What are the most popular libraries in the Elm ecosystem?
Number | Name | Description | Stars |
1 | elm-lang/elm-compiler | Compiler for Elm, a functional language for reliable webapps. | 3689 |
2 | elm-lang/elm-lang.org | Server and client code for the Elm website. | 1222 |
3 | elm-lang/core | Elm's core libraries | 956 |
4 | ohanhi/elm-native-ui | WIP experiment: Build mobile apps in Elm using React Native. | 942 |
5 | evancz/elm-todomvc | Proper implementation of the TodoMVC app | 735 |
6 | avh4/elm-format | elm-format formats Elm source code according to a standard set of rules based on the official Elm Style Guide | 654 |
7 | debois/elm-mdl | Elm-port of the Material Design Lite CSS/JS library | 621 |
8 | elm-lang/elm-platform | Bundle of all core development tools for Elm | 578 |
9 | izdi/elm-cheat-sheet | An overview of Elm syntax and features | 527 |
10 | rtfeldman/elm-css | Elm CSS preprocessor that lets you use union types rather than Strings for your classes and IDs | 515 |
11 | gdotdesign/elm-ui | UI library for making web applications with Elm | 505 |
12 | evancz/react-elm-components | Write React components in Elm | 451 |
13 | evancz/start-app | DEPRECATED. Moved to elm-lang/html | 412 |
14 | evancz/elm-html | DEPRECATED. Moved to elm-lang/html | 348 |
15 | elm-lang/elm-reactor | Interactive development tool that makes it easy to develop and debug Elm programs. | 346 |
16 | eeue56/take-home | A take-home application written in Elm and only Elm | 316 |
17 | sporto/hop | Navigation and routing helpers for single page applications in Elm | 307 |
18 | terezka/elm-plot | 📈 Plotting library in Elm! | 297 |
19 | sporto/elm-tutorial | A guide to building web applications using Elm | 296 |
20 | knewter/time-tracker | An example Single Page Application in Elm, using elm-mdl for the UI, with a Phoenix backend. | 288 |
21 | Gizra/elm-hedley | Elm web app with Headless Drupal backend | 280 |
22 | ravichugh/sketch-n-sketch | Direct Manipulation Programming for SVG | 277 |
23 | sporto/elm-tutorial-app | An example Elm single page application | 255 |
24 | knowthen/elm | Source companion for the Elmlang course at | 223 |
25 | mdgriffith/elm-style-animation | The style animation library for Elm! | 218 |
26 | deadfoxygrandpa/elm-test | A unit testing framework for Elm | 211 |
27 | w0rm/elm-flatris | A Flatris clone in Elm language | 195 |
28 | mbylstra/html-to-elm | An online tool for converting HTML to elm-html. Go to | 192 |
29 | matthieu-beteille/gipher | tinder like app for gifs built with elm and firebase | 191 |
30 | rgrempel/elm-route-url | Router for single-page-apps in Elm | 180 |
31 | eeue56/json-to-elm | Create Elm type aliases and decoders based on JSON input | 172 |
32 | elm-community/elm-test | Write unit and fuzz tests for your Elm code, in Elm. | 171 |
33 | evancz/elm-sortable-table | Sortable tables for whatever data you want to display | 169 |
34 | ThomasWeiser/elmfire | Firebase Bindings for Elm | 167 |
35 | fbonetti/elm-phoenix-socket | Pure Elm state manager for Phoenix channels | 164 |
36 | elm-lang/html | Use HTML in Elm! | 161 |
37 | elm-lang/navigation | Routing for SPAs, the Elm way | 160 |
38 | rtfeldman/elm-workshop | An introductory Elm workshop. Video available on Frontend Masters! | 158 |
39 | johnpmayer/elm-webgl | Functional 3D Rendering with WebGL in Elm | 157 |
40 | elm-lang/elm-package | Command line tool to share Elm libraries | 154 |
41 | NoRedInk/elm-decode-pipeline | A pipeline-friendly library for building decoders. | 149 |
42 | robertjlooby/elm-koans | A set of koans for learning Elm | 144 |
43 | elm-lang/elm-repl | A REPL for Elm | 140 |
44 | ythecombinator/safadometro | 👼 Polyglot implementations of "safadeza" calculus. | 135 |
45 | thebritican/elm-autocomplete | Autocomplete for Elm apps; in Elm | 131 |
46 | zalando/elm-street-404 | A fun WebGL game built with Elm | 130 |
47 | pdamoc/elmChallenges | A learning project for Elm programming language | 125 |
48 | jcollard/elmtris | A Tetris game for the web browser written in Elm | 125 |
49 | eeue56/servelm | Server-side Elm | 124 |
50 | ohanhi/elm-taco | 🌮 — a simple concept for managing common information in large Elm SPAs. | 117 |
51 | etaque/tacks | Real-time multiplayer sailing game, in your browser | 116 |
52 | elm-lang/elm-make | A build tool for Elm projects | 114 |
53 | elm-community/builtwithelm | A list of projects and apps built with Elm. | 113 |
54 | etaque/elm-form | Forms handling in Elm | 113 |
55 | elm-lang/persistent-cache | Persistent cache, exposing localStorage functionality in a nicer way | 110 |
56 | Gizra/elm-spa-example | 104 | |
57 | niksilver/elm-explained | Demo code to explain basic features of the Elm language | 102 |
58 | rundis/albums | Sample application for my blog series on creating a Single Page CRUD app using Elm and Haskell | 102 |
59 | elm-lang/package.elm-lang.org | website for browsing packages and exploring documentation | 100 |
60 | evancz/elm-http | DEPRECATED. This library is now called elm-lang/http | 96 |
61 | hercules-ci/hercules | Continuous Integration for Nix projects | 94 |
62 | TheSeamau5/elm-router | Easy routing in Elm | 93 |
63 | TheSeamau5/elm-checkerboardgrid-tutorial | Tutorial on Container Components in Elm | 92 |
64 | slawrence/vessel | A "tunnel" game written in Elm! | 89 |
65 | mxgrn/pairs.one | Source code for http://pairs.one | 87 |
66 | stephenbalaban/Gravity | An orbital simulation game written in Elm | 85 |
67 | NoRedInk/elm-rails | Convenience functions for using Elm with Rails. | 85 |
68 | massung/elm-hn | Hacker News in Elm | 84 |
69 | evancz/first-person-elm | First-person navigation in a simple 3D world, written in Elm | 82 |
70 | gkubisa/elm-app-boilerplate | Base project for Elm applications | 82 |
71 | elm-lang/virtual-dom | The foundation of HTML and SVG in Elm. | 81 |
72 | rogeriochaves/elm-peer-tweet | Decentralized feeds using BitTorrent's DHT. Based on lmatteis' peer-tweet. | 78 |
73 | elm-lang/error-message-catalog | A catalog of broken Elm programs / data to improve error messages | 77 |
74 | lukewestby/elm-http-builder | elm-http-builder | 76 |
75 | evancz/TodoFRP | Basic Todo list example, written with FRP in Elm | 75 |
76 | eeue56/elm-phoenix | Phoenix helpers for Elm | 75 |
77 | yupferris/elmsteroids | A non-trivial Asteroids clone written in Elm. | 74 |
78 | CiscoCloud/mantl-ui-frontend | Mantl-UI frontend code | 74 |
79 | eeue56/elm-server-side-renderer | Render elm on the server | 73 |
80 | rtfeldman/node-test-runner | Runs elm-test suites from Node.js. Get it with npm install -g elm-test | 70 |
81 | andrewsuzuki/elm-todo-rest-api | Modular, heavily-documented Elm todo app with a json rest api | 68 |
82 | elm-community/parser-combinators | A parser combinator library for Elm. | 68 |
83 | irh/circles | A sound toy written in Elm | 66 |
84 | elm-community/elm-route | A library for parsing routes. | 64 |
85 | yang-wei/elmflux | Visualization of Elm Signals | 63 |
86 | TheSeamau5/elm-check | Property Based Testing in Elm | 62 |
87 | twopoint718/elmchat | Using elm to make a simple chatroom | 62 |
88 | elm-community/elm-datepicker | A reusable date picker component in Elm. | 61 |
89 | krisajenkins/elm-export | Create Elm types and JSON decoders from Haskell source. | 61 |
90 | evancz/elm-markdown | Markdown parsing within Elm | 60 |
91 | jinjor/elm-time-travel | An experimental debugger for Elm | 60 |
92 | srid/chronicle | Forming reliable memories. | 60 |
93 | jackfranklin/elmplayground | An Elm blog, written in Elm, about Elm. | 59 |
94 | saschatimme/elm-phoenix | An Elm client for Phoenix Channels | 58 |
95 | libreirc/libreirc | 💓 IRC Client for everyone! | 58 |
96 | abadi199/elm-creditcard | 💳 Pretty credit card form built with Elm | 57 |
97 | jessitron/elm-sydron | a first elm app. Hits the github API for events for a hard-coded repository. | 57 |
98 | debois/elm-parts | Elm library to reduce Elm Architecture boilerplate | 57 |
99 | Gizra/generator-elmlang | Yo generator for Elm | 56 |
100 | elm-lang/svg | Fast SVG in Elm | 56 |
101 | etaque/elm-transit-router | DEPRECATED - Drop-in router with transitions for animated, single page apps in Elm. | 56 |
102 | arturopala/elm-monocle | Monocle-inspired library providing purely functional abstractions to manipulate complex records for elm-lang | 56 |
103 | haskell-servant/example-servant-elm | Example for a web app with a servant backend and an elm frontend | 56 |
104 | circuithub/elm-bootstrap-html | Html shorthand for Bootstrap | 55 |
