With this project I set out to achieve four goals:
- Discover how to efficiently pull the data from all of my online chess games (more than 900 total) using R coding
- Use Google Sheets to process, clean, and organize the data
- Use SQL to discover insights about my chess games
- Use Tableau Public to create a visualization of the data and insights
The initial challenge was that chess game data is stored in plaintext .pgn files which have to be manually downloaded per game from chess.com. However, chess.com offers a developer API to access information about players and games on the platform including a list of a player's monthly archived games, and consolidated monthly .pgn files with every game included.
The chess.com API overview can be found here: https://www.chess.com/news/view/published-data-api
Initially I downloaded a single .pgn file and read it into an R dataframe. I then pulled only relevant data to my analysis from the dataframe. Example:
# read pgn file into dataframe
pgn_df_1 <- read.delim("pgn_1.pgn")
# pull relevant fields from complete dataframe (white player, black player, result, white elo, black elo, move list string)
game_summary_df_1 <- pgn_df_1[c(4,5,6,8,9,13),]
# transpose from vertical to horizontal in anticipation of stacking multiple games into a row per game
# this also creates generic column names "X1", "X2", etc
game_summary_df_1 <- data.frame(t(game_summary_df_1))
# need to name the columns the same before binding multiple dataframes
colnames(game_summary_df_3) <- c("white_player", "black_player", "result", "white_elo", "black_elo", "moves")
This worked well for a single .pgn file but was impractical for getting the data from more than 900 games. To test the API and JSON tools further, I did a simple pull of my chess.com profile:
# simple json data pull
simple_json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON("https://api.chess.com/pub/player/supercarp")
The next step was to figure out how to get the entire archive of my games into a useable format. To start, I used a JSON request to pull the available monthly archives from my chess.com profile and parse it out:
# get entire list of possible archived pgn games
archive_list <- jsonlite::fromJSON("https://api.chess.com/pub/player/supercarp/games/archives")
# above returns a list of 1 that needs to be split; split on the comma
archive_list <- strsplit(archive_list$archives, ",")
# get the length of the list (number of available pgn files)
# print the list to ensure accuracy so far
for(i in 1:length(archive_list)){print(archive_list[i])}
At this point I had a list of 39 available monthly archives with each archive as a URL with a year/month stamp:
[1] "https://api.chess.com/pub/player/supercarp/games/2018/12"
[1] "https://api.chess.com/pub/player/supercarp/games/2019/01"
[1] "https://api.chess.com/pub/player/supercarp/games/2019/02"
The link returns a large plaintext file containing all the .pgn data for that month. The next step was to pull the entirety of all my monthly archives into a single list to then extract the .pgn plaintext. The following code accomplishes that:
# create the list of all pgns using JSON requests
# uses the character string URLs from archive_list above
all_pgn_list <- list(0)
for(i in 1:length(archive_list)){all_pgn_list[i] <- (jsonlite::fromJSON(as.character(archive_list[i])))}
The resulting data in all_pgn_list was a list of length 39, each item in the list containing three dataframes - one unnamed dataframe containing most of the game info (including the .pgn plaintext) as well as one dataframe each for the white and black player:
To ensure the subsequent code would pull the right list/dataframe item, I ran a few checks:
all_pgn_list[[1]][[2]] # pulls pgn list from first list item (2018 December games)
all_pgn_list[[39]][[2]] # pulls pgn list from last list item (2022 June games)
write_csv(as.data.frame(all_pgn_list[[1]][[2]]), "write_csv_from_list_test.csv")
I then imported the .csv into Google Sheets and using "split text to columns" on the delimeter "]" I had one game per row:
Finally, I put it all together:
# create empty data frame:
all_pgn_df <- data.frame(list(0))
# create iterative data frame to fill per loop
iterate_pgn_df <- data.frame(list(0))
# name the column to allow rbind in the loop
colnames(all_pgn_df) <- "PGN List"
# add the other PGNs
for(i in 1:length(archive_list)){
iterate_pgn_df <- as.data.frame(all_pgn_list[[i]][[2]]) # pull the PGN data from each entry
colnames(iterate_pgn_df) <- "PGN List" # make sure column names match for rbind
all_pgn_df <- rbind(all_pgn_df, iterate_pgn_df) # stack the new pgn data below the existing
cat("Added PGN number ", i, "\n") # print the progress
View(all_pgn_df) # confirm results
write_csv(as.data.frame(all_pgn_df), "all_pgn.csv")
I then imported the .csv file into Google Sheets to begin work on goal #2.
