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TPD analysis for first order desorption process


Calculate the adsorption energy, configurational entropy and adsorbate-adsorbate interaction parameter for first order desorption from TPD curves.

Equations used to fit are described in the manuscipt: How to Extract Adsorption Energies, Adsorbate-adsorbate Interaction Parameters, and Saturation Coverages from Temperature Programmed Desorption Experiments (link)


The package can be installed via

pip install tpd-analyse


All inputs must be passed to the central class PlotTPD. An example of some possible inputs are shown below.

    TPDClass = PlotTPD(exp_data=files,
                        plot_temperature=np.linspace(100, 500, 50), 
  1. exp_data: list of filenames. Each filename must be of the format exposure_<some_value>.csv where some_value can be the exposure in any units.
  2. order: currently only first order desorption reactions are implemented, so order=1
  3. thermo_ads (optional): Here the ase class HarmonicThermo can be passed with the required inputs for the adsorbate(s) of interest. More information about the class can be found here.
  4. thermo_gas: Similar to the thermo_ads, only for gas molecules. One option is to use IdealGasThermo
  5. plot_temperature: A temperature range that the equibirium coverage can be determined in. An example range would be `np.linspace(100, 500)
  6. T_switch: Is there are more than one processes occuring in one TPD plot, supply a list of temperatures to switch from one to another in K.
  7. T_max: Maximum temperature to consider for all the TPDs.
  8. T_rate_min: Minimum temperature at which the baseline correction can be done.
  9. beta: Heating rate in K/s
  10. correct_background (optional): bool to decide if the background is corrected
  11. p (optional): Pressure in the case of equilibirum, only useful if equilbirum coverages are needed
  12. initial_guess_theta (optional): Initial guess for the coverage in the Newton root solver
  13. guess_b(optional): Guess for the ads-ads interaction.
  14. calculate_eq_coverage (oprtional): Decide is the equilibrium coverage is computed.