This is a template of a README. Adapt it according to the comments and your needs.
Replace this title and the following description with your project name and description.
A web application built with Nuxt.js 2, Symfony 5.4 (LTS), and GraphQL 5.
Install the latest version of Docker and Docker Compose.
Consider installing Vagrant and VirtualBox.
Indeed, Docker currently has substantial performance issues on macOS, and using Vagrant allows us to have an almost Linux-like experience regarding performances.
Consider using a Linux-like terminal to run the Makefile commands. Vagrant might also be a solution regarding performances.
If not possible, you may also directly run the commands specified in the Makefile.
For instance, instead of running make up
, run docker-compose up -d
Update your hosts
file with the following entries: traefik.symfony-boilerplate.localhost symfony-boilerplate.localhost api.symfony-boilerplate.localhost phpmyadmin.symfony-boilerplate.localhost minio.symfony-boilerplate.localhost mailhog.symfony-boilerplate.localhost
Update the domain with the one used in your project.
On Linux and macOS, run sudo nano /etc/hosts
to edit it.
On Windows, edit the file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
with administrative privileges.
Copy the file .env.dist to a file named .env
. For instance:
cp .env.dist .env
Edit the .env.dist by updating the default values of
environment variables.
"Comment" the STARTUP_COMMAND_3
environment variables from the api
in the docker-compose.yml file.
Next, run:
docker-compose up webapp api
📣  This command start the webapp
and api
service. While booting, these services install the JavaScript
and PHP dependencies. We cannot do that directly in the Vagrant VM as yarn
and composer install
fail miserably the
first time.
Once the services have installed the dependencies, you may stop them with:
docker-compose down
Don't forget to uncomment the previous environments variables from the api
in the docker-compose.yml file.
Next, check there is no application running on port 80 (like Apache or another virtual machine).
If OK, run make vagrant
, then vagrant up
, and finally vagrant ssh
to connect to the virtual machine.
From here, you'll be able to run all the next commands like Linux users!
Update the variable
from the .env and .env.dist files with your project name. Only use alphanumeric characters (no spaces, distinguish words with_
Next, make sure there is no application running on port 80 (Vagrant users can skip this check).
Good? You may now start all the Docker containers with the following commands:
make up
It may take some time as each container will also set up itself, such as installing dependencies (PHP, JavaScript, etc.), compiling sources (JavaScript), or running migrations to set up the database structure.
📣  In some cases, the api
service will try to run the migrations before the mysql
service is ready.
If so, restart the api
service with docker-compose up -d api
The containers will be ready faster next time you run this command as the first run is doing most of the setup.
Once everything is ready, the following endpoints should be available:
- http://traefik.symfony-boilerplate.localhost (Reverse proxy, the entry point of all the HTTP requests)
- http://symfony-boilerplate.localhost (Web application)
- http://api.symfony-boilerplate.localhost (API)
- http://phpmyadmin.symfony-boilerplate.localhost (phpMyAdmin, a web interface for your MySQL database)
- http://minio.symfony-boilerplate.localhost (S3 compatible storage)
- http://mailhog.symfony-boilerplate.localhost (Emails catcher)
Update the domain with the one used in your project.
You may now enter the api
service and load the development data:
make api
php bin/console app:fixtures:dev
Last but not least, start the message consumer with:
make consume
We have added cypress for front-end testing, for now it is in webapp directory. It is recommended to remove it went deploy in production for security reasons:
In the main directory
cd src/webapp
./node_modules/.bin/cypress open
Git should ignore globally some folders like those generated by your IDE and Vagrant.
If not already done, you should tell Git where to find your global .gitignore
For instance, on Linux/macOS/Windows git bash:
git config --global core.excludesfile '~/.gitignore'
Windows cmd:
git config --global core.excludesfile "%USERPROFILE%\.gitignore"
Windows PowerShell:
git config --global core.excludesfile "$Env:USERPROFILE\.gitignore"
Then create the global .gitignore
file according to the location specified previously.
You may now edit it, according to your environment, with:
# MacOS
# Vagrant
Make sure you have read the following documentations:
Day-to-day guidelines
In-depth explanations
- See docs folder.
As simple as the make up
command, run make down
to stop the entire Docker Compose stack.
If you're a Vagrant user, you may also stop the virtual machine with vagrant halt
If you're not going to work on the project for a while, you may also destroy
the virtual machine using vagrant destroy
All aggregated logs:
docker-compose logs -f
Logs of one service:
docker-compose logs -f SERVICE_NAME
For instance, if you want the logs of the api
docker-compose logs -f api