Tags: thomasnordquist/OpenMQTTGateway
v0.9.1 release (1technophile#382) * Update IRRemoteESP8266 version to 2.5.5 factorize IR send signal function between the 2 types of receiving Add new IRRemoteESP8266 protocols replace pins on mega according schema remove unecessaries spaces * Update ESPilight library to 0.16.0 tfa protocol kerui protocol * Enable to switch HM1X led by a macro 1technophile#357 if //#define HM_BLUE_LED_STOP true uncommented the HM1X led is off * add log output through mqtt 1technophile#135 //#define subjectTRACEtoMQTT Base_Topic Gateway_Name "/log" //uncomment if you want to see traces on /log topic * change default pin for rf receiver on ESP32 13 seems to don't work * Add LORA gateway first implementation of a lora gateway integration, tested on ttgo heltec boards with embedded lora module 1technophile#356 Sending and receiving working * Update README.md * Update README.md * add LORA gateway parameters following lora api library def https://github.com/sandeepmistry/arduino-LoRa/blob/master/API.md * a first try for mi flora and mi jia auto discovery on hass 1technophile#361 * add LORA gateway auto discovery * Some memory optimization for Arduino UNO following this thread: https://community.openmqttgateway.com/t/arduino-uno-ethernet-shield-reboots-on-receiving-rf-signal-on-v-0-9/346/22 Rework led management to avoid use of global variables and specify special JSON_MSG_BUFFER for arduino UNO led can now be used for all the boards generalize use of F macro for memory optimization change jsonbuffer calculation method reduce pubsubclient max packet size for uno and nano * Update README.md * no need of going >67 as the code can handle only unsigned long at this time * Add "repeat" field to RF JSON messages. (1technophile#372) * update pubsubclient release to 2.7 * update irremote ESP8266 to 2.5.6 * publish discovery for sensors BLE once per run, add ble white and black list Avoid publishing auto discovery on a time basis publish auto discovery only one time per BLE sensor add BLE white and black list implementation set black list mosquitto_pub -t home/OpenMQTTGateway/commands/MQTTtoBT/set -m '{"black-list":["012314551615","4C6577889C79","edfrgtyjulik"]}' set white list mosquitto_pub -t home/OpenMQTTGateway/commands/MQTTtoBT/set -m '{"white-list":["012314551615","4C65A5553C79","edfrgtyjulik"]}' * remove optimistic and retain flag from auto discovery 1technophile#361 and add some json buffer size to avoid identifier lost * correct json buffer size optimizations * correct switch between modes raw versus message protocol and add raw error codes (1technophile#374) has been discussed here: puuu/ESPiLight#39 * Add pilight repeater function 1technophile#369 set #define repeatPilightwMQTT true into config_RF.h to activate it * add comment for sonoff rf bridge IR add * Separate list of contributors for main file reading improvment add also missing contributors * correct deduplication issue with SRFB and improve OMG performance by reducing the receivingMQTT call numbers https://community.openmqttgateway.com/t/seeing-duplicated-messages/398/7 * Correct return always false when using HM10 and return number instead of char array for sensors values * add message if wrong pubsubclient library used * correct isue with using a different receiver with RFM69 than the default and ack issue 1technophile#376 1technophile#375 * revert thigh and tlow for sonoff rf bridge SRFBtoMQTT 1technophile#366 * correct wrong json object name * change actuator default assignment * change default input gpio pin * add comment for sonoff pin * Prepare 0.9.1 release * Update CONTRIBUTING.md (1technophile#381)
Arduino: Automatic set advanced network config when first value of dns or gateway is filled 1technophile#268
Add MDNS for ESP8266 (1technophile#153) With ESP32 MDNS causes BLE to don't work properly
Esp32 compatibility (1technophile#145) * esp32 init * RF gateway ok with ESP32 * correct IR gateway compilation errors and test RF2 ok * divide config per board type * update test file according user_config * differentiate variable type following IR libraries aka platforms * implement BLE beacons detection with ESP32 * Implement multitasking on BLE gateway * Library add and change core assignement * change core assignement for BLE * add mi flora value readings with ESP32 * adding some traces and removing unecessary comment * correct compilation error due to pin assignement * correct temperature float value and wrong mac adress rssi publishing * add esp32 to CI * correct esp32 ide retrieving * correcting paths * CI: correct architecture * libraries update (irremote) and overwrite ble library files