This package provides a integration of the Phinx database migration tool for TYPO3.
All Phinx commands have been wrapped as phinx:<command>
and can be executed using the TYPO3 CLI or TYPO3 Console:
# Create a new migration
typo3cms phinx:create
# Migrate the database
typo3cms phinx:migrate
# Rollback the last or to a specific migration
typo3cms phinx:rollback
# Show migration status
typo3cms phinx:status
# Create a new database seeder
typo3cms phinx:seed:create
# Run database seeders
typo3cms phinx:seed:run
Notice that these wrapper commands are executed by TYPO3, thus the full API like DataHandler
can be used in migrations.
The following paths are used for migrations:
Examples to create a migration in a TYPO3 project:
typo3cms phinx:create --path packages/provider/Classes/Migrations/Phinx MyMigration
If one Migrations
directory exists already, you can omit --path
However, should multiple exist, you will receive a prompt and have to select
the desired location.
The following paths are used for seeds:
Examples to create a seed in a TYPO3 project:
typo3cms phinx:seed:create --path packages/provider/Classes/Migrations/Phinx/Seed MySeeder
If one Migrations/Seed
directory exists already, you can omit --path
However, should multiple exist, you will receive a prompt and have to select
the desired location.
All tests can be executed with the shipped Docker Compose definition:
docker-compose run --rm app composer build