105 | mattjbray/servant-elm | Automatically derive Elm functions to query servant webservices | 55 |
106 | evancz/url-parser | Parse URLs into nicely structured data | 54 |
107 | krisajenkins/remotedata | Tools for fetching data from remote sources (incl. HTTP). | 54 |
108 | mgold/elm-socketio | Socket.io wrapper for Elm. | 52 |
109 | evancz/elm-effects | DEPRECATED. Moved to elm-lang/core | 52 |
110 | elm-lang/websocket | Websockets for Elm | 51 |
111 | lpil/elixre | An Elixir regular expression editor & tester, with Elm! | 50 |
112 | Dobiasd/Breakout | A clone of the classical game for your browser. | 49 |
113 | evancz/focus | A library for getting and setting values in deeply nested data structures. | 49 |
114 | etaque/elm-route-parser | Route parser for Elm, based on parser combinators | 49 |
115 | sectore/haskell-elm-todo-app | Todo app build with Haskell (server-side) and Elm (client-side) | 48 |
116 | svard/elm-phoenix | Native Phoenix channels in Elm | 48 |
117 | jschomay/elm-narrative-engine | A framework for building interactive fiction style stories in Elm. Play a sample story: https://jschomay.github.io/ene-dev/sample-stories/mystery-of-the-missing-marbles/ | 48 |
118 | rluiten/elm-date-extra | Elm Date Extra library add/subtract/diff/format etc dates | 47 |
119 | grzegorzbalcerek/elm-by-example | A tutorial for the Elm programming language | 47 |
120 | rundis/elm-bootstrap | Responsive and reliable web apps with Elm and Twitter Bootstrap | 47 |
121 | wuct/elm-charts | A pure Elm chart library 📈 | 47 |
122 | splodingsocks/elm-starter | A starter kit for writing front-end apps with Elm | 47 |
123 | exercism/xelm | 47 | |
124 | irh/asteroids | An Asteroids clone written in Elm | 46 |
125 | gampleman/elm-visualization | A visualization package for Elm (D3-like) | 46 |
126 | Bogdanp/elm-ast | A parser for Elm in Elm. | 46 |
127 | etaque/elm-routing-example | SPA routing example for Elm 0.17 | 46 |
128 | bigardone/phoenix-elm-battleship | The Good Old game, built with Elixir, Phoenix, and Elm. | 45 |
129 | elm-community/webgl | Functional Rendering with WebGL in Elm. | 44 |
130 | ThomasWeiser/todomvc-elmfire | TodoMVC Firebase in Elm ElmFire | 44 |
131 | rgrempel/elm-web-api | Elm bindings for various web APIs | 43 |
132 | Fresheyeball/elm-return | Writer powered pipelining for (model, Cmd msg) |
43 |
133 | myrho/dive | Build Prezi-like Presentations in Elm | 43 |
134 | agrafix/elm-bridge | Haskell: Derive Elm types from Haskell types | 42 |
135 | w0rm/elm-mogee | A WebGL platformer that fits into 64x64px screen | 41 |
136 | krisajenkins/elm-dialog | A modal library for Elm | 40 |
137 | abadi199/elm-horizon | 🌄 Experiment on elm integration with horizon | 40 |
138 | vilterp/lemur | Lemur: visual functional programming language that compiles to Python | 39 |
139 | thebritican/elm-calendar | Reusable Calendar widget written in Elm | 39 |
140 | simonh1000/elm-jwt | Jwt token helper functions for Elm | 38 |
141 | rtfeldman/elm-google-maps | Using Google Maps in Elm by way of Polymer | 38 |
142 | mgold/elm-animation | Animation library for Elm. | 38 |
143 | w0rm/elm-slice-show | A simple presentation engine in Elm | 38 |
144 | NoRedInk/elm-html-widgets | An elm-html widget library | 37 |
145 | jinjor/elm-devtool | An attempt to use Elm's debugger on Chrome DevTools | 37 |
146 | Lattyware/massivedecks | A Cards Against Humanity clone. | 37 |
147 | Dandandan/parser | Parser combinator library for Elm | 37 |
148 | TheSeamau5/elm-undo-redo | Easy undo in Elm | 37 |
149 | rogeriochaves/structured-elm-todomvc | Structured TodoMVC with Elm to exemplify real-world apps | 36 |
150 | adam-r-kowalski/elm-style | Idiomatic way to describe styles in Elm | 36 |
151 | srikumarks/elm-anima | An approach to animations within the Elm architecture | 36 |
152 | krisajenkins/elm-exts | A toolkit of useful extensions to the core Elm libraries. | 36 |
153 | jcollard/elm-audio | Audio playing capabilities in Elm | 36 |
154 | Zinggi/elm-2d-game | A small rendering engine for creating 2d games with elm, based on WebGL. | 36 |
155 | rtfeldman/elm-validate | Convenience functions for validating Elm data. | 36 |
156 | FireflyLogic/pewpew | Firefly Logic's 404 game | 36 |
157 | john-kelly/elm-postgrest | PostgREST Query Builder | 35 |
158 | knowthen/elm-beyond-basics | Source companion for the Elmlang course at | 35 |
159 | grzegorzbalcerek/ElmByExample | 35 | |
160 | jvoigtlaender/circuits | exploring elm interactive graphics (and also teaching my son some basic circuitry) - | 34 |
161 | jamesmacaulay/elm-composition-trees | A story about composing trees of computation | 34 |
162 | TheSeamau5/elm-history | Elm bindings to HTML5 History API | 34 |
163 | lorenzo/elm-webdriver | A library for controlling a browser using Elm and selenium | 33 |
164 | kevinbgreene/elm-tutorial | Source for tutorial on building a single page app in Elm | 33 |
165 | elm-lang/http | Make HTTP requests in Elm (with rate limiting or progress tracking) | 33 |
166 | klaftertief/elm-search | elm-search - an API search engine for all published Elm packages | 33 |
167 | jfcloutier/ev3 | Library for programming Mindstorm EV3 robots in Elixir | 33 |
168 | ohanhi/keyboard-extra | Nice handling for keyboard inputs in Elm | 32 |
169 | jmfirth/generator-elm-spa | A Yeoman generator single-page applications using the Elm language. | 32 |
170 | lukewestby/elm-http-extra | REPUBLISHED AS lukewestby/elm-http-builder FOR 0.17 | 32 |
171 | klemola/extending-tea | Example of an extension to The Elm Architecture | 32 |
172 | BlackBrane/destroid | A space shooter based on the classic Asteroids | 32 |
173 | JoeyEremondi/haskelm | Haskell to Elm translation using Template Haskell. Contains both a library and executable. | 32 |
174 | etaque/elm-transit | Delayed actions with transition progress for enter/exit animations in Elm. | 31 |
175 | evancz/elm-svg | DEPRECATED. Moved to elm-lang/svg | 30 |
176 | avh4/elm-testable | Makes Cmds and Tasks testable | 30 |
177 | stoeffel/elm-doc-test | 30 | |
178 | mordrax/cotwelm | Castle of the Winds (A Remake in Elm) | 30 |
179 | times/transfer-window-elm | Elm code for the Premier League 2016 summer transfer window interactive | 30 |
180 | kmaida/auth0-elm-with-jwt-api | Source Repo - Creating Your First Elm App: From Authentication to Calling an API | 30 |
181 | jamesmacaulay/elm-graphql | A GraphQL library for Elm | 30 |
182 | evancz/elm-graphics | The graphical building blocks that inspired Elm in the first place | 30 |
183 | Cimpress-MSWLSC/elm-workshop | An Elm workshop introducing several of the concepts in Elm 0.17 | 30 |
184 | passy/elm-pokemon | 30 | |
185 | mgold/elm-date-format | Format dates with ease in Elm | 30 |
186 | eeue56/elm-ffi | An FFI interface for Elm | 30 |
187 | lepoetemaudit/elm-terrain | A proof-of-concept terrain renderer using Elm WebGL | 30 |
188 | jschomay/elm-interactive-story-starter | Build your own interactive stories using the Elm Narrative Engine | 30 |
189 | krisajenkins/autoheadline | Generate Headlines from Hacker News | 30 |
190 | mdgriffith/style-elements | Create styles that don't mysteriously break! | 30 |
191 | ckoster22/lightning-talk-app | 30 | |
192 | ktonon/elm-serverless | Deploy an elm HTTP API to AWS Lambda using serverless | 29 |
193 | vilterp/elm-diagrams | An Elm library for creating diagrams, inspired by Brent Yorgey's Diagrams library for Haskell. | 29 |
194 | circuithub/elm-html-shorthand | Html shorthand for Elm | 29 |
195 | simonh1000/file-reader | Elm native bindings for HTML5 FileReader class | 29 |
196 | lukewestby/elm-synth | Example Elm application using Web Audio | 28 |
197 | yasuyuky/elmtrn | elm electron boiler plate | 28 |
198 | cuducos/cunhajacaiu | Brazilian website counting the days to the fall of Cunha | 28 |
199 | krisajenkins/formatting | A type-safe string formatting library. printf: elm style. | 28 |
200 | Dobiasd/Demoscene-Concentration | The classical memory game with old school demoscene effects. | 28 |
201 | maxsnew/IO | IO for Elm | 27 |
202 | evancz/elm-hack-night | 27 | |
203 | VerbalExpressions/elm-verbal-expressions | Elm Regular expressions made easy | 27 |
204 | Dobiasd/Maze | Test your mouse precision skills with this simple maze game. | 27 |
205 | jessitron/elm-sample | A starting point for Elm applications | 27 |
206 | ohanhi/elm-chronographify | 27 | |
207 | elm-community/elm-time | A pure Elm date and time library. | 26 |
208 | jweissman/mandos | tiny rogue clone | 26 |
