❤️A clean, elegant but advanced blog theme for Hugo 一个简洁、优雅且高效的 Hugo 主题
bt-fixture is a test-fixture management library for the cloud bigtable.
📖 A free, lightweight, modern documentation theme for Hugo [WIP]
🎉🎈 개발자 {웨비나, 컨퍼런스, 해커톤} 행사를 알려드립니다. [with 남송리 삼번지]
'가상 면접 사례로 배우는 대규모 시스템 설계 기초' 책을 읽고 일주일에 한 번 토론하는 스터디 모임입니다.
🤔 An imaginary streaming chat service built with Go, Redis and gRPC
Former GUI client for gRPC services. No longer maintained.
An idiomatic Go query builder for ElasticSearch
LaTeX source and supporting code for Think Data Structures: Algorithms and Information Retrieval in Java
Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
The Swiss Army knife to power JavaScript based client solutions ranging from Web apps/explorers over browser extensions to server-side clients like faucets/scrapers.
The Elastic stack (ELK) powered by Docker and Compose.
Hugo로 제작되는 Golang Korean Community Website
Elastic Stack Data Pipeline 구축 실습
Example of a Spring Boot project with a React frontend
Latest Erlang/OTP releases packaged as a zero dependency RPM, just enough for running RabbitMQ
Logging query counts per request in a simple Spring Boot Todo List Application
A complete course for learning Bitcoin programming and usage from the command