I am passionate about coding, teaching, learning and giving back to the community. Previously, I have worked at Adobe, Google, Apple, Microsoft etc.
I love to share my knowledge to the community and here are the events I have spoken at meetsup and conferences (in-person and virtual).
- January - QA Global Summit
- Feburary - React Summit
- January Online - Fluttering into the Future: A Beginner's Guide to App Development
- Feburary in person - Building Tomorrow: Exploring Flutter and PWA
- April - Google Cloud Next - Panel Speaker
- May - iJS San Diego Building Intelligent UIs with React and AI
- May - iJS San Diego Don't Bug Out! Automate Testing with Puppeteer and Cypress
- May - iJS San Diego Building Scalable UIs with Component Driven Microfrontends
- May - Geekle React Summit](https://events.geekle.us/react24/)
- May - SheWorks Menstural Health Summit
- September - JavaScript Summit
- October - GDG Aquaba
- October - iJS New York
- October - GDG Silicon Valley - Panel Speaker
- November 14th - As a Mentor at AnitaB.org Speed mentoring event at Santa Clara
- November 16th - https://gdg.community.dev/events/details/google-gdg-hudson-presents-devfest-2024-troy-ny/
- November 16th - https://gdg.community.dev/events/details/google-gdg-hudson-presents-devfest-2024-troy-ny/
- Novemeber 16th - Women in Tecg - Panel Speaker
- December - Angular Workshop (GDG Aquaba)
- November 7th - React Global Summit "Build React app with Qwik!"
- October 27th - Online-Vilharmosa - Building PWA using Flutter web
- October 28th - GDG Modesto - in person
- October 15th - @DevFest Orlando - Let's build an app quickly with QWIK!
- October 15th - @Devfest Orlando - Build and Deploy React progressive web app to Firebase
- September - iJS - Is Next.js is the new React.js?
- September - JS Summit - PWA performance optimization
- June - How to cook Project Fugu Api's ?
- June - Bring your React apps to life with Animations with Pesto tech
- June - Flutter PWA - Meetup at hacker dojo Sunnyvale.
- May - Build an app with three in one - Flutter, PWA and Firebase
- May - Flutter Forward extended
- April - Women in Firebase - Build a PWA in Flutter Web and, Deploy in Firebase!
- April - React Chicago - Building beautiful UI using Storybook.js
- April 2023 - Build and Deploy: React Progressive web app to Firebase React Global Summit
- Feb 2023 - Angular Summit - Power up your Angular app with PWA'S
- Jan 2023 - Node.js Summit - The power of two technologies - Node.js and PWA!
- Jan 2023 - GDSC McMasters Univeristy - My journey to tech
- Dec 2022 - Angular Nation - Wanna learn Angular?
- November 2022 - React Global Summit. Event link: https://events.geekle.us/react3/
- October 2022 - Fundamental JS-Overview of PWA
- October 2022 - WWCode - Getting Started with PWA. Event link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rA2LKmwLRaCg5gJGU49XKg
- Sep 2022 - JavaScript Global Summit - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzCgGvtoJfo&feature=youtu.be
- Sep 2022 - International JavaScript New York Conference - https://javascript-conference.com/speaker/deepa-subramanian/
- June 2022 - Google Developer Student Club
- Dos and Don’ts of GraphQL and REST API Services - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyGl1HbRV2E
- May 2022 - Node.JS Geekle Global Summit
- How to build a Fast & Scalable Website Using Node.js - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYpivX9P8-I
- May 2022 - Google Developer Communities North America - International Women's Day GDG
- Pulling the strings of Puppeteer for web automation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRx6SebCmd4
- April 2022 - Google Developer Student Club
- How to get started with Angular and Firebase - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pP_ldsQe7oQ
- March 2022 - Google Developer Student Club
- Data Structures in JS - https://youtu.be/dAKay0VwFmc
- March 2022 - React Houston
- Redux, MobX and What's Next in Managing State - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOa5ff_ga3o
- Jan 2022 - React Chicago
- React Components, States and Hooks - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0S9nZ7moLnU
- Jan 2022 - Fundamental JS
- Creational design pattern in JavaScript
- Google NAConnect - Shared about my first in person conference experience.(https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6994864533383106560/)
- Dec 2021 - Fundamental JS
- Getting started with more JavaScript with essential ES6 features
- Fundamental JS
- Getting started with JavaScript
- Dec 2021 - Woman Who Code Frontend
- Introduction to React - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHxbN4tGPT4
- August 10, 2021 - Angular KC
- Getting started with Angular and Firebase - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-BnODS016M