209 | jvoigtlaender/elm-drag | A low- and high-level interface to mouse drag actions in Elm (up to version 0.16). | 26 |
210 | knewter/phoenix-elm-chat | 26 | |
211 | thSoft/froggy | A little puzzle game | 26 |
212 | jackfranklin/elm-for-js-developers-talk | 26 | |
213 | evancz/automaton | experimental library for Arrowized FRP in Elm | 26 |
214 | fredcy/localstorage | Elm effect manager for local storage | 25 |
215 | oakesja/elm-news | All elm news in one place | 25 |
216 | tapeinosyne/elm-microkanren | μKanren in Elm | 25 |
217 | ohanhi/elm-game-base | Example base for a game in Elm 0.18 | 24 |
218 | kfish/elm-shadertoy | Shadertoy for Elm | 24 |
219 | mgold/elm-random-pcg | Random number generator for Elm | 24 |
220 | maxsnew/lazy | Lazy Evaluation in Elm | 24 |
221 | Apanatshka/elm-signal-extra | (defunct as of Elm 0.17) Signal-related, advanced and convenience functions | 24 |
222 | quephird/polymer-with-elm | An illustration of how to incorporate Polymer components in an Elm app | 24 |
223 | eeue56/elm-all-dict | A dict for Elm which can store any type | 23 |
224 | simonewebdesign/elm-double-folding-pattern | Actions Events = 🐉 | 23 |
225 | maciejsmolinski/elm-playground | Elm Language Playground (projects). Demos: http://elm-playground.maciejsmolinski.com/ | 23 |
226 | adamw/traffic | 23 | |
227 | avh4/elm-transducers | Composable transformation of sequences using clojure-inspired transducers | 22 |
228 | mpdairy/elm-component-updater | Easily update and organize nested child components in Elm. | 22 |
229 | Dandandan/Easing | Easing (animation and timing) library for Elm | 22 |
230 | damienklinnert/elm-spinner | A highly configurable, efficiently rendered spinner component | 22 |
231 | CaronaBoard/caronaboard | Your car does not have to carry only you | 21 |
232 | w0rm/elm-webgl-playground | 21 | |
233 | evancz/elm-playground | 21 | |
234 | lukewestby/elm-i18n | DEPRECATED. SEE http://www.gizra.com/content/elm-i18n-type-safety/ | 21 |
235 | elm-lang/geolocation | Get location data from Elm | 21 |
236 | jinjor/elm-html-parser | Parse HTML in Elm! | 21 |
237 | rogeriochaves/elm-test-bdd-style | BDD-style matchers for elm-test | 21 |
238 | ccapndave/elm-update-extra | Convenience functions for chaining together updates in Elm | 21 |
239 | rtfeldman/lambdaconf-2015-elm-workshop | Materials for the Elm Workshop at LambdaConf 2015 | 21 |
240 | jystic/elm-font-awesome | Font Awesome vector icons as Elm HTML components | 21 |
241 | rluiten/mailcheck | Port to Elm of mailcheck.js, suggests domains for emails with errors. | 21 |
242 | newlandsvalley/elm-abc-player | Play music in ABC notation | 20 |
243 | belle-ui/elm-belle | Elm Components | 20 |
244 | elm-lang/dom | Low-level DOM bindings, backing for nicer libraries. | 20 |
245 | Fresheyeball/elm-http-server | node-http as a Signal (Request, Reponse) |
20 |
246 | doppioslash/CastleOfElm | Roguelike for 7DRL make in Elm | 20 |
247 | tiziano88/elm-protobuf | 20 | |
248 | grzegorzbalcerek/Preselm | A tool for creating presentations in Elm | 20 |
249 | Fresheyeball/lambdaconf-2016-elm-workshop | 20 | |
250 | Dobiasd/RedditTimeMachine | Check out what was hot on reddit days/weeks/months ago. | 20 |
251 | grzegorzbalcerek/chess-elm | The game of chess written in elm. | 19 |
252 | avh4/elm-beautiful-example | Create beautiful examples to show off your Elm packages and projects | 19 |
253 | Gizra/inbox-simulation | Inbox Simulation | 19 |
254 | IwalkAlone/elephant-guide | Magic: the Gathering deck tuning tool implementing the Elephant Method | 19 |
255 | vilterp/elm-tracing-interpreter | WIP: taking a stab at an interpreter for elm which embeds provenance information in output values | 18 |
256 | jahewson/elm-graphql-demo | Demo app for elm-graphql | 18 |
257 | powet/elm-pouchdb | Elm binding to the javascript pouchdb library | 18 |
258 | sporto/erl | URL parsing library for ELM | 18 |
259 | gdotdesign/elm-spec | End-to-end integration testing for Elm apps and components | 18 |
260 | joneshf/elm-brands | An experiment with higher-kinded types in elm | 18 |
261 | Fresheyeball/elm-node | Node support for Elm | 18 |
262 | domenkozar/hydra-frontend | Superseeded by https://github.com/hercules-ci/hercules | 18 |
263 | kalutheo/elm-calendar-react-storybook | Simple demo of how ReactStoryBook can be used with an Elm App | 18 |
264 | debois/elm-dom | DOM traversal for Elm event-handlers | 18 |
265 | rtfeldman/elm-web-workers | Write Elm code that talks to Web Workers. | 18 |
266 | fredcy/elm-polymer-calendar | 18 | |
267 | abadi199/datetimepicker | 📅 Date and Time Picker | 18 |
268 | folkertdev/elm-state | Threading state through computations in elm | 18 |
269 | mthadley/thenews | Yet another Hacker News reader, but this time in Elm! | 18 |
270 | plentiful/shop | Publish and sell digital goods | 18 |
271 | AlexNisnevich/kalevala | Multiplayer tile-laying board game in Elm | 18 |
272 | eeue56/elm-fuse | Fuse support in Elm | 17 |
273 | mpdairy/elm-frontier | automatic json conversion and external function calls with task response | 17 |
274 | lambdatoast/elm-json | A library for convenient and composable translation between JSON and Elm types | 17 |
275 | panosoft/elm-postgres | Postgres Effects Manager for Elm | 17 |
276 | elmzed/elmz | 17 | |
277 | billperegoy/elm-quickstart | Starting point for a simple Elm project | 17 |
278 | mcapodici/capodicis-notes | Source for the Chrome Extension of the same name | 17 |
279 | GlenDC/trixel | An easy to use webtool, to make trixel art. | 17 |
280 | elm-lang/trampoline | Crazy recursion without growing the stack. | 17 |
281 | jastice/boxes-and-bubbles | A simple-as-possible 2D physics rigid-body physics engine for Elm. | 17 |
282 | noahzgordon/elm-jsonapi | decoders and helper functions for handling JSON API compliant server payloads | 17 |
283 | avh4/elm-animations | 17 | |
284 | TheSeamau5/flex-html | Flexbox layout for elm-html | 17 |
285 | elm-electron/electron | Electron integration for Elm | 17 |
286 | Gizra/elm-i18n-example | 17 | |
287 | JoeyEremondi/haskelm-old | Haskell to Elm translation using Template Haskell. Contains both a library and executable. | 17 |
288 | elm-community/elm-list-extra | DEPRECATED; use elm-community/list-extra | 16 |
289 | OpenSensorsIO/eventsource | Server Side Events (eventsource) library for Elm | 16 |
290 | mikegehard/elm-minesweeper | A minesweeper game built in Elm. | 16 |
291 | thebritican/elm-reorderable | a reorderable library in Elm, advanced example with tabs | 16 |
292 | tazjin/elm-yesod | elm-yesod contains the Language.Elm.Yesod module for embedding Elm code in Yesod applications. | 16 |
293 | sircharleswatson/elm-navigation-example | example for the new elm-lang/navigation and evancz/url-parser packages | 16 |
294 | Skinney/elm-array-exploration | New array implementation for Elm | 16 |
295 | robertjlooby/confsinfo | 16 | |
296 | michaelbjames/elm-examples | Some pleasant examples that show off the reactor and get you started | 16 |
297 | kghandhi/pacman | Pacman implementation in Elm | 16 |
298 | NickSeagull/wihere | 🎧 - Wireless Headphone Refresher | 16 |
299 | mgold/elm-nonempty-list | head and tail without the Maybe | 16 |
300 | abrykajlo/elm-scroll | An Elm Library for scrolling through a page | 16 |
301 | tomjkidd/elm-multiway-tree-zipper | A library for navigating and updating immutable trees. | 16 |
302 | eeue56/elm-html-test | Test elm-html in Elm! | 16 |
303 | billperegoy/elm-form-validations | Form Validation Library for Elm | 16 |
304 | jackfranklin/do-you-even-elm | How much Elm do you do? | 16 |
305 | WorksApplications/office-maker | 16 | |
306 | pekkosk/hotbit | ASE density-functional tight-binding calculator | 16 |
307 | prikhi/bodyweight-client | An Elm Frontend for a BodyWeight Workout Logging Application. | 16 |
308 | elm-lang/animation-frame | Somewhat low-level API for getting smoother animations with requestAnimationFrame | 16 |
309 | BrianHicks/candy-and-allowances | Candy and Allowances Code | 16 |
310 | myrho/elm-round | Round floats (mathematically/commercially) to a given number of decimal places | 15 |
311 | bmatcuk/elm-webaudio | Elm library for accessing the Web Audio API | 15 |
312 | derkyjadex/elm-rays | 15 | |
313 | nacmartin/elm-webgl-lessons | A series of lessons in elm-webgl | 15 |
314 | folkertdev/outmessage | Streamlining parent-child communication with The Elm Architecture | 15 |
315 | danyx23/elm-uuid | Generate and parse UUIDs in Elm | 15 |
316 | lukewestby/cta-app | A CTA timing app built with Elm | 15 |
317 | rtfeldman/elm-codify | A tool to generate Elm decoders, encoders, and type aliases from JSON. | 15 |
