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SegyIO.jl provides methods to read, write, and scan SEGY datasets.


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SeisIO is a Julia package for reading and writing SEGY Rev 1 files. In addition to providing tools for reading/writing entire files, SeisIO provides a scanner that turns SEGY volumes into an object with direct out-of-core access to the underlying data.


SeisIO can be installed using the Julia package manager. If you have a Github account, run the following from the Julia REPL:

Pkg.clone("[email protected]:slimgroup/SeisIO.jl.git")

Otherwise run:



First start up Julia, load the package, and move into the directory storing the example SEGY file.

julia> using SeisIO
julia> cd(Pkg.dir("SeisIO")*"/src/data/")

Reading a file is a simple as passing the file path to the reader

julia> block = segy_read("overthrust_2D_shot_1_20.segy");

Of course, the file does not need to be in the pwd.

julia> block = segy_read(Pkg.dir("SeisIO")*"/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_1_20.segy");

SeisIO currently requires fixed trace length (this will be changing soon), and will warn if the fixed trace length flag is not set in the file header.

The reader returns the contents of the SEGY file in a SeisBlock composite type. This type contains:

  • The FileHeader, containing the textual and binary file headers
  • A vector of BinaryTraceHeaders, one for each trace
  • The trace data collected into an array (nsamples x ntraces)

Show methods for BinaryTraceHeaders and FileHeaders are provided

julia> block.fileheader
                                Job:         1
                               Line:         1
                               Reel:         1
               DataTracePerEnsemble:         1
          AuxiliaryTracePerEnsemble:         0
                                 dt:      4000
                             dtOrig:         0
                                 ns:       751
                             nsOrig:         0
                   DataSampleFormat:         1
                       EnsembleFold:         0
                       TraceSorting:         0
                    VerticalSumCode:         0
                SweepFrequencyStart:         0
                  SweepFrequencyEnd:         0
                        SweepLength:         0
                          SweepType:         0
                       SweepChannel:         0
              SweepTaperlengthStart:         0
                SweepTaperLengthEnd:         0
                          TaperType:         0
               CorrelatedDataTraces:         0
                         BinaryGain:         0
            AmplitudeRecoveryMethod:         0
                  MeasurementSystem:         0
              ImpulseSignalPolarity:         0
              VibratoryPolarityCode:         0
           SegyFormatRevisionNumber:         0
               FixedLengthTraceFlag:         0
          NumberOfExtTextualHeaders:         0

SeisIO provides the option of reading only user-specified BinaryTraceHeader values from disk. This allows the reader to only focus on what matters, and can improve performance considerably.

julia> @elapsed segy_read(Pkg.dir("SeisIO")*"/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_1_20.segy")

julia> @elapsed segy_read(Pkg.dir("SeisIO")*"/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_1_20.segy", ["SourceX"; "SourceY"])

SeisIO"s performance comes from parsing metadata in memory. This can be toggled using the buffer keyword.

julia> @elapsed segy_read(Pkg.dir("SeisIO")*"/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_1_20.segy", buffer=false)

julia> @elapsed segy_read(Pkg.dir("SeisIO")*"/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_1_20.segy", ["SourceX"; "SourceY"], buffer=false)

To get all values of a BinaryTraceHeader field for an entire block, use get_header

julia> sx = get_header(block, "SourceX")
julia> sy = get_header(block, :SourceY)
julia> typeof(sx)

The header field values are returned in a vector, trace order is preserved.


SeisBlocks can be written back onto the disk as a SEGY file using the writer

julia> segy_write("testwrite.segy", block)
WARNING: DataSampleFormat not supported for writing. Attempting to convert to IEEE Float32

SeisBlock can currently read data in IBMFloat32(DSF 1) and IEEE Float32 (DSF 5), however it will convert IBMFloat32 data to IEEE Float32 when writing.

Constructing a SeisBlock

If the data you want to save as a SEGY file is just an array in memory, you will need to put it into a SeisBlock before you can write it. Passing a 2D array to the SeisBlock constructor will return a bare-bones SeisBlock instance, where all the headers value are zero except for the number of samples and data sample format, which are inferred from the array.

julia> data = zeros(Float32, 1000, 100)
julia> block = SeisBlock(data)

Use set_headers! to populate the blocks headers with the desired metadata. Header fields can be passed as either strings or symbols.

julia> set_header!(block, "dt", 8000)

If a value is the same for all traceheaders, you can pass a scalar.

julia> set_header!(block, :SourceX, 100)
julia> set_header!(block, :SourceY, 100)

Or if the value varies, pass a vector with length ntraces.

julia> set_header!(block, :GroupX, Array(1:100))
julia> set_header!(block, :GroupY, Array(1:100))

If a chosen field is present in both BinaryFileHeaders and BinaryTraceHeaders, both will be set.

d = s[find(x -> 5000<x<10000, src_locations[:,1])]


Example data has been provided with the package in src/data/


A scanned volume provides a higher level of abstraction, removing the need for a user to directly manage individual files. Scanning a file (or a group of files) returns a SeisCon object, which contains the necessary information to partition the volume into more managable pieces and directly access these partitions. By default, the scanner will automatically partition the volume when the source location changes.

