// Get to know more about me with some Golang
package main
import (
type PVHuwung struct {
Pronouns string
Backend []string
Frontend []string
Database []string
CloudServer []string
Architecture ArchitectureInfo
Challenge []string
AISkills []string
Company string
type ArchitectureInfo struct {
Patterns []string
Components []string
Challenges []string
Serverless []string
func main() {
var PVHUWUNG = PVHuwung{
Pronouns: "He/Him",
Company: "Advance Intelligence Group",
Backend: []string{"Go", "Python", "Rust", "C "},
Frontend: []string{"Typescript", "NextJS", "HTML", "CSS"},
Database: []string{"PostgreSQL", "DynamoDB", "Firebase", "Redis"},
CloudServer: []string{"AWS", "GCP", "DigitalOcean", "Heroku"},
Architecture: ArchitectureInfo{
Patterns: []string{"Microservices", "Event-driven", "System Design"},
Components: []string{"Docker", "Kubernetes", "Kafka", "GraphQL"},
Challenges: []string{"Scalability", "Resilience", "Security"},
Serverless: []string{"Lambda", "API Gateway"},
Challenge: []string{"Keep getting better, even if it's just 0.001% each day.",
"Consistency turns those tiny gains into something big"},
AISkills: []string{"MachineLearning", "DeepLearning", "AI", "GenAI", "LLM", "ComputerVision"},
val := reflect.ValueOf(PVHUWUNG)
for i := 0; i < val.NumField(); i {
field := val.Field(i)
fieldName := val.Type().Field(i).Name
fmt.Printf("- %s: %v\n", fieldName, field.Interface())
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