318 | er1kb/elm-probabilities | Probability distributions in Elm-lang | 15 |
319 | chrisbuttery/elm-subscriptions | Basic examples of the migration of Signals to subscriptions in Elm 0.17. |
15 |
320 | gdotdesign/elm-ui-examples | Examples applications for Elm-UI | 15 |
321 | elm-lang/cookie | Would it be better to use the Set-Cookie header? | 15 |
322 | vorce/lagun | UI for Open API (fka Swagger) specs | 15 |
323 | paramanders/elm-twitch-chat | Elm powered Twitch chat using WebSockets | 14 |
324 | ThomasWeiser/elmfire-extra | High-level API for ElmFire | 14 |
325 | evancz/local-channel | Helps you write self-contained components in Elm | 14 |
326 | justinmimbs/elm-date-selector | A user interface for selecting dates | 14 |
327 | lukewestby/worker | DEPRECATED AS OF ELM 0.18 | 14 |
328 | opensolid/geometry | 2D/3D geometry package for Elm | 14 |
329 | darrensiegel/elm-chess | Human vs computer chess game entirely in Elm | 14 |
330 | elm-tools/parser | Simple Parser Nice Error Messages | 14 |
331 | benansell/elm-webpack-seed | A starter project for elm apps using webpack and elm-css | 14 |
332 | stefankreitmayer/elm-joust | Action game for two players - written in Elm | 14 |
333 | justinmimbs/elm-date-extra | Extra functions for working with Date | 14 |
334 | TheSeamau5/GraphicsEngine | 3D Graphics Engine in Elm | 13 |
335 | zaboco/elm-draggable | An easy way to make DOM elements draggable | 13 |
336 | eeue56/elm-flat-matrix | Flat matrix implementation for Elm | 13 |
337 | panosoft/elm-utils | Utility functions for Elm programs | 13 |
338 | chrisbuttery/elm-github-user-repos | Look up public repos of a github user. | 13 |
339 | mbylstra/elm-events | Website: Upcoming Elm Events | 13 |
340 | avh4/elm-aws-cognito | Example of using AWS Cognito in Elm via ports | 13 |
341 | elm-community/maybe-extra | Convenience functions for working with Maybe. | 13 |
342 | lukewestby/elm-drum-machine | A drum machine built with Elm | 13 |
343 | xarvh/elm-audio | Basic tasks interface for HTML5 Audio object | 13 |
344 | elm-community/list-extra | Convenience functions for working with List. | 13 |
345 | iosphere/elm-logger | Elm logger with support for log levels and colored console output | 13 |
346 | artisonian/horizon-elm-chat-app | Horizon chat example ported to Elm | 13 |
347 | khusnetdinov/elmkit | 🎒 Elm kit is web application boilerplate kit for development. This kit build on Brunch, Node, Sass, Elm-lang. It helps you to start development more productive following best practices. | 13 |
348 | ggb/numeral-elm | Numeral.js port to Elm | 13 |
349 | toastal/return-optics | Extending Return with Lenses to do fun things in the Elm update function | 13 |
350 | toastal/elm-applicatives-and-json-decoders | 13 | |
351 | mwunsch/hive-city | The hives of Necromunda rise from the ash wastes like sheer mountain peaks. | 13 |
352 | purcell/servant-elm | WIP: Generate Elm modules which talk to Haskell Servant APIs | 13 |
353 | eskimoblood/elm-color-extra | 🎨 Additional color handling for Elm | 12 |
354 | jinjor/elm-video-chat | video chat system by Elm | 12 |
355 | joneshf/elm-proof | 12 | |
356 | stoeffel/elm-online | Subscribe to online/offline events 📶 | 12 |
357 | mathieul/brunch-with-elm-bootstrap | Brunch skeleton for Elm apps using Babel for ES6, Sass for the stylesheets and Bootstrap 4. | 12 |
358 | sporto/elm-tutorial-assets | Code for elm-tutorial.org | 12 |
359 | brenden/elm-tree-diagram | Elm package for drawing diagrams of trees | 12 |
360 | scottcorgan/elm-css-normalize | A port of normalize.css for elm-css | 12 |
361 | BrianHicks/elm-benchmark | Benchmarking for Elm | 12 |
362 | Fresheyeball/elm-guards | guards notation defined in user space | 12 |
363 | virasak/angular-elm | AngularJS directive for Elm module | 12 |
364 | tiziano88/elm-oauth | OAuth client for elm | 12 |
365 | sgraf812/elm-graph | This repository moved to https://github.com/elm-community/graph | 12 |
366 | kasbah/mooltipass.hid-app | Chrome application to communicate with the Mooltipass. | 12 |
367 | project-fuzzball/test | Deprecated, please see: | 12 |
368 | nphollon/into-the-heavens | 12 | |
369 | Kriegslustig/meteor-elm-meteor | Elm bindings for Meteor | 12 |
370 | rluiten/elm-text-search | Full text index engine in Elm language inspired by lunr.js. | 12 |
371 | blacktaxi/elm-random-secure | Generate cryptographically random values in Elm | 12 |
372 | dennisreimann/elm-bike-configurator | 🚴🏻 Pretty simple app for configuring a bike with colored components, written in Elm. | 12 |
373 | elm-lang/keyboard | Global keyboard events in Elm | 12 |
374 | rtfeldman/elm-node-app | Communication layer so Elm code can talk to Node.js code. | 12 |
375 | BartAdv/elm-architecture-tutorial-reflex | Elm architecture tutorial reworked in Haskell' Reflex library | 12 |
376 | NewMountain/Scorekeeper | A test application with a build process to practice Elm | 12 |
377 | netlify/netlify-playground | 12 | |
378 | stygianguest/Sierpinski | 12 | |
379 | esad/lot | Constaints-based spreadsheet prototype | 12 |
380 | krisajenkins/beeline-demo | A GeoHackDay hack of the BeeLine product | 12 |
381 | mblarsen/elm-fire-grocery | Simple Elm grocery list app with Firebase backend | 12 |
382 | not-fl3/isalive | Project pulse monitor with Rust backend and Elm frontend | 11 |
383 | NoRedInk/elm-string-extra | Convenience functions for working with Strings in Elm. | 11 |
384 | ir4y/elm-drf-client | 11 | |
385 | jinjor/elm-inline-hover | An utility for using :hover by inline style | 11 |
386 | liubko/elm-snake | A Snake game for the web browser written in Elm. | 11 |
387 | maxhoffmann/elm-http-request | 🔃 Example project which shows how to do HTTP Requests in Elm | 11 |
388 | ento/elambot | Slack bot in Elm running on AWS Lambda | 11 |
389 | chrisbuttery/elm-scroll-progress | A scroll progress indicator | 11 |
390 | eskimoblood/elm-wallpaper-editor | 🔺🔹🔺🔹🔺 Wallpaper Group Pattern Editor | 11 |
391 | jvoigtlaender/Elm-Kurs | Elm course held for high school students. | 11 |
392 | chrisbuttery/elm-simple-json-decoding | A playground of basic examples decoding a JSON object | 11 |
393 | scottcorgan/keyboard-combo | Handle keyboard key combinations with type safety in Elm | 11 |
394 | joneshf/elm-profunctors | 11 | |
395 | ohanhi/elm-web-data | 11 | |
396 | joaomilho/game-of-life-elm | A simple implementation of Game of Life on Elm | 11 |
397 | ccapndave/elm-hot-reload | State preserving hot reload in Elm | 11 |
398 | splodingsocks/the-cheese-palette | The source for The Cheese Palette's Web site | 11 |
399 | fosskers/elm-touch | Extended Touch library for Elm. | 11 |
400 | cotoami/cotoami | 11 | |
401 | Gizra/drupal-elm-starter | A starter kit for Headless Drupal with Elm | 10 |
402 | abadi199/elm-input-extra | 🔢 Commonly used Html element with extra functionality | 10 |
403 | silverio/lunar-viz | "Jeep problem" (applied to a moon rover) visualization using Elm | 10 |
404 | tim-patterson/elm-widgets | 10 | |
405 | mpizenberg/elm-touch-events | Handle multitouch events in elm | 10 |
406 | lukewestby/elm-codegen-preview | Preview the JS code generated by an Elm program | 10 |
407 | klemola/elm-convo-supreme | A basic chat room app implementation in Elm | 10 |
408 | netzwerg/elm-spider | An interactive spider in Elm | 10 |
409 | AdrianRibao/elm-spa-example | Elm SPA example using elm 0.18 | 10 |
410 | GoranM/bluepill | A small avoider game, written in Elm. | 10 |
411 | littleStudent/now_dashboard | ▲ZEIT dashboard written in elm | 10 |
412 | TheSeamau5/elm-material-icons | Material Icons in Elm | 10 |
413 | lourds-n-cie/cyto-acoustics | 10 | |
414 | AlexMost/2048 | 2048 implementation in elm | 10 |
415 | fredcy/elm-svg-mouse-offset | Example of getting mouse position relative to an SVG element | 10 |
416 | iosphere/elm-toast | Display toasts and other temporary notifications | 10 |
417 | toburger/elm-xml-parser | sample xml parser using elm-combine | 10 |
418 | JeremyBellows/elm-bootstrapify | A collection of functions to use the bootstrap theme in elm html | 10 |
419 | elm-community/elm-json-extra | DEPRECATED. Moved to elm-community/json-extra => | 10 |
420 | deadfoxygrandpa/HexGrid | A module for working with HexGrids in Elm | 10 |
421 | deadfoxygrandpa/AI-A-Modern-Approach-in-Elm | Implementations of parts of Russell and Norvig's AI book in the Elm programming language | 10 |
422 | jvoigtlaender/Elm-Tutorium | Elm tutorial held at http://nfa.imn.htwk-leipzig.de/HAL2015/ and in university course http://www.janis-voigtlaender.eu/teaching/ffp15/ | 10 |
