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What are the most popular libraries in the Elm ecosystem?

Number Name Description Stars
1 elm-lang/elm-compiler Compiler for the Elm programming language. Elm aims to make web development more pleasant. Elm is a type inferred, functional reactive language that compiles to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 2821
2 evancz/elm-architecture-tutorial How to create modular Elm code that scales nicely with your app 2453
3 elm-lang/ The full source for, the home-page of the Elm programming language. Open sourced as a way to teach people how to write and serve Elm code. Follow the instructions in to get the site setup on your own machine. 801
4 raisemarketplace/redux-loop A port of elm-effects and the Elm Architecture to Redux that allows you to sequence your effects naturally and purely by returning them from your reducers. 532
5 elm-native-ui/elm-native-ui WIP experiment: Build mobile apps in Elm using React Native. 510
6 elm-lang/core Elm's core libraries 458
7 evancz/elm-todomvc Proper implementation of the TodoMVC app 436
8 evancz/start-app DEPRECATED. Moved to elm-lang/html => 416
9 evancz/elm-html DEPRECATED. Moved to elm-lang/html => 357
10 rtfeldman/dreamwriter (NOTE! This has not been updated since Elm 0.15.1 and is not using current best practices. I plan to circle back to it in Spring 2017 and bring it up to standards.) Streamlined long-form writing software. Written in Elm. 347
11 moarwick/elm-webpack-starter Boilerplate for developing Elm apps on Webpack 257
12 avh4/elm-format elm-format formats Elm source code according to a standard set of rules based on the official Elm Style Guide 223
13 salsita/redux-elm The Elm Architecture in JavaScript 217
14 seliopou/elm-d3 Elm bindings for D3.js 217
15 NoRedInk/take-home A take-home application written in Elm and only Elm 215
16 elm-lang/elm-reactor Interactive development tool that makes it easy to develop and debug Elm programs. 211
17 izdi/elm-cheat-sheet An overview of Elm syntax and features 210
18 rtfeldman/elm-css (BETA - use with caution!) Elm CSS preprocessor that lets you use union types rather than Strings for your classes and IDs 196
19 jarvisaoieong/redux-architecture elm architecture in redux with redux-loop 182
20 sporto/hop Navigation and routing helpers for single page applications in Elm 176
21 Gizra/elm-hedley Elm web app with Headless Drupal backend 173
22 slorber/scalable-frontend-with-elm-or-redux An attempt to make Redux and Elm applications scale 162
23 matthieu-beteille/gipher tinder like app for gifs built with elm and firebase 153
24 rtfeldman/elm-webpack-loader Webpack loader for the Elm programming language. 150
25 deadfoxygrandpa/elm-test A unit testing framework for Elm 149
26 johnpmayer/elm-webgl Functional 3D Rendering with WebGL in Elm 122
27 ythecombinator/safadometro 👼 Polyglot implementations of "safadeza" calculus. 118
28 jcollard/elmtris A Tetris game for the web browser written in Elm 110
29 KtorZ/elm-react-component A React component which wraps an Elm module to be used in a React application. 105
30 usesold/elmongo Give your Mongoose data the Power of Elasticsearch 103
31 sporto/elm-tutorial A guide to building web applications using Elm 101
32 pdamoc/elmChallenges A learning project for Elm programming language 100
33 elm-lang/elm-package Command line tool to share Elm libraries 99
34 tomekwi/elm-live ⚡ A flexible dev server for Elm. Live reload included! 99
35 elm-lang/elm-repl A REPL for Elm 97
36 debois/elm-mdl Elm-port of the Material Design Lite CSS/JS library 96
37 eeue56/servelm Server-side Elm 90
38 mbylstra/html-to-elm An online tool for converting HTML to elm-html. Go to 90
39 ThomasWeiser/elmfire Firebase Bindings for Elm 89
40 ccorcos/elmish A Javascript UI library inspired by Elm 89
41 stephenbalaban/Gravity An orbital simulation game written in Elm 85
42 robertjlooby/elm-koans A set of koans for learning Elm 81
43 slawrence/vessel A "tunnel" game written in Elm! 80
44 TheSeamau5/elm-checkerboardgrid-tutorial Tutorial on Container Components in Elm 80
45 sporto/elm-tutorial-app An example Elm single page application 78
46 rgrempel/elm-route-hash Router for single-page-apps in Elm 78
47 niksilver/elm-explained Demo code to explain basic features of the Elm language 77
48 evancz/first-person-elm First-person navigation in a simple 3D world, written in Elm 76
49 elm-community/builtwithelm A list of projects and apps built with Elm. 74
50 rogeriochaves/elm-peer-tweet Decentralized feeds using BitTorrent's DHT. Based on lmatteis' peer-tweet. 73
51 TheSeamau5/elm-router Easy routing in Elm 70
52 elm-lang/elm-make A build tool for Elm projects 69
53 zalando/elm-street-404 A fun WebGL game built with Elm 68
54 evancz/TodoFRP Basic Todo list example, written with FRP in Elm 67
55 w0rm/elm-flatris A Flatris clone in Elm language 67
56 eeue56/json-to-elm Create Elm type aliases and decoders based on JSON input 66
57 mdgriffith/elm-style-animation 65
58 ElmCast/elm-oracle Query for information about values in elm source files. 63
59 fluxxu/elm-hot-loader Hot Module Replacement for Elm using webpack. 62
60 stoeffel/redux-elm-middleware Elm middleware for redux 60
61 elm-lang/ website for browsing packages and exploring documentation 59
62 yang-wei/elmflux Visualization of Elm Signals 57
63 ElmCast/elm-node Elm server side support 57
64 evancz/elm-http Make HTTP requests in Elm 56
65 massung/elm-hn Hacker News in Elm 54
66 NoRedInk/elm-rails Convenience functions for using Elm with Rails. 54
67 elm-lang/navigation 54
68 pzavolinsky/elmx A tiny precompiler that takes an Elm program with embedded HTML and desugars the HTML into elm-html syntax. Elmx is to Elm what React's JSX is to Javascript 53
69 jessitron/elm-sydron a first elm app. Hits the github API for events for a hard-coded repository. 52
70 etaque/tacks Reatime multiplayer sailing game, in your browser 52
71 yupferris/elmsteroids A non-trivial Asteroids clone written in Elm. 50
72 evancz/elm-effects DEPRECATED. Moved to elm-lang/core 50
73 srid/chronicle Forming reliable memories. 50
74 etaque/elm-transit-router Drop-in router with transitions for animated, single page apps in Elm. 48
75 elm-lang/ Control time and change history. Laszlo's debugger lets you pause, rewind, and replay programs, swapping in new code to debug. 48
76 rundis/elm-light Elm language plugin for Light Table 47
77 twopoint718/elmchat Using elm to make a simple chatroom 46
78 TheSeamau5/elm-check Property Based Testing in Elm 45
79 grzegorzbalcerek/elm-by-example A tutorial for the Elm programming language 44
80 etaque/elm-route-parser Route parser for Elm, based on parser combinators 43
81 rtfeldman/node-elm-compiler A Node.js interface to the Elm compiler binaries. 43
82 Gizra/generator-elmlang Yo generator for Elm 43
83 moroshko/sliding-puzzle Sliding puzzle built in Elm 43
84 etaque/elm-simple-form Forms validation in Elm 42
85 eeue56/elm-static-site Static site generator using Elm 42
86 mgold/elm-socketio wrapper for Elm. 42
87 circuithub/elm-bootstrap-html Html shorthand for Bootstrap 41
