Automated downloader for tv-shows using youtube-dl. See here for supported sites.
- Scrape websites and insert episodes in a DB
- Matches episodes with subscribed tv-shows
- Download episodes and turn on VPN to bypass geoblocking
- Python 3
- Requests
- Beautifulsoup 4
- PluginBase
- Clone repository:
git clone
- Enter directory:
cd auto-dl
- First run:
python3 -noscrape -nodl
- Edit config:
nano conig.ini
- Add shows with language:
python3 -noscrape -nodl -add "Doctor Who" en
- Run script:
: Disables download-noscrape
: Disables scrapping-add "<Show>" <language code>
: Subscribes show, see above for example.
- Edit
= Enabled, else Disabled
- Edit
cd /path/to/auto-dl
Windscribe offers sometimes 50GB/month for free. If your using windscribe and this script on a server:
Turn off firewall windscribe firewall off
to keep ssh available
crontab -e
# m h dom mon dow command
30 2 * * * /path/to/
lxc is a container system for Linux. In contrast to a Virtual Machine it runs directly on the hardware to preserve performance. So you can limit VPN to this script to insure network connectivity of your computer.
I highly recommend this script to be run on a server since scraping and downloading can take a long time (~20 min/Video @ 25MBit/s). Even a 35$ Raspberry Pi performs well and you can use it in audition as a NAS.
First I want to say thank you for considering contribiuting to this project.
Take a look at the todo branch if you want to complete the work of others. Feel free to start a pull request to this branch if you are stuck half way through a problem.
- Use other scrapers as an example
- Please add only full episodes to DB
- Remove any extra text from show name
- Make sure, that youtube-dl is able to download videos from this site
- Note naming scheme for scrapers:
- Use a scraper template if you create a scraper for similar sites.
- Avoid additional requirements