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This is a a Planning Poker app, useful for Scrum grooming sessions to avoid anchoring in point estimates.


Scores hidden Scores visible Session settings


  • A self contained stateful Node app, no database required
  • Supports both WebSockets and HTTP Long Polling as transport
  • Ephemeral sessions that are created and cleaned up on demand
  • Easily customizable score sets and other session parameters
  • Support for multiple pages (e.g. tickets) that can be prepared in advance
  • Import/export functionality
  • Userscript-friendly browser API
  • Median scores are automatically highlighted
  • Robust client disconnection handling

Browser API

Planning Poker exposes an in-browser API that makes it easy to hook your own userscripts, for example to integrate with your favourite issue tracker.

When you are in a live session, Planning Poker injects three objects to window,

  • window.__PP_SESSION_NAME - contains the name of the current session
  • window.__PP_STATE - contains the current state of the session
  • window.__PP_DISPATCH - dispatches a command to the state machine

A custom event ppStateChanged is also dispatched to window every time the state of the state of the board changes, for example:

window.addEventListener("ppStateChanged", function(evt) {
    const { previous, current } = evt.detail;
    if (previous.votesVisible !== current.votesVisible) {
            ? "Votes are now visible" 
            : "Votes are now hidden"

Command reference

const dispatch = window.__PP_DISPATCH;

// Set the session parameters
dispatch({ action: "setSettings", settings: {
    // The set of scores
    scoreSet: ["XS","S","M","L","XL","XXL","Pass"],
    // Allows all participants to show/hide/clear votes and control the timer
    // Allows votes to be cast when the scores are visible
    // Show the timer
    // Allows participants other than session host to change pages
    // Allows participants other than session host to add and delete pages

// Import the session, based on the exported JSON
dispatch({ action: "importSession", sessionData });

// Create a new page with an optional desription provided (and optionally navigate to the new page)
dispatch({ action: "newPage", description, navigate: true });

// Delete current page
dispatch({ action: "deletePage", pageIndex });

// Navigate to the page with the given index
dispatch({ action: "navigate", pageIndex });

// Privately to the page with the given index (do not change the active page for other users)
dispatch({ action: "privateNavigate", pageIndex });

// Set the description for the page
dispatch({ action: "setDescription", description, pageIndex });

// Set the visibility of votes
dispatch({ action: "setVotesVisible", votesVisible });

// Clear the votes
dispatch({ action: "resetBoard" });

// Cast a vote
dispatch({ action: "vote", score });

// Nudge the client with the given clientId
dispatch({ action: "nudge", clientId });

// Promote the client with given clientId to session host
dispatch({ action: "setHost", clientId });

// Rejoin the user with the given clientId as observer and clear their vote
dispatch({ action: "kick", clientId });

// Clear the vote of a disconnected user with a given display name
dispatch({ action: "kickDisconnected", name });

// Join as participant with the given display name
dispatch({ action: "join", name });

// Rejoin as observer
dispatch({ action: "leave" });

// Start the session timer
dispatch({ action: "startTimer" });

// Pause the session timer
dispatch({ action: "pauseTimer" });

// Reset the session timer
dispatch({ action: "resetTimer" });

// Finish the session
dispatch({ action: "finishSession" });

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Production build

yarn build
yarn start

See the example manifest for deploying Planning Poker to the Kubernetes cluster of your choice.