This excellent boilerplate is from Eric Alli , which I used as the starting point and made a fix for my own project.
Clone repository from GitHub
git clone
&& cd Custom-Webpack-Config-Boilerplate && rm -rf .git && git init
Install dependencies
npm install
Run the development server
npm run start
Generate production-ready files
npm run build:dist
FTP deployment
npm run deploy
- Modern Technologies: Full support for HTML5, JavaScript (Vanilla and ES6) and CSS (Sass and PostCSS)
- SCSS Architecture: Write my own playbook that covers variables, functions, mixins, and any utility classes.
- Bootstrap 4 Grid System: It includes only grid system, flex utilities and reboot to build upon quickly.
- Built-in Server: Local development server with hot reloading
- Performance Tuning: CSS and JavaScript transpilation, bundling, autoprefixing, and minification
- Code Linting: Full support for JavaScript (ESLint) and CSS (StyleLint) linting on VSCode
- Setup Wizard: Optionally install jQuery
- Cutting Edge: Uses Webpack for processing and bundling your code
- Deployment: Built-in support for deployment via FTP