Something better is coming...
Just Wait I swear something better is coming seriously...
Hello, Welcome to my repo of my Friday Night Funkin' Remake in the Godot Engine.
Scroll Down for details on updates...
Ultimate Rhythm Game Excellence
To build the game just open the project.godot file in your favourite Godot 3.4 Editor and Hit Export then select your desired platform.
Funkin' WFC is part of the WFC Online Network Service. Funkin' WFC provides Downloading of Mods via the internet inside the Game, Chatrooms, Mutiplayer Online Sessions, forums, and much much more.
WFC Is in development and will probs be out by version 2.0.
Yep, It's in the Docs Folder.
Kinda, we will have two versions of the engine. One will be without ModChart Support and can be opened in any Godot Editor. Another will have ModChart Support But will require you to build the Godot engine with a Lua Module (we will provide the source you just need to compile it)