423 | knewter/elm_web_components_playground | Playing with Elm and Polymer / Web Components | 10 |
424 | johnpmayer/celestia | Modular spaceship game in Elm | 10 |
425 | lukewestby/network-connection | Find out if the browser has a connection to the internet. | 10 |
426 | ahultgren/swagger-elm | Generate Elm types and decoders based on a Swagger file | 10 |
427 | sporto/elm-patterns | A collection of common patterns for Elm | 10 |
428 | truqu/elm-base64 | 10 | |
429 | xarvh/elm-slides | Awesome presentation framework to create your slides in Elm. | 10 |
430 | kgisl/project-ideas | Project ideas for students at KITE, KGCAS, IIM and anybody else! | 10 |
431 | joaomilho/elm-presentation | A humble presentation about Elm for the regular React developer | 10 |
432 | michaelbjames/elm-voronoi | Manhattan-style Voronoi diagram for the web! | 9 |
433 | Kwarrtz/render | A lightweight graphics library for the Elm programming language | 9 |
434 | KualiCo/ReConfigurator | A tool for reconfiguring formbot configs | 9 |
435 | rgrempel/elm-http-decorators | Additional functions for use with Elm's http module | 9 |
436 | hakonrossebo/functional-programming-babelfish | A cheat sheet for finding similar concepts and operators in different functional languages | 9 |
437 | Morendil/FunFun | Video games in Elm | 9 |
438 | lukewestby/elm-template | Type-safe Elm string templating with records. | 9 |
439 | sporto/elm-select | A selection input with auto-complete | 9 |
440 | tshm/elm-doctest | doctest runner against Elm-lang source files | 9 |
441 | simonh1000/elm-charts | Elm library for simple bar and pie charts | 9 |
442 | Skinney/collections-ng | Stable Array, Dict and Set implementations for Elm | 9 |
443 | etaque/elm-response | Response (model, Effects action) utilities in Elm Architecture. | 9 |
444 | jackfranklin/elm-game-of-life | Building Conway's Game of Life in Elm | 9 |
445 | geekyme/elm-css-modules | Webpack CSS Modules in Elm using ports and subscriptions | 9 |
446 | isovector/afro-kravitz | it's a guitar jammer | 9 |
447 | krisajenkins/the-prize | A Game | 9 |
448 | kintail/input-widget | Unified Elm shorthand for , and elements: | 9 |
449 | pinksalmon/elm-online-store | An example online store app written in elm | 9 |
450 | farmio/elm-demo-google-maps | Demo of elm-ports with Google Maps | 9 |
451 | deadfoxygrandpa/Roguelike | A roguelike in Elm | 9 |
452 | micktwomey/elm-0.17-dublin-elm-may-2016 | Elm 0.17 Presentation @ Dublin Elm Meetup 24th May 2016 | 9 |
453 | the-fool/fuzzy-elm | Feed-forward neural network toy -- in Elm! | 9 |
454 | burakcan/elm-weather | 9 | |
455 | wernerdegroot/listzipper | 9 | |
456 | rundis/elm-sweeper | 9 | |
457 | joneshf/elm-these | 9 | |
458 | suryagaddipati/elm-html | Elm html based on incremental dom instead of virtual dom | 9 |
459 | NoRedInk/elm-api-components | API components for use with Elm | 9 |
460 | spisemisu/elm-sha | 9 | |
461 | odedw/elm-plane | A flappy bird clone written in elm. | 9 |
462 | b52/elm-semantic-ui | Elm bindings for Semantic UI | 9 |
463 | lucasmreis/learning-elm | Repo for a collection of blog posts | 9 |
464 | halfzebra/elm-aframe | 😎 A-Frame bindings for Elm | 9 |
465 | thetalecrafter/elm-intl | Bindings to JavaScript Internationalization API | 9 |
466 | Southern-Exposure-Seed-Exchange/Order-Manager-Prototypes | Rough REST client/server prototypes for SESE's Order Manager. | 9 |
467 | lachenmayer/arrowsmith | Augmented editor for Elm. | 9 |
468 | JustusAdam/elm-init | Initialise scaffolding for a new Elm project | 9 |
469 | NoRedInk/rocket-update | A simpler alternative to (!) | 9 |
470 | G4BB3R/SokobanElm | Remake of the classical game Sokoban in Elm | 8 |
471 | vipentti/elm-mdl-dashboard | elm-mdl-dashboard Example | 8 |
472 | WeAreWizards/elm-rocket-lander | A simple rocket lander game written in Elm | 8 |
473 | blacktaxi/pwdgen | A modern password generation web app | 8 |
474 | jinjor/elm-debounce | Yet another debouncer for Elm | 8 |
475 | vic/elm-facebook | Use Facebook Javascript API from inside ELM | 8 |
476 | phuu/tweetdeck-elm | Elm experiment. | 8 |
477 | joneshf/elm-mom | 8 | |
478 | nmk/elm-highcharts-demo | A demonstration of Highcharts integration in Elm 0.17 | 8 |
479 | newlandsvalley/elm-soundfont | Elm 0.16 MIDI player using sound fonts and Web-Audio (deprecated) | 8 |
480 | Kinto/elm-kinto | An Elm client for the Kinto API | 8 |
481 | TheSeamau5/elm-spring | Spring-based animations in Elm | 8 |
482 | ir4y/elm-dnd | 8 | |
483 | jvoigtlaender/elm-memo | Most basic memoization functionality in Elm. | 8 |
484 | billperegoy/elm-spa | Sample Single Page Web App in Elm | 8 |
485 | circuithub/elm-angular-experiments | Interop experiments between elm and angular | 8 |
486 | davydog187/elm-tic-tac-toe | Game of tic tac toe written in elm and node.js | 8 |
487 | niksilver/elm-tag-bubbles | Tag bubbles written in Elm | 8 |
488 | lukewestby/elm-custom-element-demo | Demonstrates creating a custom element with an Elm app as its implementation | 8 |
489 | ElmLive/polyptych | Photo layout editor in Elm | 8 |
490 | ElmLive/lights-out | "Light's Out" game in Elm | 8 |
491 | elm-community/html-extra | Additional functions for working with Html. | 8 |
492 | styled-components/elm-styled | Styling your Html Elements with typed Css 💅 | 8 |
493 | tibastral/elm-koala | 8 | |
494 | jasalo/elm-routing-sass-boilerplate | An Elm boilerplate with routing and SASS compilation, using a bash and node | 8 |
495 | ElmLive/tangram-logo | 8 | |
496 | MacCASOutreach/graphicsvg | Graphics library authored by Chris Schankula and Dr. Christopher Anand | 8 |
497 | arnau/elm-elasticsearch | Unofficial Elasticsearch client library for Elm | 8 |
498 | gelisam/ludum-dare-35 | The theme for LD35 was: "shapeshift" | 8 |
499 | johnpmayer/elm-protoc | Elm utility for generating Elm & Native JavaScript source for Google Protocol Buffers | 8 |
500 | jweir/elm-iso8601 | Elm library to parse and convert ISO8601 times and dates | 8 |
501 | keep-the-lights-on/keep-the-lights-on | A payment tracker app for Founders and Coders alumni | 8 |
502 | satellite-of-love/elm-app-template | Atomist template for new Elm apps | 7 |
503 | elmbridge/elm-basics | Exercises for the morning part of the ElmBridge curriculum | 7 |
504 | wintvelt/elm-dropdown | Example of a dropdown in elm | 7 |
505 | joakimk/starsystem | Playing around with Elm and live code updates by building a game. | 7 |
506 | polytypic/elm-reactive-dom-with-lensed-state-toy | 7 | |
507 | raineorshine/elmfire-extra-hello-world | elmfire-extra example #1: Hello World | 7 |
508 | ivanacostarubio/lines-and-points-effect-elm | A small drawing / animation using SVG and ELM | 7 |
509 | norpan/elm-html5-drag-drop | This library handles dragging and dropping using the HTML 5 API | 7 |
510 | jackysee/tabata-timer | A tabata timer in Elm | 7 |
511 | Zinggi/elm-obj-loader | An elm library for importing wavefront .obj files into your WebGL application. | 7 |
512 | joneshf/elm-tail-recursion | 7 | |
513 | nerdinand/elm-qr-code | Eventually, this might become a QR-code generation library written in Elm. | 7 |
514 | wetmore/elm-text-editor | Simple modal text editor in Elm | 7 |
515 | krisajenkins/langtons-ant-elm | 7 | |
516 | simonh1000/elm-google-maps | Demo of Elm with Google Maps | 7 |
517 | naymspace/elm-bowling-game-kata | The Bowling Game Code Kata in elm | 7 |
518 | NoRedInk/elm-simple-fuzzy | http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/NoRedInk/elm-simple-fuzzy/latest | 7 |
519 | NigelThorne/elm-web-server | Simple web server in elm (just for fun) | 7 |
520 | eeue56/elm-alternative-json | An alternative to core's JSON decoder | 7 |
521 | toastal/elm-translation-example | Translations in Elm | 7 |
522 | turboMaCk/chae-tree | Create multi level navigation in elm easily. | 7 |
523 | shelakel/elm-validate | Validation library for elm supporting sync and async validation with state | 7 |
524 | burabure/elm-collision | Elm library to detect collision of geometry in coordinate space, AKA: are objects touching or overlapping? | 7 |
525 | samrat/elm-fractals | Drawing fractals with Elm. | 7 |
526 | simnalamburt/elm-practice | 🎓 Practice for Elm Effect Manager | 7 |
527 | krisajenkins/elm-astar | The A* pathfinding algorithm for Elm. | 7 |
528 | groob/elm-videos | 7 | |
529 | pdamoc/elm-hashids | 7 | |
530 | jfairbank/arch-elm | Code for talk "Toward a Better Front-end Architecture: Elm" | 7 |
531 | Bogdanp/elm-generate | Lazy list manipulation for Elm. | 7 |
