Copyright (C) 2006 Toby Breckon
License : GPL
- GNU Triangulated Surfaces Library GTS 0.7.x (or greater)
- gts-config and glib-config required to be in path.
- tested on GNU/Linux (upto gcc version 4.8.3)
- To install change into repository directory and type make:
cd gts-tools-...; make
- Resulting set of GTS tools are built in tools
To install (in /usr/local/bin and /usr/share/doc/packages/gts-tools/ by default):
make install
Report all installation issues to [email protected]
gts2vtk : convert GTS file to VTK format.
gts2xyz : convert GTS file to basic ASCII XYZ format.
gtscutter : clip GTS surface in x,y,z plane and/or radial distance from point.
gtsinfo : display various standard and extra information for GTS surface.
gtsnormalise : normalise position of GTS surface to origin or specified point.
gtsnormals : extract surface normals as basic ASCII XYZ format.
gtsorientate : consistently orientate GTS surface in terms of surface normal direction (flip, clockwise, anti-clockwise, from surface centroid).
gtssubtract : perform a set difference (subtraction) operation between 2 surfaces at vertex level (N.B. not boolean diff.).
gtstesselate : tesselate specified GTS surface once (or N times).
gtstricutter : remove triangles of specified area/edge length/# neighbours /orientation from GTS surface.
All tools use gzip/bzip2 command line tools to handle files with compression extensions.
Used as supporting tools for surface manipulation to generate the following research work (please reference if used in your own work):
A Hierarchical Extension to 3D Non-parametric Surface Relief Completion (T.P. Breckon, R.B. Fisher), In Pattern Recognition, Elsevier, Volume 45, pp. 172-185, 2012. [pdf] [doi]
author = {Breckon, T.P. and Fisher, R.B.},
title = {A Hierarchical Extension to 3{D} Non-parametric Surface Relief Completion},
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
year = {2012},
volume = {45},
pages = {172-185},
month = {September},
publisher = {Elsevier},
doi = {10.1016/j.patcog.2011.04.021},
3D Surface Relief Completion Via Non-parametric Techniques (T.P. Breckon, R.B. Fisher), In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE, Volume 30, No. 12, pp. 2249 - 2255, 2008. [pdf] [doi]
author = {Breckon, T.P. and Fisher, R.B.},
title = {3{D} Surface Relief Completion Via Non-parametric Techniques},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
year = {2008},
volume = {30},
number = {12},
pages = {2249 - 2255},
month = {December},
publisher = {IEEE},
doi = {10.1109/TPAMI.2008.153},
- Mesh Viewer :-
- k3d :-
- Smoother :-
- 0.13 Fixes to compile with 4.7.1 (#include added to compressed.h as required).
- 0.12 Fixes to compile with GCC 4.3 (#includes added as required).
- 0.11 Invert (flip) existing normal functionality added to gtsorientate. Tesselate up to N times in single operation added to gtstesselate.
- 0.1 Initial version released.