88 irh/asteroids An Asteroids clone written in Elm 40
89 Dobiasd/Breakout A clone of the classical game for your browser. 40
90 Bogdanp/elm-route A library for parsing routes. 39
91 irh/circles A sound toy written in Elm 38
92 NoRedInk/elm-phoenix Phoenix helpers for Elm 37
93 rgrempel/elm-web-api Elm bindings for various web APIs 37
94 svard/elm-phoenix Native Phoenix channels in Elm 36
95 etaque/elm-routing-example SPA routing example for Elm 0.17 36
96 fbonetti/elm-phoenix-socket Pure Elm state manager for Phoenix channels 36
97 TheSeamau5/elm-undo-redo Easy undo in Elm 36
98 NoRedInk/elm-decode-pipeline A pipeline-friendly library for building decoders. 35
99 sonnym/node-elm-loader 35
100 FireflyLogic/pewpew Firefly Logic's 404 game 35
101 grzegorzbalcerek/ElmByExample 34
102 elmasse/elmasse-bundle A Resource bundle implementation for ExtJS 34
103 CiscoCloud/mantl-ui-frontend Mantl-UI frontend code 33
104 NoRedInk/elm-html-widgets An elm-html widget library 32
105 rtfeldman/elm-workshop An introductory Elm workshop. 32
106 evancz/elm-svg DEPRECATED. Moved to elm-lang/svg => 32
107 vilterp/lemur Lemur: visual functional programming language that compiles to Python 31
108 TheSeamau5/elm-history Elm bindings to HTML5 History API 31
109 JoeyEremondi/haskelm Haskell to Elm translation using Template Haskell. Contains both a library and executable. 31
110 passy/elm-pokemon 30
111 lukewestby/elm-http-extra REPUBLISHED AS lukewestby/elm-http-builder FOR 0.17 30
112 exercism/xelm 30
113 brianstorti/jan A multi-player rock-paper-scissors game written in Elixir and Elm 29
114 evancz/virtual-dom DEPRECATED. Full rewrite in elm-lang/virtual-dom => 29
115 elm-lang/error-message-catalog A catalog of broken Elm programs / data to improve error messages 29
116 elm-lang/html Use HTML in Elm! 29
117 BlackBrane/destroid A space shooter based on the classic Asteroids 28
118 ThomasWeiser/todomvc-elmfire TodoMVC Firebase in Elm ElmFire 28
119 Bogdanp/elm-combine A parser combinator library for Elm. 28
120 justinwoo/elm-simple-loader A simple Webpack loader for Elm sources. Uses your system Elm installation. 28
121 evancz/focus A library for getting and setting values in deeply nested data structures. 27
122 evancz/elm-markdown Markdown parsing within Elm 27
123 jcollard/elm-audio Audio playing capabilities in Elm 27
124 circuithub/elm-html-shorthand Html shorthand for Elm 27
125 carleryd/elm-hipster-stack Simple project using Elm, Phoenix, GraphQL and RethinkDB 27
126 ScrambledEggsOnToast/2048-elm A clone of 2048 using FRP in elm. 27
127 maxsnew/IO IO for Elm 26
128 madsflensted/elm-brunch Brunch plugin to compile Elm code 26
129 agrafix/elm-bridge Haskell: Derive Elm types from Haskell types 26
130 jessitron/elm-sample A starting point for Elm applications 26
131 Dandandan/parser Parser combinator library for Elm 26
132 rtfeldman/node-elm-test Runs elm-test suites from Node.js. Get it with npm install -g elm-test 26
133 gkubisa/elm-app-boilerplate Elm application boilerplate. 25
134 w0rm/elm-slice-show A simple presentation engine in Elm 25
135 etaque/elm-transit Delayed actions with transition progress for enter/exit animations in Elm. 25
136 evancz/automaton experimental library for Arrowized FRP in Elm 24
137 jmfirth/generator-elm-spa A Yeoman generator single-page applications using the Elm language. 24
138 thSoft/froggy A little puzzle game 24
139 haskell-servant/example-servant-elm Example for a web app with a servant backend and an elm frontend 24
