The ArduCandle is a simple project for a candle flickering effect using an Arduino Nano (ESP32), LEDs, and a button.
The development kit used for this project is a Arduino Nano ESP32, and the documentation refers to that module. However, any board should do the trick.
The circuit is very simple:
connect the two LEDs to the ground with 220 Ohm resistors;
connect the anodes to pins 2 and 3 of the Arduino Nano;
connect the button to ground using a 10 kOhm resistor;
connect the grounded side of the button to pin 7 of the Arduino Nano;
(optional) for better deboucing, insert a 2 uF capacitor between the connection to the board and ground.
arducandle => Arduino sketch folder ├── arducandle.ino => main Arduino file └── ReadMe.adoc => this file