Virus Identification On Site
**1.0/directory** includes some ngs softwares, supported with ubuntu16.04. *The image is too fat ,so not recommended.*;
**2.0/derectory** is through ubuntu17.10 repository list including some ngs softwares. *The image is so simple , so recommended.*;
VIOS function is to identify **virus** and confirm its classitication.
From ngs **FASTQ** data, VIOS can achieve that the viruses category 、proportion 、coverage , and so on.
set DATABASE variable in
DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', 'NAME': 'vios_db', 'HOST':'mysqler', #mysql_container_hostname(--hostname=mysqler) 'PORT':'3306', 'USER':'root', 'PASSWORD':'1234aaaa', } }
start myslq container, and appoint the hostname para same with the HOST element of DATABASE variable:
docker run -it --hostname=mysqler --name mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=1234aaaa -e MYSQL_DATABASE=vios_db mysql:5.7
start vios container, and appoint the link para which can connect to MySQL: create image, first:
docker image build -t suyanan/vios:1.0 . docker pull suyanan/vios:1.0
docker container run -it --name vios --hostname vioser -v `pwd`/VIOS:/vios/VIOS -v `pwd`/database:/vios/database --link mysql:db suyanan/vios:1.0 docker inspect -f '{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' vios #add IP manually, IF IP is not included int *ALLOWED_HOSTS* variable. ALLOWED_HOSTS = [ u'', u'localhost', u'', ]
FIANLLY, access IP:8000 in browser.
link para is useful but not recommended in current Docker version(1.17).
generate network
docker network create neter
start mysql container, and appoint the network
docker run -it --hostname=mysqler --network neter --name mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=1234aaaa -e MYSQL_DATABASE=vios_db mysql:5.7
start vios container,and make its network same with that of mysql container(both network is neter),achieve the access to MySQL create image, first:
docker image build -t suyanan/vios:1.0 . docker pull suyanan/vios:1.0
docker container run -it --name vios --hostname vioser --network neter -v `pwd`/VIOS:/vios/VIOS -v `pwd`/database:/vios/database suyanan/vios:1.0
docker inspect mysql docker inspect vios
set the HOST elemen of DATABASE variable and ALLOWED_HOSTS variable in
DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', 'NAME': 'vios_db', 'HOST': ##mysql_container_ip 'PORT':'3306', 'USER':'root', 'PASSWORD':'1234aaaa', } } ALLOWED_HOSTS = [ u'', u'localhost', #vios_container_ip ]
- Just RESTART the vios container if you can't find sample_list or sample_se_list AFTER you upload your raw FASTQ datas.
- start container with two commands:
dockecontainer run -it --name vios --hostname vioser --network neter -v `pwd`/VIOS:/vios/VIOS -v `pwd`/database:/vios/database vios_pipeliner sh -c "python /vios/VIOS/ migrate && python /vios/VIOS/ runserver"
- start container with /bin/bash to test internally(cover the CMD in Dockerfile):
dockecontainer run -it --name vios --hostname vioser --network neter -v `pwd`/VIOS:/vios/VIOS -v `pwd`/database:/vios/database vios_pipeliner /bin/bash
docker tag suyanan/vios:1.0 vioser_pipeliner
docker-compose up #create and start containers
docker-compose down -v #shutdown and remove containers
- There are still problems with using compose to manage the two containers(pipelinre——same as vios, and mysql):
*pipeliner_1 | django.db.utils.OperationalError: (2003, "Can't connect to MySQL server on 'mysqler' (111)")*
local images:
docker image save suyanan/vios:x.0 -o suyanan_vios_x.0.tar docker image load -i suyanan_vios_x.tar
warning messages while building Dckerfile:
WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts. debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installe
NO supporting window interface WITH Docker deployment SO:Force matplotlib to not use any Xwindows backend. add codes below in file
import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg')
The visualization results is located in corresponding directories.
softwares downloaded postion:
1.0/directory : JAVA and ngs softwares is necessary,and you can download from BaiduYun;
2.0/directory : velvet is necessary,but you need to decompress and rename with "velvet_1.2.10.tgz", and recompress it.
--- **COPY RIGHT**
The End