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An extension of JSON5 with rich inline type information.


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An extension of JSON5 with rich inline type information.

TxJSON allows you to define typed values and define deserialisers for said values at runtime.


  x: date "2001-01-01", // it can handle custom deserializers!
  y: 123n, // it can handle `BigInt` out of the box!
  z: /^I\sCAN\sPARSE\sREGEX$/im, // ...and also regular expressions!
  backquote: `Hello
World!`, // multi-line template strings are supported! (sans placeholders)
  w: undefined, // ...and even `undefined`!

Perfect for configuration files and programmatic generation of tests!


Perhaps, the best example of a TxJSON document is a TxJSON schema:

schema {
  /// Use `:document` to restrict the type of a document's root.
  ":document": arrayOf Place,
  // a literal object signature
  Place: object {
    // `id` can be a string or a number
    id: oneOf [string, number],
    name: string,
    cat: Category,
    // `maybe` makes the following type optional (e.g can be `undefined` or `null`)
    description: maybe string,
    coords: maybe oneOf [arrayOf Point, Point],
    region: arrayOf Point,
    address: maybe string,
    phone: maybe string,
    // `tags` is a dynamic string array of any length.
    tags: maybe arrayOf string,
    // You can pass literal values to match against. This can be used to define enums with `oneOf`!
    status: oneOf ["published", "private", "hidden"],
  Category: oneOf [
  // Definition of a GeoJSON point.
  Point: oneOf [
    // A plain object.
    object {
      type: "Point", // A fixed string!
      coordinates: arrayOf [number, number, maybe number], // A fixed array signature
      bbox: maybe arrayOf [number, number, number, number], // `maybe` makes this field optional
    // A class version of the same object.
    class [number, number]


This project requires NodeJS (version 8 or later) and NPM. Node and NPM are really easy to install. To make sure you have them available on your machine, try running the following command.

$ npm -v && node -v

During development, you must have a version of Java installed, this is required by antlr4ng for use in generating the parser.

Table of contents

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


BEFORE YOU INSTALL: please read the prerequisites

To install and set up the library, run:

$ npm install txjson

Or if you prefer using Yarn:

$ yarn add txjson



function parse<T>(
  input: string,
  schema?: Partial<ISchema>,
  fileName?: string
): T

Parses a TxJSON file and returns a JavaScript value.


input: string: The input to be parsed.

schema?: Partial<ISchema>

Field Default value Description
deserializers {...} A mapping of [name]: Deserializer pairs
validators {...} A mapping of [name]: Validator pairs
classes {...} A mapping of user classes, constructible using the constructor syntax: MyClass(x, y, z)
prototypes {...} A mapping of user classes, constructible using the prototype assignment syntax: MyClass... { field1: "value", ... }
preprocessors {...} A mapping of user preprocessors, these will run before any validation occurs.
meta {...} A dictionary to store user metadata.

If no schema is supplied, this function will use the default schema.

fileName?: string: An optional file name to include in error messages.


  import {parse} from "txjson";

  parse(`12`);          // ok
  parse(`int 12`);      // ok
  parse(`float 12.3`);  // ok
  parse(`int 12.3`);    // error!


function parseSchema(
  document: string,
  baseSchema?: Schema,
  schemaFileName?: string
): Schema

Parses a schema document.


definition: string: The schema string.

baseSchema?: Schema: the original schema to extend/apply these definitions to. (optional)

schemaFileName?: string: An optional file name to include in error messages.


  import {parse, parseSchema} from "txjson";

  const schema = parseSchema(`
    schema {
      intOrBigInt: oneOf [int, bigint],
      optionalInt: maybe int,
      strOrNumber: oneOf [string, number],
      date: strOrNumber,
      MyClass: class [string, number],
      MyProto: proto {
        a: string,
        b: number,
  `, {
    classes: {
      MyClass: class MyClass {
        constructor(public a: string, public b: number) {}
    prototypes: {
      MyProto: class MyProto {
        public a: string;
        public b: number;
    deserializers: {
      'Date': (acc: ValueAccessor) => new Date(acc.rawValue),

  parse(`intOrBigInt 1`) // ok
  parse(`intOrBigInt int 1`) // ok
  parse(`intOrBigInt bigint "123"`) // ok
  parse(`intOrBigInt 123n`) // ok
  parse(`intOrBigInt 13.3`) // error!

  parse(`optionalInt null`) // ok
  parse(`optionalInt 0`) // ok
  parse(`optionalInt "x"`) // error!

  parse(`date 0`) // ok!
  parse(`date "2001-01-01"`) // ok!
  parse(`date 123n`) // error!

  parse(`MyClass("a", 2)`) // ok!
  parse(`MyClass("a")`) // error, missing argument!
  parse(`MyClass(1, 2)`) // error, invalid argument!
  parse(`MyClass... {a: "a", b: 2}`) // error, not a proto!

  parse(`MyProto... {a: "a", b: 2}`) // ok!
  parse(`MyProto... {a: "a", b: 2, c: 212}`) // error, extra field!
  parse(`MyProto... {a: 1, b: "a"}`) // error, invalid field!
  parse(`MyProto... {a: 1}`) // error, missing field!
  parse(`MyProto("a", 2)`) // error, constructor call on proto is not supported!


function createSchema(
  overrides?: Partial<ISchema>
): Schema

Creates a new schema with default types. (e.g int, bigint, UInt8Array, ...)


overrides: (optional) Pass another schema to override the defaults.


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Add your changes: git add .
  4. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  5. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  6. Submit a pull request 😎


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • Abdullah Ali - Initial work - GitHub

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


MIT License © Abdullah Ali


An extension of JSON5 with rich inline type information.







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