- Edge detection operator return subpixel level edge position.
- Using Canny filter as differential operator.
- Implementing according to Carsten Steger"s method.
- Interpolation of second partial derivatives with Facet Model method.
struct Contour
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points; // edge location
std::vector<float> direction; // direction of the gradient in edge point,
// starting from y axis, counter-clockwise
std::vector<float> response; // amptitude of the gradient in edge point
// gray - only support 8-bit grayscale
// hierarchy, mode - have the same meanings as in cv::findContours
CV_EXPORTS void EdgesSubPix(cv::Mat &gray, double alpha, int low, int high,
std::vector<Contour> &contours, cv::OutputArray hierarchy,
int mode);
// mode = RETR_LIST
CV_EXPORTS void EdgesSubPix(cv::Mat &gray, double alpha, int low, int high,
std::vector<Contour> &contours);
Edge --data=edge.yml avatar.jpg edge.jpg
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