This is a maven repository which automates product search on amazon and validation of the results based on a specific search criteria. The automation framework is designed using
- page object model pattern
- Factory pattern for Object initilisation and uses reflection to load the objects
- Facade pattern for WebDriver initilisation.
- Null Object Pattern for Objects initilisation in TestClass
- uses JAXB class to capture and validate the results.
- Uses Extent report for capturing the results.
- Captures screenshot in case of failure at any assertion level.
Supports execution on chrome (79.0.3945.130 ) from mac, java 1.8
All applications in this repository should be automatically importable, compilable, and runnable. A good place to start is to try the Basic Playback Sample App.
- Clone this repository onto your computer or download the zip
- import to workspace
- Update the maven project and import dependencies from pom.xml
- open the testSuite - AmazonUI/testSuite/testng.xml
- RightCLick the testng.xml and RunAs - TestNG-> with VM arguments
-Dbrowser="chrome" -Dplatform="mac"
- Or execute using mvn command as below
mvn -f pom.xml clean test -DsuiteXmlFile=testSuite/testng.xml -Dbrowser="chrome" -Dplatform="mac"
- The Testclass has the details of the steps.
- Has Extent report for result validation.
- Has log4j.Logger implementation for logging on the console
Thank you for reading!