- Docker 1.13.1 or latest 17.12.1-ce
- An X11 server socket enabled (e.g. xhost )
During starting up Intellij first time, one of the options will allow you to install "Scala". Remember to install that. If not, you still can add inside the Intellij IDE later.
firefox ./guide/Intellij-guide-install-Scala-option.png
If you use "./run.sh", you can ignore this section!
Intellij configurations are kept on $HOME/.ideaIC-2018.1
inside the container, so if you
want to keep them around after you close it, you'll need to share it with your
For example: (Version might be different - use run.sh instead)
docker run -ti --rm \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-v $HOME/.ideaIC-2018.1:/home/developer/.ideaIC-2018.1 \
-v `pwd`:/home/developer/workspace \
- openkbs/docker-atom-editor
- openkbs/eclipse-photon-docker
- openkbs/eclipse-oxygen-docker
- openkbs/intellj-docker
- openkbs/netbeans9-docker
- openkbs/netbeans
- openkbs/papyrus-sysml-docker
- openkbs/pycharm-docker
- openkbs/scala-ide-docker
- openkbs/sublime-docker
- openkbs/webstorm-docker
- Mysql-Workbench at openkbs/mysql-workbench
- PgAdmin4 for PostgreSQL at openkbs/pgadmin-docker
- Sqlectron SQL GUI at openkbs/sqlectron-docker
More resource in X11 display of Eclipse on your host machine's OS, please see
You might see the warning message in the launching xterm console like below, you can just ignore it. I googles around and some blogs just suggested to ignore since the IDE still functional ok.
** (eclipse:1): WARNING **: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-wrKH8o5rny: Connection refused
** (java:7): WARNING **: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-wrKH8o5rny: Connection refused