This includes the code and results for the Ensembled Deep Network for Global Optimization with the purpose of reproducibility. For a proper introduction to the model and results please see the accompanying write-up.
Note that in order to create the results several days were used across ca. 50 CPUs. For convenience the regret history together with the associated samples have been included so that the behavior of models can be explored through a Jupyter notebook.
Most of the library is self-contained (apart from the usual dependencies like NumPy and PyTorch) -- everything from the bayesian linear regressor to the bayesian optimization procedure is implemented from scratch. The only two sub-routines of the computational heavy tasks that have been outsourced to external libraries are the MCMC implementation and the cholesky decomposition.
The repository consist of:
- a Jupyter Notebook: to recreate paper plots, explore results from experiments, run new experiments interactively.
- HPC: a workflow for running experiments in parallel on a HPC that uses the IBM LSF batch system.
- Paper: which describes the model and results.
- RoBO and Spearmint: a docker instance and script, respectively, to run benchmark models.
The code (i.e. everything in src/
) is roughly divided into four parts:
- BO
- Models
- Linear Bayesian Regression
- Deep Neural Network
- Ensemble DNGO model
- Benchmark
- Embedding
- Hyperparameter optimization of Logistic Regression
- Priors
Note: First consolidate the installation steps before attempting to use the notebook.
The notebook found at ./notebook.ipynb
served three purposes:
- Recreation of the plots from the write-up.
- Exploration the acquisition landscape and regret plot for a given experiment from the write-up.
- Running a new model programmatically.
(every configuration is done through a shared interface
to ensure reproductivity and allow for calculating a confidence interval based on the aggregated result of identical model configurations).
Conda requirement for server:
wget -O ~/ bash
General requirements:
conda create -n eth python=3.6 source $HOME/miniconda/bin/activate source activate eth conda install -y pytorch-cpu torchvision-cpu -c pytorch # gpu: conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch conda install -y -c conda-forge blas seaborn scipy matplotlib pandas gpy pathos emcee pip install pydot-ng git clone cd HPOlib2 for i in `cat requirements.txt`; do pip install $i; done for i in `cat optional-requirements.txt`; do pip install $i; done python install cd ..
Notebook requirements:
conda install -c conda-forge ipympl conda install jupyterlab nodejs jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager
Plotly requirements for jupyterlab:
jupyter labextension install @jupyterlab/plotly-extension
The project uses .autoenv.zsh
to activate the correct python virtual environment.
By default it uses the name eth
which can be modified by changing .autoenv.zsh
Please consolidate ./
to see available commands.
Every model configuration is done through a declarative interface to ensure reproductivity and allow for calculating a confidence interval based on the aggregated result of identical model configurations.
If it is required to run the experiment programmatically instead, please see the notebook. This also illustrates how to recreate the models for already run experiments.
The setup is specifically tailored to the Euler and Leonard cluster at ETH which uses the IBM LSF batch system. To setup the environment follow this great guide by Tom Stesco.
Whereas a model can be run locally by sending parameters to
, running it on the server requires running it through a make
script that ensures proper synchronization.
It automates three steps: 1) pushing code and training data to the server 2) running
remotely and 3) pulling the results back down so they can be explored in the interactive notebook.
make pushdata
: It will push./raw
to the server which contains training data for the hyperparameter optimization benchmarks. This is required since the servers have blocked access to the network by default. To generate these folder locally first, run one of the models locally by executingpython
.make push
: Used to synchronize code changes.make ARGS="--model gp --n_iter 2" run
: Run this experiment on the server which in the particular case executes BO for two steps using a GP model.make pull
: To pull generated plots and merge the remote CSV database with the local version.
These are all made for Euler.
For Leonhard use the namespaced version: make pushdata-leonhard
, make push-leonhard
, make run-leonhard
and make pull-leonhard
The currently run experiments are listed in tests_euler.txt
and tests_leonhard.txt
for reproductivity and to provide inspiration for possible model configurations.
The experiments are split in two files so that models benefitting from GPU acceleration can be run on the GPU enabled Leonhard cluster.
Run with make test
Note that currently the end-2-end test requires you to evaluate the plot by sequentially closing them.
As comparison Spearmint and RoBO.
To run in a linux environment a Docker instance have been created in ./RoBO
with the following Makefile
make build
Build docker image.make run
Run container based on image that starts jupyter lab on port8888
. (mounts/RoBO/shared
)make stop
Stop container.make start
Start stopped container.make clear
Delete both container and image.
What follows is a summary of how to use Spearmint (which requires that mongodb
is installed).
We assume that ./spearmint
is your working directory.
Install (will download to your current directory):
git clone
pip install -e ./Spearmint
Run spearmint:
mongod --fork --logpath ./log/mongodb.log --dbpath /usr/local/var/mongodb
python ./Spearmint/spearmint/ .
Quit the mongodb daemon:
- Find the pid with
top | grep mongo
- Kill the process with
kill <pid>
To clear mongodb:
use spearmint
python .
- Workshop on GP and BO:
- Recent tutorial on BO:
- Non-differentiable:
- DBN learn covariance (unsupervised training):
- NN:
- KISS-GP with LOVE:
- Induced point / Tensor training:
- Deep Kernel Learning:
- Ensemble deep kernel learning:
- Ensemble kernel learning with NN (not GP!):
- Mentions embedding in low dimensional subspaces:
- REMBO (random embedding):
- Hyperband (comparison with 2xrandom):
- GP-UCB (Google Vizier implementation):
- Google Vizier:
- Dropout equivalence to GPs: (1)
- Simple and Scalable Predictive Uncertainty Estimation using Deep Ensembles: (2) Implementation:
- Batch:
- Marginalize mixture:
- Horseshoe prior:
- lognorm and horseshoe (Snoek):
- Gamma prior on noise:
- HalfT:
- Black Box Optimization Competition: