A plug & play collaboration backend based on Y.js.
The full documentation is a available on hocuspocus.dev/introduction.
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Send all your questions, feedback and bug reports to [email protected] or create an issue here.
The following example is a example setup you need to start a WebSocket server. By default, it’s listening on (or prefixed with the WebSocket protocol on ws://
import { Server } from "@hocuspocus/server"
import { SQLite } from "@hocuspocus/extension-sqlite"
const server = Server.configure({
port: 80,
async onConnect() {
extensions: [
new SQLite({
database: "db.sqlite",
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Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
kris (who wrote the initial version), Tom Moor, YousefED (@TypeCellOS) and many more.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.