- Introduction to Kafka
- Apache Kafka 101
- Kafka in a Nutshell
- Event-Driven Architecture with Apache Kafka for .NET Developers Part 1 - Event Producer
- Event-Driven Architecture with Apache Kafka for .NET Developers Part 2 - Event Consumer
- Event-Driven Architecture with Apache Kafka for .NET Developers Part 3 - Azure Event Hubs
- Describing Kafka with AsyncAPI
- Building Reliable Reprocessing and Dead Letter Queues with Apache Kafka - Uber Engineering Blog
- Building Reliable Kafka Producers and Consumers in .NET
- Understanding Kafka Topic Partitions
- Leader election and Sharding Practices at Wix microservices
- Kafka Quick Start Guide
- Using Apache Kafka with .NET
- Setting up a Kafka test environment with Kafdrop
- Getting Started: Apache Kafka with .NET Core
- Kafka Listeners – Explained
- Course | Apache Kafka® Fundamentals
- Apache Kafka® Tutorials | Kafka 101
- Kafka Connect Tutorials | Kafka Connect 101
- Streams API for Apache Kafka™ | Produced by Confluent
- What is Kafka | Tutorial | Beginners Guide
- Building Streaming Microservices with Apache Kafka - Tim Berglund
- Getting Started: Apache Kafka .NET
- Apache Kafka Crash Course
- Apache Kafka - 2022 Edition [.NET 6 Consumer and Producer, Docker containerized Kafka services]
- How to start an Apache Kafka broker with Docker and Docker-Compose
- How to create and manage Kafka Topics using Conduktor
- How do Topics, Partitions and Offsets work in Apache Kafka?
- How to configure an Apache Kafka cluster in Conduktor
- Apache Kafka - Brokers & Topic Replication Explanation
- How do Kafka Consumer Groups and Consumer Offsets work in Apache Kafka?
- Troubleshooting Kafka with 2000 Microservices | Event Driven
- edenhill/kcat - Generic command line non-JVM Apache Kafka producer and consumer