140 jfcloutier/ev3 Library for programming Mindstorm EV3 robots in Elixir 23
141 Apanatshka/elm-signal-extra Signal-related, advanced and convenience functions 23
142 ohanhi/elm-chronographify 22
143 kaleidos/olmo Attempt to bring Elm's Architecture to JavaScript. 22
144 splodingsocks/elm-starter A starter kit for writing front-end apps with Elm 22
145 agrafix/elm-react React bindings for Elm 21
146 srikumarks/elm-anima An approach to animations within the Elm architecture 21
147 w0rm/elm-mogee A WebGL platformer that fits into 64x64px screen 21
148 rundis/albums Sample application for my blog series on creating a Single Page CRUD app using Elm and Haskell 21
149 andrewgleave/OpenElm Open Elm Project 20
150 jvoigtlaender/elm-drag A low- and high-level interface to mouse drag actions in Elm (up to version 0.16) 20
151 Dandandan/Easing Easing (animation and timing) library for Elm 20
152 rtfeldman/lambdaconf-2015-elm-workshop Materials for the Elm Workshop at LambdaConf 2015 20
153 jwmerrill/elm-animation-frame An Elm Signal that is synchronized with the monitor's refresh rate. 19
154 vilterp/elm-diagrams An Elm library for creating diagrams, inspired by Brent Yorgey's Diagrams library for Haskell. 19
155 rtfeldman/elm-validate Convenience functions for validating Elm data. 19
156 mgold/elm-animation Animation library for Elm. 19
157 VerbalExpressions/elm-verbal-expressions Elm Regular expressions made easy 19
158 lukewestby/elm-synth Example Elm application using Web Audio 19
159 alexeygolev/elm-architecture-using-ramda-and-flyd Elm architecture implemented in javascript using ramda and flyd 19
160 adam-r-kowalski/Elm-Css Use the full power of Elm to generate CSS thats both elegant and expressive 19
161 joefiorini/hi-elm 19
162 evancz/elm-hack-night 18
163 philopon/gulp-elm Gulp plugin that compiles Elm files to JavaScript. 18
164 simonh1000/elm-fullstack-starter MEEN - Mongo, Elm (0.17), Express, Node.js full-stack starter 18
165 justinwoo/cycle-elm-etch-sketch Little demo using Elm from Cycle.js as a driver 18
166 JoeyEremondi/haskelm-old Haskell to Elm translation using Template Haskell. Contains both a library and executable. 18
167 mattjbray/servant-elm Automatically derive Elm functions to query servant webservices 17
168 kevva/elm-bin elm-platform bin-wrapper that makes it seamlessly available as a local dependency 17
169 Gozala/elmjs Elm in JS 16
170 TheSeamau5/elm-storage Local Storage in Elm 16
171 yelouafi/snabbdom-todomvc TodoMVC using snabbdom and Elm architecture 16
172 Diamond/livechat-elm The LiveChat repository, except with Elm powering the chat code 16
173 maciejsmolinski/elm-playground Elm Language Playground (projects). Demos: 16
174 elm-lang/virtual-dom The foundation of HTML and SVG in Elm. 16
175 tazjin/elm-yesod elm-yesod contains the Language.Elm.Yesod module for embedding Elm code in Yesod applications. 15
176 jackfranklin/elm-boilerplate Starting point for Elm-Lang projects 15
177 simonh1000/elm-jwt Jwt token helper functions for Elm 15
178 joefiorini/elm-routing-example 15
179 AlexNisnevich/kalevala Multiplayer tile-laying board game in Elm 15
180 krisajenkins/elm-export Create Elm types and JSON decoders from Haskell source. 14
181 christianalfoni/exploring-elm-boilerplate A boilerplate used in an article series exploring Elm 14
182 ohanhi/elm-ement The "Hello world" of Elm Web Components. 14
183 rtfeldman/grunt-elm Grunt plugin that compiles Elm files to JavaScript. 14
184 purcell/servant-elm WIP: Generate Elm modules which talk to Haskell Servant APIs 13
