Looking for 5000 Punks (24px)?
See We Love Monkes Punks (24×24px) »
Looking for 21 000 Monkes (28px)?
See Monke See, Monke Do (28×28px) »
Let"s generate 1000 rocks (28×28px) in a reference edition.
Find all 1000 reference images one-by-one in 28×28px in /i:
and in 8x (224×224px) in /i@8x:
Find all meta data in the letsrock.csv tabular dataset e.g.
id, type, accessories, background
0, maxibiz, peakspike / maxibiz lasereyes blue, bitcoin orange
1, black, wildhair / eyes pepe, red
2, default, cap subway / eyes blend, default
3, albino, peakspike purple, dollar pattern
4, brown, mohawk red / lasereyes gold, blue
5, demon, peakspike red / eyes big, euro pattern
6, golden, eyes blend, yellow
7, gray, eyes zombie, classic
8, green, peakspike, rainbow
9, memepool, eyes blend, ukraine
10, pepe, mohawk2 / eyes red, usa
11, alien, peakspike purple, china
12, deathbot, cap, great britain
13, safemode, halo / lasereyes red, europe
14, pink, knittedcap / eyes blue, austria
15, zombie, cap subway, bitcoin pattern
Bonus - All together now. Find the composite fam image of all 1000 in a 50×20 grid in letsrock.png (~200k - 1400×560px).
For reference find all (generative) attributes (base types, backgrounds and accessories) in 28×28px in /attributes.
Yes, you can generate your own samples via "text prompts" using the generate_samples script and you can regenerate this random set using the generate_meta script and using the generate script to generate all images from the tabular dataset.
Join us in the Ordbase (Incl Ordgen / ORC-721) discord (chat server). Yes you can. Your questions and commetary welcome.
Or post them over at the Help & Support page. Thanks.