The /src/data/ directory contains 4 SEGY files generated from the Overthrust model, each containing roughly 20 shots. Scanning these 4 files into a SeisCon object will allow direct access to these shots without duplicating any memory.

julia> using SeisIO

julia> dir2scan = Pkg.dir("SeisIO")*"/src/data/"

julia> file_filter = "overthrust"

julia> keys = ["GroupX"; "GroupY"]
2-element Array{String,1}:

julia> s = segy_scan(dir2scan, file_filter, keys);
Scanning ... SeisIO/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_1_20.segy
Scanning ... SeisIO/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_21_40.segy
Scanning ... SeisIO/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_41_60.segy
Scanning ... SeisIO/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_61_80.segy
Scanning ... SeisIO/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_81_97.segy

julia> length(s)

SeisCon Objects

At the core of the SeisCon object, s, is a vector of BlockScan objects. Each BlockScan contains a metadata summary for each partition. Only the header fields defined in keys are summarized.

The scanner automatically detected 97 shots, and created metadata summaries for all traces in each shot.

The first three fields contain the file path, the start byte, and end byte of the partition. The last field is a dictionary containing the minimum and maximum value for each key within the partition.

julia> s.blocks[1]
SeisIO.BlockScan(".../SeisIO/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_1_20.segy", 3600, 415588, Dict("SourceX"=>Int32[400, 400],"SourceY"=>Int32[0, 0],"GroupX"=>Int32[100, 6400],"GroupY"=>Int32[0, 0]))

julia> fieldnames(BlockScan)
4-element Array{Symbol,1}:

get_sources and get_header can be used to inspect these summaries for an entire SeisCon object.

julia> src_locations = get_sources(s)
97×2 Array{Int32,2}:
  400  0
  600  0
  800  0
19200  0
19400  0
19600  0

The data referenced in in a BlockScan can be accessed by indexing the SeisCon object.

julia> d = s[1];

The combination of metadata summaries and direct access allows the user to easily perform operations that would otherwise be quite tedious. For example, let"s load every trace where the source was located between gridpoints 5000 and 10000.

julia> d = s[find(x -> 5000<= x <=10000, src_locations[:,1])] 

Distributed Scanning

By default, segy_scan distributes files queued for scanning to all workers in order to parallelize scanning.

julia> addprocs(4)
4-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia> @everywhere using SeisIO

julia> dir2scan = Pkg.dir("SeisIO")*"/src/data/"

julia> file_filter = "overthrust"

julia> keys = ["GroupX"; "GroupY"]
2-element Array{String,1}:

julia> s = segy_scan(dir2scan, file_filter, keys);
    From worker 2:  Scanning ... /SeisIO/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_1_20.segy
    From worker 4:  Scanning ... /SeisIO/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_41_60.segy
    From worker 3:  Scanning ... /SeisIO/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_21_40.segy
    From worker 5:  Scanning ... /SeisIO/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_61_80.segy
    From worker 2:  Scanning ... /SeisIO/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_81_97.segy

The optional keyword argument pool can be set to define a different worker pool to distribute across.

julia> s = segy_scan(dir2scan, file_filter, keys, pool = WorkerPool(workers()[1:2]));
    From worker 2:  Scanning ... /SeisIO/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_1_20.segy
    From worker 3:  Scanning ... /SeisIO/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_21_40.segy
    From worker 2:  Scanning ... /SeisIO/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_41_60.segy
    From worker 3:  Scanning ... /SeisIO/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_61_80.segy
    From worker 2:  Scanning ... /SeisIO/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_81_97.segy


Inorder to scan files larger than memory, the scanner reads chunksize MB of data into an IOBuffer at a time inorder to process the data in memory. This allows the scanner to scale to any file size, and has the added benefit of reducing the number of calls to read from the disk.

The default chunksize is 1024 MB, and can be modified using the chunksize keyword argument in segy_scan. Increasing chunksize yields moderate performance gains at the expensive of increased peak memory.

julia> @time s = segy_scan(dir2scan, file_filter, keys);
Scanning ... /SeisIO/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_1_20.segy
Scanning ... /SeisIO/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_21_40.segy
Scanning ... /SeisIO/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_41_60.segy
Scanning ... /SeisIO/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_61_80.segy
Scanning ... /SeisIO/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_81_97.segy
  0.077360 seconds (384.77 k allocations: 5.013 GiB, 10.37% gc time)

julia> @time s = segy_scan(dir2scan, file_filter, keys, chunksize = 10);
Scanning ... /SeisIO/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_1_20.segy
Scanning ... /SeisIO/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_21_40.segy
Scanning ... /SeisIO/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_41_60.segy
Scanning ... /SeisIO/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_61_80.segy
Scanning ... /SeisIO/src/data/overthrust_2D_shot_81_97.segy
  0.110804 seconds (385.64 k allocations: 103.844 MiB, 4.85% gc time)

The performance hit of using a small chunk size becomes more pronounced at scale. The timings below are from scanning a 330 GB file using a 1 GB and a 20 GB chunksize respectively.

julia> @time s = segy_scan(pwd(), bigfile, ["GroupX"; "GroupY"]);
Scanning ... _____.sgy
739.929009 seconds (1.01 G allocations: 359.513 GiB, 6.06% gc time) 

julia> @time s = segy_scan(pwd(), bigfile, ["GroupX"; "GroupY"], chunksize = 20*1024);
Scanning ... _____.sgy
691.861098 seconds (1.00 G allocations: 368.240 GiB, 1.63% gc time)

These timings show that chunksize should be set as large as possible for optimal performance, however the performance hit taken when scanning files much larger than memory is acceptable.


SegyIO.jl provides methods to read, write, and scan SEGY datasets.




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