185 ohanhi/polymer-in-elm Experimenting with using Polymer elements in Elm applications 13
186 johnpmayer/elm-linear-algebra 12
187 d4ncer/elm-js-example A sample application using Elm & JavaScript together 12
188 aepsil0n/electron-elm-hello Basic application skeleton for desktop apps using the Elm programming language 12
189 mybuddymichael/linter-elm-make Lint your Elm files in Atom with elm-make 12
190 etaque/elm-dialog Modals for Elm 11
191 ccellar/nlog-elmah-target A target for NLog which routes exceptions to ELMAH 11
192 paparga/elmish-react 11
193 NoRedInk/elm-moment A Moment port to Elm 10
194 marrony/react-elm Elm reactive programming model for ReactJS 10
195 sonnym/elm-expressway Scaffolding for multi-user Elm applications via Gulp, Express, and SockJS. 10
196 Nazanin1369/elm-memoryGame Memory game using Elm 10
197 ivanoats/elm-brunch-starter A Brunch template for Elm Start-App apps 10
198 leahsteinberg/co collaborative text editor, uses woot. front end in Elm, back in node. 10
199 sporto/erl URL parsing library for ELM 9
200 amitaibu/elm-leaflet For better integration see elm-hedley 9
201 CodeTownOfficial/html-to-elm Atom package to convert selected html to elm. 9
202 ronnross/elm-detector Chrome extension that detects Elm apps as you browse 9
203 valrus/undertale-dialog-generator A WIP Elm project for generating Undertale dialog boxes. 9
204 shashi/elm-on-meteor Some example Elm scripts that compile to meteor 9
205 steos/elmar.js Elm Architecture for JavaScript 9
206 brendan-jefferis/test-runner Automated UI testing prototype for Elm 9
207 JustusAdam/elm-init Initialise scaffolding for a new Elm project 8
208 igagen/elm-canvas 8
209 sgillis/elm-highcharts Elm bindings for Highcharts 8
210 anler/elm-architecture-cover Elm architecture written (for better or worse) in pure JS. 8
211 mgold/elm-random-pcg Random number generator for Elm 8
212 justinwoo/react-14-rx-fake-elm-arch A repository for the demo I posted here: 8
213 kamalmarhubi/todomvc-es6-react-rxjs-elm-architecture TodoMVC in ES6 / React / Rx.js with the Elm Architecture 8
214 BartAdv/elm-architecture-tutorial-reflex Elm architecture tutorial reworked in Haskell' Reflex library 7
215 salsita/redux-elm-skeleton Skeleton project for quick start with redux-elm 7
216 vilterp/elm-websockets use the HTML5 WebSockets API 7
217 GabiGrin/elm-codemirror CodeMirror wrapper for Elm 7
218 mgold/Elm-Robotics Program Arduino robots in Elm. 7
219 sporto/rails-elm-integration rails-elm-integration 7
220 ccapndave/elm-hot-reload State preserving hot reload in Elm 7
221 micmarsh/xiangqi An implementation of Chinese Chess in Elm, using peer.js (WebRTC) 7
222 lachenmayer/arrowsmith Augmented editor for Elm. 6
223 brabadu/tanok Elm Architecture-inspired wrapper for Rx.js React 6
224 johnpmayer/elm-protoc Elm utility for generating Elm & Native JavaScript source for Google Protocol Buffers 6
225 lukewestby/elm-http-builder elm-http-builder 6
226 Fresheyeball/elm-chartjs Use Chartjs charts in Elm 6
227 leonardoborges/elm-workshop-ylj2015 Elm Workshop delivered at YOW! LambdaJam 2015 in Brisbane, Australia 6
228 donny/elmutt A fresh clone of IdeaBoardz written in Elm 6
229 mclauia/elm-goban A simple Go board made out of Elm 6
230 GabiGrin/ Source code for Elm snippet sharing website 6
231 maxsnew/hakyll-elm Hakyll wrapper for the Elm ( compiler 5
232 JoeyEremondi/elm-build-lib A library for compiling Elm to JavaScript from within Haskell 5

Inspired by awesome repo rxjs-ecosystem. Thanks Nick


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