Implementation of the transactional outbox pattern on top of the
Full documentation is available at
// The event
final readonly class PostChanged
public function __construct(public string $postId) {}
// The entity
use Rekalogika\Contracts\DomainEvent\DomainEventEmitterInterface;
use Rekalogika\Contracts\DomainEvent\DomainEventEmitterTrait;
class Post implements DomainEventEmitterInterface
use DomainEventEmitterTrait;
// ...
public function setTitle(string $title): void
$this->title = $title;
// highlight-next-line
$this->recordEvent(new PostChanged($this->id));
// ...
// The listener
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Rekalogika\Contracts\DomainEvent\Attribute\AsPublishedDomainEventListener;
class PostEventListener
public function __construct(private LoggerInterface $logger) {}
// highlight-next-line
public function onPostChanged(PostChanged $event) {
$postId = $event->postId;
$this->logger->info("Post $postId has been changed.");
// The caller
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
/** @var Post $post */
/** @var EntityManagerInterface $entityManager */
$post->setTitle('New title');
// During the flush above, the event will be recorded in the outbox table in the
// database. Then the message relay service is executed, and will publish the
// events on the event bus. When the event bus announces the event, the listener
// will be executed.
The rekalogika/domain-event-outbox
repository is a read-only repo split from
the main repo. Issues and pull requests should be submitted to the