532 | billstclair/elm-dynamodb | An Elm interface to Amazon DynamoDB | 7 |
533 | diogob/elm-workshop | Elm PostgREST workshop, building a simple database query user interface. | 7 |
534 | jinjor/elm-transition | A simple transition library for Elm | 7 |
535 | pablohirafuji/elm-markdown | Pure Elm markdown parsing and rendering | 7 |
536 | brainkim/elmy-bird | GO AWAY | 7 |
537 | tyrantwarship/elmtube | A very simple mockup of youtube written in elm and using their v3 api, that is it... | 7 |
538 | xnuk/elmhyeong | 난해한 혀엉... 언어 Elm 구현체 | 7 |
539 | Fresheyeball/elm-font-awesome | font awesome css helpers and icons | 7 |
540 | lynn/elm-arithmetic | Elm library for integer arithmetic and number theory | 7 |
541 | bgourlie/rs-nes-debugger-frontend | 7 | |
542 | elm-training/elm-training | Curriculum, exercises, and teaching materials for elm training. | 7 |
543 | danyx23/elm-movie-domino | 7 | |
544 | elm-community/string-extra | String helper functions for Elm. | 7 |
545 | avh4/elm-spec | 7 | |
546 | edvail/elm-polymer | 7 | |
547 | sporto/elm-dropdown | A dropdown component for Elm | 7 |
548 | aphorisme/elm-oprocesso | An elm framework for action passing. | 7 |
549 | eeue56/elm-html-in-elm | 7 | |
550 | jackfranklin/elm-github-info | Fetching info from GitHub using Elm | 7 |
551 | mattjbray/servant-elm-example-app | An example application using servant-elm. | 7 |
552 | plaxdan/elm-indexeddb-example | Persist Elm data structures to IndexedDB using ports and LocalForage. | 7 |
553 | maxsnew/hakyll-elm | Hakyll wrapper for the Elm (http://elm-lang.org) compiler | 7 |
554 | jcollard/random-examples | 7 | |
555 | hugobessaa/peerdocs | Graduation project p2p collaborative editor | 7 |
556 | shmookey/cmd-extra | Convenience functions for working with Cmd | 7 |
557 | xdissent/elm-localstorage | LocalStorage task adapter for Elm | 6 |
558 | makemeunsee/elm-maxims | Joshua Bloch's API design maxims as a service | 6 |
559 | lukewestby/elm-string-interpolate | Inject values from a list into a template. Useful for i18n and templated copy. | 6 |
560 | yotamDvir/elm-pivot | Pivot: a list with a cursor pointing at the center, like a zipper. | 6 |
561 | bakkemo/elm-collision | Efficient collision detection for Elm | 6 |
562 | otajor/elm-game-of-life | https://otajor.github.io/elm-game-of-life/ | 6 |
563 | simonh1000/json-interpreter | Online interpreter for Elm's Json.Decode library | 6 |
564 | alexspurling/elm-recipes | Mini tutorials for common use cases in Elm | 6 |
565 | apuchenkin/elm-nested-router | A simple nested router for Elm SPA | 6 |
566 | rupertlssmith/elmq | 6 | |
567 | camjc/elm-chart | An SVG chart library. | 6 |
568 | robertjlooby/elm-generic-dict | A dictionary and set implementation for Elm that accepts a user-provided comparer | 6 |
569 | phylor/elm-image-upload | Example how to upload images with elm 0.18 (taken from https://www.paramander.com/blog/using-ports-to-deal-with-files-in-elm-0-17) | 6 |
570 | ktonon/elm-serverless-demo | elm-serverless demo for latest release | 6 |
571 | noahzgordon/elm-jsonapi-http | HTTP negotiation with JSON API-compliant servers. Used in tandem with elm-jsonapi. | 6 |
572 | Pisys/elm-mousetouch | Unify touch/mouse events on HTML elements into a user defined signal | 6 |
573 | Chadtech/elm-prac-b | Short for 'Elm Practice 11', this is a space ship game wherein the user must collect resources orbiting a planet and overcome the difficulty of maintaining good orbits! | 6 |
574 | amilner42/meen-kickstarter | Mongo, Express, Elm, Node (with Typescript) Kickstarter for simple development! | 6 |
575 | KtorZ/elm-notification | Display toast notifications (success, info, warning, alert) in Elm | 6 |
576 | robinpokorny/video-voting | 📹 Simple video voting app in Elm | 6 |
577 | jhrcek/elm-graph-editor | Simple directed graph editor written in Elm | 6 |
578 | freakingawesome/drunk-label | Mistyping as a Service | 6 |
579 | chrisbuttery/elm-convert-case | Convert string cases with elm | 6 |
580 | elm-community/result-extra | Convenience functions for working with Result. | 6 |
581 | alexspurling/quickdraw | 6 | |
582 | john-kelly/elm-interactive-graphics | Incremental introduction to interactive graphics programs. | 6 |
583 | alepop/elm-notification | Elm Native bindings to Notification API | 6 |
584 | eeue56/elm-http-effects | 6 | |
585 | TheSeamau5/elm-loop | For-loops and While-loops in Elm immutably | 6 |
586 | elm-community/json-extra | Convenience functions for working with Json. | 6 |
587 | mcampbell/figuringoutelm | A place to put various experiments, documents, and such about the Elm programming language. | 6 |
588 | rogeriochaves/elm-test-example | 6 | |
589 | williamwhitacre/scaffold | Scaffold is a suite of modules for the Elm language intended to handle some of the rougher edges of using the Elm architecture in practice for complex single page applications with dynamic changing views and controls. Scaffold extends the StartApp library. I honor time-app for the idea to make time a fundamental argument in all control and view functions. Scaffold also introduces an intermediate stage between the controller and the presentation, called the staging function. | 6 |
590 | fredcy/elm-defer-command | Elm component that defers commands to the next browser animation frame | 6 |
591 | jcollard/elm-playground | 6 | |
592 | ElmLive/police-reform | 6 | |
593 | atomicits/elm-react-native | Build React Native Apps with Elm | 6 |
863 | rofrol/elm-navigation-example | elm-lang/navigation example without using hashes | 6 |
595 | opensolid/svg | Render 2D OpenSolid types as SVG | 6 |
596 | dillonkearns/mobster | A cross-platform mob programming timer built on web technologies | 6 |
597 | youpy/elm-midi | An Elm library for working with MIDI | 6 |
598 | keleshev/TankYou | Gameplay experiment in using WE/SD controls. Play: | 6 |
599 | krisajenkins/lunarlander | Lunar Lander, In Elm, in 90 Minutes | 6 |
600 | danyx23/elm-dropzone | Easily allow users to drop files into the browser in Elm | 6 |
601 | splodingsocks/elm-example-ajax | A small app that fetches Github users and renders them to a page. Exercise in AJAX with Elm. | 6 |
602 | coreyhaines/mazes | 6 | |
603 | poying/sloth.elm | A testing framework for Elm | 6 |
604 | eeue56/elm-flasked | 6 | |
605 | splodingsocks/mochahq | A GUI for easily running your mocha tests | 6 |
606 | joefiorini/elm-time-machine | 6 | |
607 | daveashworth/github-note-taker | A Sample Elm App for Viewing Github Profiles | 6 |
608 | athanclark/elm-debouncer | Debouncification for elm-ness | 6 |
609 | jjst/elmtimate-tictactoe | An implementation of ultimate tictactoe in Elm | 6 |
610 | elm-lang/window | Window size in Elm | 6 |
611 | w0rm/creating-a-fun-game-with-elm | Our slides from the ReactNL & Curry On conferences | 6 |
612 | wittjosiah/git-blame-canada | A git history of Justin Trudeau's time in office | 6 |
613 | joshuaclayton/quizzical | 6 | |
614 | rtfeldman/elm-css-helpers | Helpers for using elm-css with elm-html | 6 |
615 | avh4/elm-compile-html | Compile HTML templates into Elm code | 6 |
616 | phuu/talk-funjs-elm | 6 | |
617 | echaozh/elm-drag | Drag'n'drop support for Elm | 6 |
618 | id3as/elm-spa-template | 6 | |
619 | fbonetti/arduino_radar | Homemade radar using Arduino, Node.js, and Elm | 6 |
620 | mbylstra/paint-the-town-red | A very simple game written in the Elm Programming language. | 6 |
621 | ufocoder/sokoban | Sokoban game implementation on elm language | 6 |
622 | Leonti/elm-time-picker | Time Picker for Elm applications | 6 |
623 | archdragon/newspaper_elixir_phoenix_elm | Use Machine Learning to generate a fake newspaper. Experiment with Elixir, Phoenix and Elm. | 6 |
624 | rohanorton/elm-reorderable-list | Elm component for drag and drop html lists | 6 |
625 | lukewestby/battery-status | Keep track of the user's battery power status. | 6 |
626 | krisajenkins/infinite-runner | A 90 Minute Infinite-Runner hack | 6 |
627 | basile-henry/haze | A small maze game | 6 |
628 | mgold/elm-geojson | GeoJSON parser for Elm | 6 |
629 | HumbleSpark/many-tweet | Send any number of characters as a series of tweets | 6 |
630 | abbreviatedman/gameofleaf | 6 | |
631 | ogptoolbox/ogptoolbox-ui | Web interface for OGP Toolbox | 6 |
632 | soupi/ld32 | My entry for LD32 | 6 |
633 | nicklawls/lessons | A small site for scheduling and managing payments for marching bass drum lessons | 6 |
634 | eeue56/elm-xml | xml parser for elm | 5 |
635 | brenden/ukkonen-animation | Visualization of Ukkonen's algorithm | 5 |
