A "single pane of glass" to easily view and monitor the performance of your MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and MariaDB databases.
Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) is a best-of-breed open source database monitoring solution. It helps you reduce complexity, optimize performance, and improve the security of your business-critical database environments, no matter where they are located or deployed. PMM helps users to:
- Reduce Complexity
- Optimize Database Performance
- Improve Data Security
See the PMM Documentation for more information.
If you find a bug in Percona Monitoring and Management or one of the related projects, you should submit a report to that project"s JIRA issue tracker.
Your first step should be to search the existing set of open tickets for a similar report. If you find that someone else has already reported your problem, then you can upvote that report to increase its visibility.
If there is no existing report, submit a report following these steps:
- Sign in to Percona JIRA. You will need to create an account if you do not have one.
- Go to the Create Issue screen and select the relevant project.
- Fill in the fields of Summary, Description, Steps To Reproduce, and Affects Version to the best you can. If the bug corresponds to a crash, attach the stack trace from the logs.
An excellent resource is Elika Etemad"s article on filing good bug reports..
As a general rule of thumb, please try to create bug reports that are:
- Reproducible. Include steps to reproduce the problem.
- Specific. Include as much detail as possible: which version, what environment, etc.
- Unique. Do not duplicate existing tickets.
See stable API definitions there, and all API definitions (including technical preview, development and testing APIs) there.
- percona/pmm-managed
- percona-platform/dbaas-controller
- percona/qan-api2
- percona/pmm-update
- percona/grafana-dashboards
- percona-platform/grafana