The Discord Bot using OpenAI to processing User Text and Images
Change whatever in inawords.txt what you want filter out
Warning: the inawords.txt contain pre-select inappropriate words
ㅤEvery request will be in log.txt
ㅤShould look like this:
ㅤRequest: Write a random word
ㅤTime: 2022-12-11 12:27:06.123088
ㅤModel: text-davinci-003
ㅤUser: user#0000
ㅤUser ID: 0
ㅤChannel: geral
ㅤChannel ID: 0
ㅤServer: Discord Best Server
ㅤServer ID: 0
ㅤDCtoken = "Your discord bot token"
ㅤAItoken = "Your openAI Token ("
ㅤDCtokenTest = "optional to test BOT (If you want add features)"
ㅤOwnerID = "Your discord id (This is needed for Maintenance commands)"
ㅤprefix = "Your bot prefix (.command)"
ㅤtxtmodels = "list of models what you want use ("
ㅤThe text request is from line 143 to 148
ㅤThe image request is from line 179 to 183
ㅤThe image varriation is from line 213 to 217
ㅤpip install discord
ㅤpip install OpenAI