Keep track of various End of Life dates and support lifecycles for various products. Visit for a list of supported products. This information is very often hard to track or badly presented. This project collates this data and presents it in an easily accessible format, with URLs that are easy to guess and remember.
If you maintain release information (end-of-life dates, or support information) for a product, we have a set of recommendations along with a checklist on some best practices for publishing this information.
Please see for details. While participating in the project, you must abide by its Code of Conduct.
An API is available for integration with CI platforms. API documentation is available at The API is currently in Alpha, and breaking changes can happen.
Licensed under the MIT License. is relying on various amazing software and components :
- GitHub, an Internet hosting service for software development and version control,
- Jekyll, a static site generator.
- Ruby, a dynamic and open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity.
- Just the Docs, a documentation theme for Jekyll.
- Stoplight Elements, a collection of UI components for displaying beautiful developer documentation from any OpenAPI document.
- Simple Icons, free SVG icons for popular brands.
- Our icon is derived from Hourglass icon (orange) by David Abián and Serhio Magpie on the English Wikipedia. Remixed under the CC-BY-SA-4.0 license.
- RealFaviconGenerator, a favicon Generator, for real.
- Netlify, an all-in-one platform for automating modern web projects.
- Product descriptions are adapted from the English Wikipedia, under CC BY-SA 3.0 license.