Simple command line tool for automatic translation from one language to another. It works on cell names, game settings, object names, birthsigns, class and race descriptions, book text, faction rank names, magic and skill descriptions, dialog topic names, dialog text, script lines and compiled script data. In one word, on all readable in-game text.
- Translate multiple plugins at once with multiple combined dictionaries to eliminate inconsistencies between files.
- Add your native dialog topic names to the end of not translated dialogs, because without missing hyperlinks mods with lots of text don"t work correctly.
- Convert compiled script data, so you don"t need to recompile scripts in TES CS.
- Doesn"t change file modification time to keep original plugin sorting.
- All you need to start are two language versions of the game or pre-made dictionaries.
All examples below are for Polish version of the game
- Make sure yampt.exe and all .bat scripts are in the same directory and this directory doesn"t contain any esm, esp, or xml files!
- Pick one of the language, e.g. ENtoDE means the script converts from English to German.
- Copy all original foreign plugins you want to translate to folder input.
- Run yampt-make-user-ENtoPL.cmd, script creates two types of dictionary in dict_new folder:
- .CHANGED.xml dictionaries with changed text in comparison with original esm content, e.g. corrected typo in a patch.
- .NOTFOUND.xml dictionaries with text not found in any dictionary, e.g. new text added by plugin.
- Folder dict_new is wipe out every time you run the script, so copy this files into safe place.
- Translate this files in text editor:
- Make sure that you use correct encoding, e.g:
- windows-1252 for English, French, German
- windows-1251 for Russian
- windows-1250 for Polish
- Replace only text between tags
- Make sure that you use correct encoding, e.g:
- Copy translated files to dict_user folder. Dictionaries in this folder will be combined with base dictionary during convertion.
- Run yampt-convert-ENtoPL.bat. This option creates converted files in folder output.
- Read yampt.log and check if there are any Error in script parser. If is, you have to compile scripts in CS.
Converter comes with several pre made dictionaries, but you can easly create your own:
- In file yampt-make-base-XXtoXX.bat change this lines to paths where you keep native and foreign master files (e.g. Morrowind.esm, Tribunal.esm, Bloodmoon.esm).
set NATIVE=C:\path\to\Polish
set FOREIGN=C:\path\to\English
- Run the script. This creates your base dictionaries in dict_base folder.
- Edit yampt-make-user-XXtoXX.cmd and yampt-convert-XXtoXX.bat to match your new base dictionary:
set DICT_N=XXtoXX.xml
set DICT_F=XXtoXX_H.xml
set DICT_N=ENtoPL.xml
set DICT_F=ENtoPL_H.xml
- Open dictionary and find any MISSING keywords. You have to manually correct them.
Dictionaries are stored in pseudo xml files to keep original text intact. They are divided into several parts:
- CELL - cell names
- DIAL - dialog topics
- BNAM - script line belonging to dialog (INFO string)
- SCPT - script line
- GMST - game settings
- FNAM - object names (weapons, armors, book names, etc.)
- DESC - birthsigns, class and race descriptions
- TEXT - book content
- RNAM - faction ranks
- INDX - magic and skill descriptions
- INFO - dialogs
Making base dictionary works best when you have two same files but localized differently:
yampt.exe --make-base -f <path to native plugin> <path to foreign plugin>
yampt.exe --make-base -f "C:\path\to\PL\Morrowind.esm" "C:\path\to\EN\Morrowind.esm"
yampt.exe --make-base -f "C:\path\to\PL\Tribunal.esm" "C:\path\to\EN\Tribunal.esm"
yampt.exe --make-base -f "C:\path\to\PL\Bloodmoon.esm" "C:\path\to\EN\Bloodmoon.esm"
This option creates xml file with .BASE.xml extension.
Now you can merge these dictionaries into one file. Important thing is order. When in couple dictionaries exist record with the same key, only last one from last dictionary will be used.
yampt.exe --merge -d <list of dictionaries> -o <output dictionary name>
yampt.exe --merge -d "Morrowind.BASE.xml" "Tribunal.BASE.xml" "Bloodmoon.BASE.xml" -o "ENtoPL.xml"
The output of this command is ENtoPL.xml. This is your base dictionary. Merge command also validate, sort and remove duplicates.
Simply replace all text in plugin
yampt.exe --convert -f <list of plugins> -d <list of dictionaries>
yampt.exe --convert -f "C:\path\to\Plugin.esp" -d "ENtoPL.xml"
If you want to add hyperlinks to not converted dialogs (not found in any dictionary) add --add-hyperlinks switch:
yampt.exe --convert --add-hyperlinks -f "C:\path\to\Plugin.esp" -d "ENtoPL.xml"
Then if in your used dictionaries exist record:
<key>skin of the pearl</key>
<val>skóra perły</val>
Some text skin of the pearl some text.
will be converted to:
Some text skin of the pearl some text. [skóra perły]
Use for translate everything.
yampt.exe --make-raw -f <list of plugins>
yampt.exe --make-raw -f "C:\path\to\Plugin.esp"
Use for translate everything, but with little help.
yampt.exe --make-all -f <list of plugins> -d <list of dictionaries>
yampt.exe --make-all -f "C:\path\to\Plugin.esp" -d "ENtoPL.xml"
Use for translate only new records added by plugin.
yampt.exe --make-not -f <list of plugins> -d <list of dictionaries>
yampt.exe --make-not -f "C:\path\to\Plugin.esp" -d "ENtoPL.xml"
Use for translate only modified records.
yampt.exe --make-changed -f <list of plugins> -d <list of dictionaries>
This step requires preparation of the helper dictionary.
yampt.exe --make-all -f "C:\path\to\EN\Morrowind.esm" -d "ENtoPL.xml"
yampt.exe --make-all -f "C:\path\to\EN\Tribunal.esm" -d "ENtoPL.xml"
yampt.exe --make-all -f "C:\path\to\EN\Bloodmoon.esm" -d "ENtoPL.xml"
yampt.exe --merge -d "Morrowind.ALL.xml" "Tribunal.ALL.xml" "Bloodmoon.ALL.xml" -o "ENtoPL_H.xml"
and finally:
yampt.exe --make-changed -f "C:\path\to\Plugin.esp" -d "ENtoPL_H.xml"