I did the initial data cleaning with a series of Find & Replace actions, replacing unneeded information with blank spaces. I then deleted several columns that weren't relevant such as Round, Timezone, and the URL of the individual game.
I soon realized I would need to create several new columns. For instance, the data for the 10th move of a game looked like this:
10. Nd2 {[%clk 0:15:20]} 10... h6 {[%clk 0:13:27.1]}
Parsed out, the information contained is:
10. = indicates start of the 10th move
Nd2 = white's move
{[clk 0:15:20]} = white's remaining time on the clock
10... indicates black's turn on move 10
h6 = black's move
{[clk 0:13:27.1]} = black's remaining time on the clock, note that tenths of a second are included
My time management in games is one area I specifically wanted to look at, so I created columns extracting the time data for each player using formulas:
=IFERROR(IF(AA2>10, RIGHT(AW2, 7)-RIGHT(AX2, 7), "Game Ended"), "Game Ended")
=IFERROR(IF(game_number_of_moves>10, RIGHT(white_move_10, 7)-RIGHT(black_move_10, 7), "Game Ended"), "Game Ended")
This allowed me to format the result as a 'Duration' with an easy indicator of how the game was going - a positive duration indicates white has more time remaining, a negative duration indicates black has more.
Other new columns I created included the game length by number of moves, the day of the week of the game, and a result reason (i.e. 1-0 indicates white won, but was it through checkmate, resignation, time expiring, abandonment, or disconnect?).
Of particular interest was the sequence of the first four moves of the game, which I thought might provide insight on how I perform with various openings. I used regular expressions to extract only the first four moves in a simple format:
=IFERROR(CONCATENATE(REGEXEXTRACT(white_move_1,". ? (. ?) ")," ",REGEXEXTRACT(black_move_1,". ? (. ?) ")," ",REGEXEXTRACT(white_move_2,". ? (. ?) ")," ",REGEXEXTRACT(black_move_2,". ? (. ?) ")),)
# this returns:
e4 e5 Nf3 Nf6
At this point I had enough actionable data to query and aggregate with SQL.
I began to query the data, starting with my performance by day of the week:
COUNT(*) AS game_count,
SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "1-0" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "0-1", 1, 0)) AS win_count,
SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "0-1" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "1-0", 1, 0)) AS loss_count,
SUM(IF(result = "draw", 1, 0)) as draw_count,
ROUND(SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "1-0" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "0-1", 1, 0))/COUNT(*)*100,1) AS win_pct,
ROUND(SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "0-1" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "1-0", 1, 0))/COUNT(*)*100,1) AS loss_pct,
ROUND(SUM(IF(result = "draw", 1, 0))/COUNT(*)*100,1) AS draw_pct,
FROM `database.chess_dataset.complete_game_data`
GROUP BY game_day_of_week
(CASE WHEN game_day_of_week = "Monday" THEN 1
WHEN game_day_of_week = "Tuesday" THEN 2
WHEN game_day_of_week = "Wednesday" THEN 3
WHEN game_day_of_week = "Thursday" THEN 4
WHEN game_day_of_week = "Friday" THEN 5
WHEN game_day_of_week = "Saturday" THEN 6
And the result:
Without going into too much detail here, from this type of query I was able to gain insights such as strong performances Tuesday - Friday but with a significant drop on Thursday. I expected my weekend performance to be good but Saturday and Sunday had high loss percentages.
