor-elm-make | Build Elm inside your Meteor app | 12 |
218 | CodeTownOfficial/html-to-elm | Atom package to convert selected html to elm. | 12 |
219 | valrus/undertale-dialog-generator | A WIP Elm project for generating Undertale dialog boxes. | 12 |
220 | camargo/ng-elm | Write Angular 2 components in Elm. | 11 |
221 | sonnym/elm-expressway | Scaffolding for multi-user Elm applications via Gulp, Express, and SockJS. | 11 |
222 | ronnross/elm-detector | Chrome extension that detects Elm apps as you browse | 11 |
223 | OvermindDL1/elm-jsphoenix | Elm Port wrapper around Phoenix Socket/Presence javascript library to allow compatibility with existing javascript websocket usage | 11 |
224 | BartAdv/elm-architecture-tutorial-reflex | Elm architecture tutorial reworked in Haskell' Reflex library | 11 |
225 | ccellar/nlog-elmah-target | A target for NLog which routes exceptions to ELMAH | 11 |
226 | johnpmayer/elm-protoc | Elm utility for generating Elm & Native JavaScript source for Google Protocol Buffers | 8 |
227 | JustusAdam/elm-init | Initialise scaffolding for a new Elm project | 8 |
228 | maxsnew/hakyll-elm | Hakyll wrapper for the Elm (http://elm-lang.org) compiler | 7 |
229 | lachenmayer/arrowsmith | Augmented editor for Elm. | 7 |
230 | JoeyEremondi/elm-build-lib | A library for compiling Elm to JavaScript from within Haskell | 5 |
231 | yogsototh/transient-example | A transient example with stack. See https://www.reddit.com/r/elm/comments/4wq3ko/playing_with_websockets_in_haskell_and_elm/d69o11p | 4 |
Inspired by awesome repo rxjs-ecosystem. Thanks Nick