zendAPI 是对 Zend Engine 的 C 接口使用 C 的最新标准 C 11 进行而面向对象的封装,从而屏蔽了底层 Zend Engine API 的接口复杂性,加快开发 PHP 扩展的效率。从而让 PHP 的扩展开发成为一种享受,不用在考虑不同 PHP 版本带来的差异性,让开发者专注于自身的业务逻辑。
zendAPI is a project to wrapper the C API of Zend Engine into object oriented programming interface that implement with modern C 11 programming language. The zendAPI project provide php extension developer with a simple, rubust and OOP style API, so developer don't need learn the ugly and complex raw Zend Engine API, thereby let the php extension development become a simple and rapid task.
让 PHP 的扩展开发成为一种享受
let PHP extension development become a kind of enjoyment!
考虑到项目本身就是对 PHP 语言引擎的开发接口的封装已经 PHP 的语言引擎叫做 Zend Engine,为了方便大家记住我便将项目命名为 zendAPI,官方网站使用 zendapi.org
The main goal of the project is to wrap PHP's raw C API into C OOP API, because of the virtual machine of PHP language called Zend Engine and our project is an OOP API on Zend Engine, so I give the name zendAPI to this project, the official website is http://www.zendapi.org
- 完全面向对象,对 Zend Engine API 进行二次定义
- 使用现代的 C 11 语法进行开发,便于维护
- 最大化屏蔽 PHP 版本对扩展开发的影响,zendAPI 将对 Zend Engine API 不同版本带来的差异屏蔽掉
- 高覆盖的单元测试,保证代码质量
- 在封装的时候,尽最大能力保证性能
- 致力于项目库的二进制兼容
- regroup the raw PHP C API according OOP style
- using modern C 11 standard
- support all the versions above PHP 7.0
- well tested by runtime tests and unittests
- high performance
- efforts to provide binary compatible
为了减少研发精力,在决定开发 zendAPI 的时候,在设计思想上我们参考了国外的同类项目 PHPCPP,非常感谢这个团队将这么卓越的项目带给了 PHP 社区,我们在这里表示感谢,我们也将在 zendAPI 项目中对 PHPCPP 的引用加上版权声明,同时把我们发现的代码 bug 反馈到 PHPCPP。
time saving, when develop zendAPI project, I read the code of PHPCPP project, thanks for the team of this project, in some files I use some classes and functions from PHPCPP project and put the copyright header infomation in these files.
PHPCPP 的 github 地址是: https://github.com/CopernicaMarketingSoftware/PHP-CPP 大家有兴趣可以去研究。
The Github reposition of PHPCPP: https://github.com/CopernicaMarketingSoftware/PHP-CPP you can learn it if you like.
目前国内有一个跟 zendAPI 比较类似的项目,这个项目是 swoole 项目作者开发,值得推荐。 项目名字 PHP—X 项目的 github 地址是 https://github.com/swoole/PHP-X 大家有兴趣可以研究。
At the time of zendAPI developing, the author of PHP network library swoole give us a project named PHP-X, do the same job of zendAPI, here is it Github Repo address:https://github.com/swoole/PHP-X
here is my QQ and wechat QR Code, if you interested in zendAPI project, just scan the QR codes:
开源中国主页: https://www.oschina.net/p/zendapi
meanwhile,I wrote blog at:
China opensource community: https://www.oschina.net/p/zendapi Segmentfault's tech group: https://segmentfault.com/g/1570000010966072
360 无线电安全部 独角兽团队 (unicorn team)
360 unicornteam for support I develop zendAPI project.