- Machine Learning Engineer intern @ (2 x @ )
- 🔭 Previously worked as a Machine Learning Engineer and Software Development Engineer intern with geospatial computer vision ML models @ In-Q-Tel, a venture capital firm that delivers cutting-edge technologies to the CIA and other US Government agencies
- 🔭 Researching: multi-agent reinforcement learning, graph neural networks, zero-shot dependency parsing
- 🌱 Frequent competitor on Kaggle
- 🌱 Areas of Interest: Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing techniques, Deep Reinforcement Learning
- 💬 Open to collaborate on or discuss Machine Learning papers/problems/projects
- 📫 Reach me at: roshan.ram0101 [at] gmail.com
- Using Neural Network to Create Bike-Sharing Predictions
- Creating, Training, and Deploying a ML Model on AWS Sagemaker
- Boston House Price Predictions
- Interpreting Dermatalogist AI Results
- Applying PCA, Unsupervised Learning to Learn Customer Segments from Data
- Titanic EDA, Survival Predictions
- Using XGBoost, Deep Learning to Predict Insurance Claims (Kaggle Competition, Capstone Project)
- Using CNNs to Create a Dog-Breed Classifier
- Face Generation Using Generative Adversarial Networks
- Facial Keypoint Detection
- Image Captioning with CNNs RNN/LSTM on MS-COCO Dataset
- Landmark Detection & Robot Tracking (SLAM)
- Creating TV Captions/Scripts with RNNs
- Deep Neural Networks for Speech Recognition
- Hidden Markov Models for Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagging
- RNNs for Machine Translation
- RNNs for Text Sentiment Analysis
- Applying RL to Solve Frozen-Lake Environment Problem
- Applying RL to Create A BlackJack AI
- Applying RL to Solve Cliff-Walking Environment Problem
- Applying RL to Solve OpenAI's Taxi-World Environment Problem
- Applying RL to Deep Q-Learning
- Applying RL, Deep Q-Learning to Teach A Quadcopter How To Fly
- Personal Website (In progress)
- Tetris
- Flappy Food Chain (sidescroller game)