- Integration tests in ASP.NET Core
- Unit and integration testing
- Self-hosted integration tests in ASP.NET by Mark Seemann
- Running Integration Tests in Build Pipelines with a Real Database
- Limitations of the EF Core in-memory database providers
- Using docker-compose for your ASP.NET EF Core integration tests
- ASP.NET Core integration tests with docker-compose on GitHub Actions
- Testing WebAPI with ApprovalTests.NET
- ASP.NET Core 5 & EntityFramework Core: Clean, clear and fluent integration tests with Calzolari.TestServer.EntityFramework, FluentAssertion.Web and xUnit
- An Experiment With Making Integration Tests Easier to Write - Part One
- An Experiment With Making Integration Tests Easier to Write - Part Two
- .NET Core Integration Tests using a Sql Server Database in Docker
- Running SQL Server Integration Tests in .NET Core Projects via Docker
- Unit Test or Integration Test and Why You Should Care
- IntegrationTest
- Integration testing with EF Core, part 1
- Integration testing with EF Core, part 2
- How to run integration tests for .NET API
- The curious case of ASP.NET Core integration test deadlock
- Microservices test architecture. Can you sleep well without end-to-end tests?
- Converting integration tests to .NET Core 3.0
- SQL Server integration testing using xUnit
- Asynchronous initialisation and cleanup operations with xUnit- Integration Testing ASP.NET Core WebApi
- Treat your integration tests as external consumers
- Unit Testing with ILogger
- Writing Logs to xunit Test Output
- Create fake user for ASP.NET Core controller tests
- Using custom startup class with ASP.NET Core integration tests
- Different kind of testing strategies with ASP.NET Core: The basics
- Integration testing data access in ASP.NET Core
- Create fake user for ASP.NET Core integration tests
- Mocking Data with Bogus
- Using custom startup class with ASP.NET Core integration tests
- Using ASP.NET Core Identity user accounts in integration tests
- How to test your C# Web API
- Avoid In-Memory Databases for Tests
- End-to-End Integration Testing with NServiceBus
- End-to-End Integration Testing with NServiceBus: How It Works
- Respawn vs SQL Server Snapshots
- Integration Testing with xUnit
- Integration Testing with ASP.NET Core 3.1
- Integration Testing with ASP.NET Core 3.1 - Testing Your Application
- Integration Testing with ASP.NET Core 3.1 - Swapping a Dependency
- Integration Testing with ASP.NET Core 3.1 - Remove the Boiler Plate
- Integration Testing with ASP.NET Core 3.1 - Swapping a Dependency with Moq
- Integration Testing with ASP.NET Core 3.1 - Set Default Headers for All Clients
- Overriding configuration in ASP.NET Core integration tests
- ASP.NET Core integration tests with WebApplicationFactory
- How to run integration tests for .NET API
- How to mock dependencies with Manifest resources
- Mocking JWT tokens in ASP.NET Core integration tests
- Testing authorisation scenarios in ASP.NET Core Web APIs
- ASP.NET Core Integration Testing: Protected endpoints
- Adding integration tests for permission-protected API endpoints in ASP.NET Core
- Unit Test and Mock HTTPContext in ASP.NET Core Controller
- Unit Test and Mock HttpContextAccessor
- Integration tests in ASP.NET Core
- Integration testing with Docker and Testcontainers
- Automated Integration Testing over Gitlab CI/CD for Dotnet Core via Testcontainers
- Tips & tricks for unit testing in .NET Core 3: Mocking IHttpContextAccessor
- Introduction to integration testing with xUnit and TestServer in ASP.NET Core
- .net Core 3.0, DirectoryNotFoundException with Xunit Integration test
- Using WireMock.net for Integration Testing
- Using WireMock for dotnet core Integration tests
- MongoDB integration testing in .Net Core – Vetting Mongo2go vs MongoDb Docker Instance
- Integration Tests using WebApplicationFactory, xUnit and Mongo2Go
- Supporting integration tests with WebApplicationFactory in .NET 6
- Clean Testing: Clean Architecture with .NET Core - Jason Taylor - NDC Sydney 2020
- Integration testing | ASP.NET Core 5 REST API Tutorial 15
- C# Integration Testing Tutorial
- ASP.NET Core C# Integration Testing Tutorial (File Uploads Example)
- ASP.NET Core C# Integration Testing Example (Mocking Identity)
- ASP.NET Core C# Integration Testing - Mocking Cookie Authentication
- The API Integration coding test (2) - Unit and Acceptance testing | Cracking the .NET interview
- Writing robust integration tests in .NET with WireMock.NET
- Integration Testing ASP.NET Core Web APIs with Docker - Dan Clarke
- Clean Testing - Clean Architecture with .NET Core - Jason Taylor - NDC Oslo 2020
- Clean Testing: Clean Architecture with .NET Core
- Pimp your testing strategy for micro services
- WireMock-Net/WireMock.Net - WireMock.Net is a flexible library for stubbing and mocking web HTTP responses using request matching and response templating. Based on the functionality from http://WireMock.org, but extended with more functionality.
- SwissLife-OSS/snapshooter - Snapshooter is a snapshot testing tool for .NET Core and .NET Framework
- SwissLife-OSS/squadron - A testing framework for containerized and cloud services
- Mongo2Go/Mongo2Go - Mongo2Go - MongoDB for integration tests (.NET Core 3.0 and .NET 5.0)
- nbalakin/MongoDB.Fake - MongoDB.Fake is an in-memory implementation of IMongoClient, IMongoDatabase and IMongoCollection for unit test purposes.
- martincostello/xunit-logging - Logging extensions for xunit
- JasperFx/alba - Easy integration testing helper for ASP.Net Core applications
- webmotions/fake-authentication-jwtbearer - Simple way to fake an authenticated user for integration test with ASP.Net Core framework
- HofmeisterAn/dotnet-testcontainers - A simple package with guard clause extensions.
- testcontainers/testcontainers-dotnet - A .net fork of testcontainers - in early development
- dotnet/Docker.DotNet - .NET (C#) Client Library for Docker API
- GestionSystemesTelecom/fake-authentication-jwtbearer/ - Simple way to faked an authenticated user for integration test with ASP.Net Core framework
- AnthonyGiretti/Calzolari-EFCore-Flurl-FakeBearerToken-TestServer
- SwissLife-OSS/snapshooter - Snapshooter is a snapshot testing tool for .NET Core and .NET Framework
- SwissLife-OSS/squadron - A testing framework for containerized and cloud services
- dylan-asos/netcore-authz-inmemory-bddfy - A demonstration of in memory Web API testing of authentication scenarios
- jbogard/NServiceBus.Extensions.IntegrationTesting
- jasontaylordev/ndc-cleanarchitecture-2020
- jbogard/ContosoUniversityDotNetCore-Pages
- kgrzybek/modular-monolith-with-ddd
- devmentors/Pacco.Services.Availability
- devmentors/Trill-modular-monolith
- philbir/magic-media
- ardalis/CleanArchitecture
- fakhrulhilal/cleanarchitecture-kit
- timdeschryver/HowToTestYourCsharpWebApi
- code4it-dev/APIIntegrationTestsExample/
- markvincze/AspNetCoreIntegrationTestConfig
- raw-coding-youtube/testing-101
- joaopgrassi/authz-custom-middleware
- joaopgrassi/dockercompose-azdevops
- ceslogea/InMemoryMongo2GoWireMockPoc