An assembler for a subset of the MIPS instruction set.
The assembler will take a file written in assembly language as input on the command line and will produce an output file containing the MIPS machine code. Each line in the input assembly file contains either a mnemonic, a section header (such as .data or .text) or a label (jump or branch target.
The assembler supports the following 46 instruction set:
- "lw"
- "lb"
- "sw"
- "sb"
- "add"
- "addu"
- "sub"
- "subu"
- "slt"
- "sltu"
- "and"
- "or"
- "xor"
- "nor"
- "sll"
- "srl",
- "sra"
- "mult"
- "multu"
- "div"
- "divu"
- "addi"
- "addiu"
- "andi"
- "ori"
- "xori"
- "lui"
- "slti"
- "beq"
- "bne"
- "blez"
- "bgtz"
- "bltz"
- "bgez"
- "j"
- "jal"
- "jalr"
- "jr"
- "mfhi"
- "mflo"
- "syscall",
- "la"
- "move"
- "li"
- "nop"
- "sltiu"
Complile :
$ g assembler.cpp -o assembler
After compiling, run:
$ ./assembler test.asm test.o log.txt