This repository contains our implementation of the ontology matching framework based on representation learning.
Apache License Version 2.0. For more information, please refer to the license.
Prerequisites :
- Python, Project Jupyter.
- Python Libraries: NumPy, SciPy, scikit-learn, Theano, Lasagne, Keras, NLTK, pickle, PyYAML.
Preprocessed Data:
- All the data used can be found in data/ directory.
- In each file, in the data/ directory, there are six different files. Specifically, there is:
- A .yaml file that stores the configuration parameters.
- A file named training_data contains the training data.
- A file name pretrained-wikipedia-pubmed-and-PMC-w2v contains the pre-trained word vectors.
- Two files named terms_of_ontology_1 and terms_of_ontology_2 contain the terms of the ontology 1 and ontology 2, respectively.
- A file named ground_truth_alignments contains the ground-truth alignments.
Perform the different ontology matching tasks:
- Launch the Jupyter Notebook App and execute the Notebook document Ontology_Matching.
- prodromos DOT kolyvakis AT epfl DOT ch