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201 lines (134 loc) · 4.62 KB

File metadata and controls

201 lines (134 loc) · 4.62 KB

###Model Change

--------- i,I,a,A,o,O,r,R,s,S ---------- | Normal ---------->------------ Insert | | mode | | mode | | ----------<------------ | - --- --- ---------- | | | | | | | | | | v,V V ^ | | | | | | | | --- --- ---- | Visual | | mode | ------------

googleAppId : goagent-test-1097

Command Action i insert text just before the cursor I insert text at the start of the line a append text just after the cursor A append text at the end of the line o open a new line below O open a new line above s substitute(替换) the current character S substitute the current line r replace the current character R replace continuous characters(替换接下来的)

##Vim en:Typing Skills

the fingers of your left hand are on the ASDF keys and the fingers of your right hand are on the JKL;

##Vim en:Moving Around

w move to next word
} move to to the next paragraph
3fd move to 3rd occurrence of the letter 'h'
35j move 35 lines downwards? k
35L move to 35 lines downwards(必须为大写) H
3l move to 3 letters forwords in the line h
ctrl-o jump back to the previous location ctrl-i jump forward to the next location again.
ctrl-f move one screen forward
50G move to 50th lines
1G or H move to first line
G or L move to end line M move to the middle of the text

###Words, sentences, paragraphs

^ first w word (前面可以带数字,直接跳过几个单词) e end of a word
b go back by a word
See :help word-motions for more details.

( 句子
{ 段落
See :help cursor-motions for more details.

Make your mark(自定义标签)

m means mark
with ma means create a mark named 'a'; tag can be named from "a-zA-Z"

###Parts of the text ~ change the capitalization of letters

See :help object-motions and :help text-objects for more details.

ap and aw 是在视图模式下的命令,表示一个段落,一个word ab mens all thing between parentheses

vim 中通过 ctrl ] 进行跳转位置

To make saving easier, add the following line to your vimrc file: To save, ctrl-s. nmap :w imap :wa

cop paste and delete

desktop world vim world operation
cut delete d
copy yank y
paste paste p

dw delete a word quickly.

p (lower case) paste after current cursor position
P (upper case) paste before current cursor position

####undo redo 命令

u and ctrl r :earlier 4m

:later 45s

:undo 5

:undo 5

/word 查询命令



  1. 将环境换成Linux
  2. 熟悉试用vim基本命令
  3. 接下来才是进行vim配置


###Basic Editing

  1. move : h j k l
  2. delete : x

智能补全快捷键 ctrl N ctrl P

  1. other commands:
    • dd:delete the line.
    • o(open): open a new line
    • a(append): insert after the cursor.

Interactive Tutorial: :help tutor in unix: $vimtutor

###Editing a little faster

  1. 区域move :
    • word:w
    • back with a word:b
    • end :$ ex: 4$
    • start : ^ 0 has the same function.
    • find: f ex:fx find the first "x" in the line.
    • Find: F ex:Fx find "x" in the line to the left
    • G: 1G:top 10G:the 10th line of the file G:end of the file
    • %: 10%: locate the 10% of the file.
    • 翻页:ctrl U Ctrl D backward(upward)/toward(downward) 2.delete text: first: v Change to Visual mode ,then b or w choose a word. then d delete the word. delete text without Visual Model.
      1. d
      2. motion commands ex:dw d3l d3h

注意:it can only delete in a line.

3dw and d3w: 3dw:delete one word 3times. d3w: delete 3 words once.

###Changing text replace && change:

  1. r:repalce a character.
  2. c: replace a word or a block of a line.(most like dmotion command) just as delete text and change to insert mode. C(Capital大写的) and c$ the same mean.