636 | ciaran-phillips/flightgroove-frontend | 5 | |
637 | scottcorgan/elm-starter | My way of getting started with an Elm app ... navigation and elm-css included | 5 |
638 | afcastano/elm-nested-component-communication | Example of Sibling/Nested communication in elm | 5 |
639 | naymspace/elm-gilded-rose-kata | The Gilded Rose Code Kata in Elm | 5 |
640 | Logiraptor/elm-bench | 5 | |
641 | danneu/elm-hex-grid | a hex-grid library for elm | 5 |
642 | OliverJAsh/chrome-query-params | Chrome extension for easily manipulating URL query parameters, written in Elm. | 5 |
643 | coreytrampe/elm-signal-primer | Triggers an event on a signal to propagate its initial value. | 5 |
644 | timgestson/DraftAssistant | Fantasy Football Draft Tool for Mobile devices | 5 |
645 | terezka/elm-algorithms | Exercises from the book Algorithms by Sedgewick and Wayne | 5 |
646 | WaNgeL-SaTaR/elm-combobox | Combobox example | 5 |
647 | michaelbjames/elm-benchmark | Elm code benchmarking suite | 5 |
648 | micktwomey/elmo-8 | PICO-8 inspired fantasy 8-bit game library for Elm. | 5 |
649 | panosoft/elm-parent-child-update | Helper functions for Parent/Child communication in stateless components | 5 |
650 | ElmCast/elm-ide | Written in Elm. Backed by NeoVim. | 5 |
651 | jinjor/elm-contextmenu | Flexible context menu for Elm | 5 |
652 | danielnarey/elm-bulma-classes | Bulma CSS classes organized into nested record sets | 5 |
653 | davidchase/elmentary | Your one-stop shop for Algebraic Data Types (ADT) in elm 🌳 | 5 |
654 | makemeunsee/elm-theremin | Elm 0.17 Theremin, inspired by https://www.dailydrip.com/topics/elm/drips/building-a-theremin-with-web-audio | 5 |
655 | pdamoc/elm-assistance | Some Elm sample code | 5 |
656 | google/keystone | A software architectural modeling tool for programmers. | 5 |
657 | marcospri/adventofcode2016 | Solutions for advent of code (2016) written in Elm | 5 |
658 | mofas/react-component-builder | React component builder | 5 |
659 | danielnarey/elm-modular-design | DEPRECATED : Use danielnarey/elm-html-tree | 5 |
660 | jonathanhefner/elm-range | 5 | |
661 | inderps/reversi-game-in-elm | Reversi Game implemented in Elm | 5 |
662 | cobalamin/history-tree | This is an Elm library implementing a data structure to represent a multi-timeline history in the form of a tree. | 5 |
663 | alpacaaa/elm-star-dodge | A simple star dodge game clone. | 5 |
664 | alltonp/infinite-runner-mario | 5 | |
665 | elm-community/array-extra | Convenience functions for working with Array. | 5 |
666 | robwhitaker/Elm-Planner | A recursive project planner application written in Elm. | 5 |
667 | localshred/tic-tac-toe | Just a simple tic-tac-toe game written in elm as a learning exercise. | 5 |
668 | williewheeler/ode | Tile-based RPG in Elm | 5 |
669 | maxgurewitz/mirror-world-elm | See your actions played back | 5 |
670 | krisajenkins/elm-from-scratch | 5 | |
671 | Chadtech/Orbiter-d | Orbiter d is a space ship video game centered around maintaining orbit and collecting resources. (chadtech.us/orbiter-13). | 5 |
672 | joneshf/elm-proxy | 5 | |
673 | msdark/elmLayout | A Flex layout implementation in pure Elm | 5 |
674 | maackle/elm-purememo | Pure Memoization helpers for Elm | 5 |
675 | cuducos/vamos-aprender-elm | Source codes from a series of live coding in Elm | 5 |
676 | burakcan/fffonts | A Google fonts viewer written in elm | 5 |
677 | rtfeldman/html-test-runner | Run elm-test suites in the browser | 5 |
678 | jackysee/elmdocs | ElmDocs is an experimental package documentation site for Elm packages, like devdocs | 5 |
679 | tiberiualex/elmion | Tiny Elm starter | 5 |
680 | jasonmahr/html-escape-sequences | Use HTML escape sequences with elm-lang/html | 5 |
681 | jamonholmgren/path | Elm pathfinding demo by Jamon Holmgren and Chris Krycho | 5 |
682 | ryanmcdermott/trumpgen | Generate Donald Trump speeches using recurrent neural networks (RNNs) | 5 |
683 | Gizra/generator-elmlang-example | Example of a repo scaffolded with generator-elmlang | 5 |
684 | zindel/game2048elm | 2048 Game in Elm | 5 |
685 | spisemisu/elm-merkletree | 5 | |
686 | eeue56/elm-node-elm-compiler | Elm compiler via Node | 5 |
687 | scottcorgan/elm-css-reset | Port of Eric Meyer's famous CSS reset | 5 |
688 | fredcy/elm-tangram-svg | Tangram editor in Elm, using SVG | 5 |
689 | Leonidas-from-XIV/friedl | Wigglegram viewer | 5 |
690 | JordyMoos/elm-clockpicker | A clock-style timepicker in elm | 5 |
691 | hoelzro/elm-typing-tutor | A typing tutor for Russian written in Elm | 5 |
692 | stoeffel/elm-playground | 5 | |
693 | easimonenko/bloggero-elm-mdl | Bloggero -- engine for static blogs with single page interface written in Elm with Material Design Light. | 5 |
694 | roedit/maltajs-elm | Registration page built with elm | 5 |
695 | massung/elm-css | Create type-safe <style> tags for elm-lang/html. | 5 |
696 | terezka/elm-datepicker | 📅 | 5 |
697 | BrianHicks/elm-scientists | Code for Duplicating Scientists in Elm: Stop Sharing State blog post | 5 |
698 | vipentti/elm-dispatch | Dispatch multiple messages in response to a single Html.Event | 5 |
699 | strickinato/elm-snake | An implementation of snake with ElmLang | 5 |
700 | agrafix/elm-bootforms | Quickly create forms using bootstrap and elm | 5 |
701 | bcardiff/elm-debounce | Elm package for debounced events from the view | 5 |
702 | llaisdy/elm7more | Code for the Elm chapter in "Seven More Languages in Seven Weeks" | 5 |
703 | joshuaclayton/elm-hop-mailboxes-example | 5 | |
704 | eeue56/sass-to-elm | 5 | |
705 | jamesmacaulay/elm-gif-lab | A little sandbox for making animated GIFs with Elm | 5 |
706 | armed/elm-hn-client | Learning Elm language v0.17 by creating HackerNews reader | 5 |
707 | naddeoa/elm-tutorials-and-examples | This is a repository of small tutorials and examples of the things that I've learned in Elm. Hopefully other people find this useful over time. | 5 |
708 | panosoft/elm-websocket-browser | Alternative Websocket Effects Manager for Elm | 5 |
709 | elmoin/elmoin-man | Execercise of Elmoin Meetup October 2016 | 5 |
710 | eeue56/stalk | stack-based language written in Elm | 5 |
711 | soenkehahn/wai-make-assets | Small wai library and command line tool for compiling and serving assets (e.g. through ghcjs, elm, sass) | 5 |
712 | louispan/glazier | Functional version of (Elm Update/View & startApp architecture) enabling composable widgets, and a FRP-like framework | 5 |
713 | JoeyEremondi/elm-build-lib | A library for compiling Elm to JavaScript from within Haskell | 5 |
714 | stoeffel/elm-reflection | 5 | |
715 | passy/collab-counter | A distributed, eventually consistent counter with magical powers | 5 |
716 | EfrainMunozCoreano/note-randomizer | A web application that generates random notes to practice music scales, chords, progressions, etc. | 4 |
717 | Diamond/brunch-elm-foundation | Brunch/Elm/Foundation starter kit | 4 |
718 | raavanan/pub-jukebox | an youtube jukebox app | 4 |
719 | danielnarey/elm-toolkit | Generic helpers and custom operators that I use across other projects | 4 |
720 | zapnito/elm-waypoints | waypoints effect manager for Elm | 4 |
721 | jcollard/generator | elm random number generator | 4 |
722 | suzuki-shin/doubutsuShogi | 4 | |
723 | anicholson/elm-hangman | A hangman game, written in Elm. | 4 |
724 | TheSeamau5/TabbedPages | Complex component example in elm-html | 4 |
725 | gunpinyo/phometa | Phometa is an application that can build formal system based on visualization. | 4 |
726 | remotetalks/talks | Resources of all talks | 4 |
727 | igrep/lovely-commune | Simulator of Lovely Commune in Dokidoki! PreCure. | 4 |
728 | liubko/elm-pointing-poker | Pointing Poker written in Elm | 4 |
729 | briandunn/accelerate | A noisemaker, with accelerometer, in Elm | 4 |
730 | creationix/elm-git | 4 | |
731 | stoeffel/elm-game-of-life | Game of Life in Elm | 4 |
732 | mattjbray/elm-prismicio | Prismic SDK in Elm | 4 |
733 | ReformedDevs/dj-funtime-client | 4 | |
734 | Dania02525/elm_monitor | Elm powered real time monitor for Phoenix using websockets | 4 |
735 | marcosh/elm-escqrs | experiments with elm and es/cqrs | 4 |
736 | ajchambeaud/elm-logo-play | A graphics experiment with elm | 4 |
737 | SamirTalwar/arborist | A test framework for asynchronous Elm code. | 4 |
738 | jschomay/elm-behavior-tree | Behavior tree implementation in Elm | 4 |
739 | jweir/sparkline | Sparklines graphs for Elm | 4 |
740 | LambdaMx/LambdaLoungeMx_Feb_2014 | Sitio del evento Lambda Lounge Mx 2014 | 4 |
741 | osnr/golelm | 👾 Conway's Game of Life in Elm. | 4 |
