A simple highlighter tool based on Jquery
It achieves the following Effect:-
- Lightweight
- Is a Jquery Plugin
- Very simple to use
This will highlight all the div elements present on the page
You can highlight elements based and any jquery supported selectors
Default :
shadow: {
sInside: true,
sOutside: true,
sHshadow: '0px',
sVshadow: '0px',
sBlur: '5px',
sSpread: '0px',
sColor: '#0000FF'
customShadow: '',
transition: 'box-shadow',
period: '1s'
var options = {period: '2s'};
var options = {customShadow: '0px 0px 1px 0px #000'};
var options = { shadow: {sInside:false, sColor:'red'}};
//Shadow options:
shadow:{sInside: false} //will disable inset shadow
shadow:{sOutside = false} //will disable outside shadow
shadow:{sHshadow = value} //position of the horizontal shadow
shadow:{sVshadow = value} //position of the vertical shadow
shadow:{sBlur = value} //blur distance
shadow:{sSpread = value} //shadow size
shadow:{sColor = value} //for Shadow color
This code is provided with no warranty.
Copyright (c) 2013 vi3k6i5, released under the MIT license.