The query below proved that time management was a substantial problem in most of my games:
COUNT(*) as total_games,
-- time differences for move 10
SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_ten,1) != "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_ten,1) = "-", 1, 0)) AS positive_time_diff_move_ten,
SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_ten,1) = "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_ten,1) != "-", 1, 0)) AS negative_time_diff_move_ten,
-- percentage for move 10
ROUND(SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_ten,1) = "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_ten,1) != "-", 1, 0)) /
(SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_ten,1) != "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_ten,1) = "-", 1, 0))
SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_ten,1) = "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_ten,1) != "-", 1, 0)))*100,1)
AS move_ten_negative_time_pct,
-- time differences for move 15
SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_fifteen,1) != "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_fifteen,1) = "-", 1, 0)) AS positive_time_diff_move_fifteen,
SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_fifteen,1) = "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_fifteen,1) != "-", 1, 0)) AS negative_time_diff_move_fifteen,
-- percentage for move 15
ROUND(SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_fifteen,1) = "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_fifteen,1) != "-", 1, 0)) /
(SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_fifteen,1) != "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_fifteen,1) = "-", 1, 0))
SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_fifteen,1) = "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_fifteen,1) != "-", 1, 0)))*100,1)
AS move_fifteen_negative_time_pct,
-- time differences for move 20
SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_twenty,1) != "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_twenty,1) = "-", 1, 0)) AS positive_time_diff_move_twenty,
SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_twenty,1) = "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_twenty,1) != "-", 1, 0)) AS negative_time_diff_move_twenty,
-- percentage for move 20
ROUND(SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_twenty,1) = "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_twenty,1) != "-", 1, 0)) /
(SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_twenty,1) != "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_twenty,1) = "-", 1, 0))
SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_twenty,1) = "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_twenty,1) != "-", 1, 0)))*100,1)
AS move_twenty_negative_time_pct,
-- time differences for move 30
SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_thirty,1) != "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_thirty,1) = "-", 1, 0)) AS positive_time_diff_move_thirty,
SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_thirty,1) = "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_thirty,1) != "-", 1, 0)) AS negative_time_diff_move_thirty,
-- percentage for move 30
ROUND(SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_thirty,1) = "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_thirty,1) != "-", 1, 0)) /
(SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_thirty,1) != "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_thirty,1) = "-", 1, 0))
SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_thirty,1) = "-" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND LEFT(time_diff_move_thirty,1) != "-", 1, 0)))*100,1)
AS move_thirty_negative_time_pct,
FROM `database.chess_dataset.complete_game_data`
The results show that I am behind on the clock by move 10 in most of my games and I never recover:
One final example of my SQL work I would like to show uses the "first four moves" idea and finds my win/loss/draw percentage based on just the first four moves. Here is the query and results:
COUNT(*) AS game_count,
SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "1-0" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "0-1", 1, 0)) AS win_count,
SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "0-1" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "1-0", 1, 0)) AS loss_count,
SUM(IF(result = "draw", 1, 0)) AS draw_count,
ROUND(SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "1-0" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "0-1", 1, 0))/COUNT(*)*100,1) AS win_pct,
ROUND(SUM(IF(white_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "0-1" OR black_player = "SuperCarp" AND result = "1-0", 1, 0))/COUNT(*)*100,1) AS loss_pct,
ROUND(SUM(IF(result = "draw", 1, 0))/COUNT(*)*100,1) AS draw_pct,
FROM `database.chess_dataset.complete_game_data`
GROUP BY first_four_moves
ORDER BY game_count DESC
I have only included the results for those openings that appear at in at least 15 games (of my 900 total). There are some obvious points of emphasis - a 60 percent loss rate for a few of the openings! The first four sequences listed comprise 30 percent of my total games. I have a 50 percent or better win rate on only three opening sequences.
With a host of insightful queries, my final step was to visualize the data.
I created a visualization appropriately titled "I Suck at Chess," the link is here: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/brian.carpenter8228/viz/ISuckatChess/Dashboard2#1
I have posted files with the R code and SQL queries into the project. I hope you found this interesting or helpful in some way!
Brian Carpenter