742 | dfordivam/elm-mind-map | Elm based mind mapping | 4 |
743 | wetmore/elm-keyboard-shortcuts | Package for handling keyboard shortcuts in Elm | 4 |
744 | ohanhi/elm-native-ui-stopwatch | 4 | |
745 | somlor/elm-buzzword-bingo | First app using Elm language | 4 |
746 | tennety/elm-game-of-life | A little implementation of Conway's Game of Life in Elm | 4 |
747 | huiwang/explained-reactively | Knowledge Explained Reactively | 4 |
748 | JobaerChowdhury/picture-language | Implementation of SICP picture language in Elm | 4 |
749 | sindikat/elm-matrix | Library for working with 2D arrays known as matrices for Elm | 4 |
750 | oc-elixir-elm/diamondback-railroad | A Board Game in Elm | 4 |
751 | toastal/Rednit | Tinder for the browser written in Elm | 4 |
752 | elm-lang/page-visibility | is your window visible? | 4 |
753 | gbark/achtung | Browser based clone of Achtung die Kurve written in Elm | 4 |
754 | astynax/elm-state | 💾 Alternative approach to handling of app state | 4 |
755 | NewMountain/timerApp | A fun Focus/Relax productivity timer app. | 4 |
756 | ElmLive/mandelbrot | 4 | |
757 | knledg/touch-events | Touch event package for Elm lang | 4 |
758 | CarstenKoenig/ElmOthello | the well known Othello game using Elm | 4 |
759 | xarvh/elm-gamepad | Elm Native bindings to navigator.getGamepads() | 4 |
760 | vladei/elm-tutorial-extended | Implementation of the "Improvements" section of www.elm-tutorial.org | 4 |
761 | trifectalabs/elm-maps | Maps library for rendering vector tiles in Elm | 4 |
762 | jinjor/elm-diff | A diff implementation for Elm | 4 |
763 | eeue56/elm-http-server | A HTTP server for Elm | 4 |
764 | NoRedInk/elm-asset-path | 4 | |
765 | asvanberg/druid-legendary-analyser | Restoration druid legendary analyser | 4 |
766 | billstclair/elm-sha256 | sha256 and sha224 cryptographic hash functions for Elm | 4 |
767 | TheSeamau5/elm-shrink | A library for authoring shrinking strategies | 4 |
768 | w0rm/elm-nim | The Nim game in Elm | 4 |
769 | peterszerzo/lettero | Playground for the social wordnerd | 4 |
770 | opsb/elm-debouncer-fx | 4 | |
771 | julianjelfs/advent2016 | 4 | |
772 | elm-lang/mouse | Track global mouse clicks and movements, helpful for dragging. | 4 |
773 | joaalto/finnish-harvest-hours | Compare your total logged hours in Harvest with standard Finnish working hours | 4 |
774 | sporto/elm-navigation-pushstate | Example Elm application with push state navigation | 4 |
775 | eeue56/broken-clock | A broken clock used as examples for Elm | 4 |
776 | dam5s/mastermind | Mastermind game written in ELM | 4 |
777 | suzuki-shin/elm-chartjs | Elm bindings for Chart.js | 4 |
778 | thSoft/RemoteModel | DEPRECATED - Loading models with cross-references stored in Firebase asynchronously in Elm | 4 |
779 | fosskers/2048 | An implementation of 2048 in Elm. | 4 |
780 | ianbollinger/skald | a library for writing interactive fiction in Elm | 4 |
781 | sridatta/enchantments-of-elm | A roguelike game written in Elm | 4 |
782 | reactivetype/elm-dragNdrop | Elm Drag and Drop examples | 4 |
783 | localshred/elm-games | A bunch of goofy games, written in Elm. | 4 |
784 | otajor/Notes | Notes on various books, courses, lecture series | 4 |
785 | jiahaog/snake | Snake, built with Elm | 4 |
786 | toastal/Did-You-Get-The-Message-Commanding-the-Elm-Architecture | Elm could be the solution to your library problem | 4 |
787 | nidstang/elm-navigation-example | Example for the article | 4 |
788 | danneu/elm-ordered-dict | Insertion-ordered dictionaries for Elm | 4 |
789 | etaque/elm-spa-showcase | Single page app in Elm - Hackday in progress | 4 |
790 | jfmengels/elm-lint | 4 | |
791 | diegonc/elm-todo-reindex | Reindex.io powered Todo application | 4 |
792 | lgastako/elm-interact | Haskell's interact function for Elm. | 4 |
793 | valrus/death-gripsum | DEATH GRIPS LOREM IPSUM = DEATH GRIPSUM | 4 |
794 | unbounce/elm-increment | A command for incrementing an internal counter which starts at zero. | 4 |
795 | n1k0/myshows | A simple Elm app to list and rate your favorite TV shows. | 4 |
796 | tmcw/stories | narrative-specific open data or accessibility projects | 4 |
797 | turboMaCk/grid-solver | Build awesome Grid layouts in Elm. | 4 |
798 | Xashili/laska | Lasca in elm | 4 |
799 | yuffiy/mE | Happy Hack with my Fantasy life. | 4 |
800 | Egor-Sapronov/local-chat-admin | 4 | |
801 | joneshf/elm-game-of-colife | 4 | |
802 | mdgriffith/elm-color-mixing | Color mixing in elm! | 4 |
803 | robertjlooby/elm-html5-drag-and-drop | 4 | |
804 | savuori/elm-bs-datepicker | Bootstrap-style date picker component for Elm | 4 |
805 | lukewestby/elm-css-autoprefix | autoprefixer preprocessor for elm-css | 4 |
806 | giancosta86/solvenius | Functional reactive HTML 5 logic game | 4 |
807 | svard/hello_phoenix | Proof of concept app for using Phoenix channels in Elm with the elm-phoenix package. | 4 |
808 | krisajenkins/transcodegame | A game! | 4 |
809 | TSFoster/elm-heap | Heaps for elmlang | 4 |
810 | xavcz/cazalot-bros | 🎨 ⚡ Designed with Sketch, powered by Elm & Flexbox | 4 |
811 | jcollard/elm-random | Seed based random numbers in Elm | 4 |
812 | timthelion/graphical-noelm | 4 | |
813 | j201/lift-me | A game with swinging boxes (well, actually just one of them) | 4 |
814 | jastice/president | A simple way to turn your Elm code into a presentation. | 4 |
815 | avh4/elm-diff | 4 | |
816 | HaskellMN/salem | A sailing game in Elm | 4 |
817 | rtfeldman/mloc-2015-elm-workshop | Materials for the Elm Workshop at mloc.js 2015 | 4 |
818 | mgold/elm-join | Data Joins for Elm | 4 |
819 | BernardNotarianni/elm-step-by-step | Baby steps to learn Elm | 4 |
820 | Fresheyeball/elm-animate-css | class helpers for animate.css | 4 |
821 | iojichervo/Generic-Elm-Platform-Game | A platform game made in Elm | 4 |
822 | remyyounes/elm-snake | Snake game in Elm 0.17 | 4 |
823 | martimatix/movie_poster_finder | Movie poster finder written in Elm | 4 |
824 | akbiggs/elm-example-platformer | Platformer game being developed on stream. | 4 |
825 | safhac/elm-cube-site | 4 | |
826 | mpizenberg/elm-image-collection | Manage a collection of images in elm. | 4 |
827 | runarfu/elm-hangman | A simle version of Hangman, implemented in Elm. | 4 |
828 | gdotdesign/elm-html-styles | Add CSS styles to your HTML! | 4 |
829 | RJWoodhead/elm-life | Conway's Game of Life, implemented in Elm | 4 |
830 | alpacaaa/elm-hn | An Hacker News clone written in Elm. Work in progress. | 4 |
831 | avh4/elm-favicon | Get icons for URLs | 4 |
832 | pdamoc/elm-sapling | Full stack template for Elm. | 4 |
833 | micktwomey/elm-tutorial | A tutorial for the Elm programming language | 4 |
834 | camspiers/elm-redchaser | A basic game written in Elm | 4 |
835 | pel-daniel/elm-tictactoe | Tic tac toe game in Elm lang | 4 |
836 | Bogdanp/elm-querystring | A library for working with query strings in Elm. | 4 |
837 | canadaduane/elm-hccb | High Capacity Color Barcode (HCCB) Elm library | 4 |
838 | fedragon/gameoflife-elm | Exploring Elm by implementing Conway's Game of Life | 4 |
839 | doodledood/elm-split-pane | Split pane for elm | Elm package: |
840 | lukewestby/elm-http-event-source | Server-sent events support for Elm. THIS DOESN'T WORK YET! | 4 |
841 | eeue56/elm-html-query | 4 | |
842 | spisemisu/elm-utf8 | 4 | |
843 | mattweldon/elm-spa-routing | A basic introduction to getting SPA-style routing working in Elm. | 4 |
844 | danielnarey/elm-html-tree | An alternative syntax for generating HTML in Elm | 4 |
845 | billperegoy/elm-forms-example | An example showing the use of elm-form-validations library | 4 |
846 | Fresheyeball/elm-function-extra | 4 | |
847 | pusher-community/pusher-elm-ports | 4 | |
848 | alpacaaa/elm-memory-game | Memory Game written in Elm. Play with a runnable demo at https://runelm.io/c/fbi | 4 |
849 | elm-community/dict-extra | A library with extra functions for the dictionary type in elm core. | 4 |
850 | brettcannon/time-clock | A simple, one-page time/punch clock web app | 4 |
851 | kennib/below-the-line | 4 | |
852 | codecation/barb | Genetic image reproduction | 4 |
853 | cullophid/lnug_client | client for lnug_search | 4 |
854 | elm-community/random-extra | Extra functions for the core Random library. | 4 |
855 | knewter/content-catalog | 4 | |
856 | deadfoxygrandpa/Elm-Benchmark | Benchmark.js for Elm | 4 |
857 | yogsototh/transient-example | A transient example with stack. See https://www.reddit.com/r/elm/comments/4wq3ko/playing_with_websockets_in_haskell_and_elm/d69o11p | 4 |
Inspired by awesome repo rxjs-ecosystem. Thanks Nick