Curly is a brain dead wrapper around the curl command line utility designed to provide a 0 dependency solution for applications that want to create some very simple HTTP requests. It is not blazing fast, or async, but at least it involves no C bindings, it's trivial to vendor, and the API can be learned in 5 minutes.
Here's a simple example:
match Curly.(run (Request.make ~url:"" ~meth:`GET ())) with
| Ok x ->
Format.printf "status: %d\n" x.Curly.Response.code;
Format.printf "headers: %a\n" Curly.Header.pp x.Curly.Response.headers;
Format.printf "body: %s\n" x.Curly.Response.body
| Error e ->
Format.printf "Failed: %a" Curly.Error.pp e
There's not much more to it than this. Consult curly.mli to see how to construct various requests and read responses, or read the online documentation.