Our client request us to build an application using the knowledge we've learned over the past six modules to create a real-world-front-end application that we can show our potential employers. Our application must use at least two server-side APIs and store persistent data in client-side storage.
We wanted to find a interactive way to use data from an API that worked with music specifically, was inspired by the recent game wordle. Small music themed game that uses the last.fm API to pull a top track list, and Wikipediaβs MediaWiki Api to pull a artist photo, so that users can play by guessing the artist who performed a song name that is randomly generated.
AS A player,
I WANT to get a random song name,
SO THAT I can guess what artist performed that song
GIVEN that I want to play a music guessing game
WHEN I click play
THEN I am represented with a song and an input field to guess the artist of that song
WHEN I guess the right artist
THEN I am revealed the artist name and picture
WHEN I guess incorrectly
THEN I am revealed another song from the artist up to three times
WHEN I guess incorrectly for the third time
THEN I am revealed with a picture to guess who the artist is
WHEN I guess incorrectly for the fourth time
THEN I am revealed the artist name and picture
WHEN I am done playing
THEN I can see how many times I have guessed correctly
To satisfy our client's needs, we had to:
- Create an HTML file that imports Bulma, CSS File, JavaScript file, Confetti JS, and jQuery
- Utilize Bulma to give our user a fun and polished interface
- Create a JavaScript file that imports web server API from WikiPedia and LastFm
- Modify HTML file to dynamically work with JavaScript file and CSS file
Link the following files/library:
CSS file, Bulma Library, Confetti JS, Javascript File, and jQuery Library
CSS File
- Pink background
- @keyframes animation for incorrect answers
- Stylized buttons
- Animated border around artist's image
- User's viewport adaptability
Specific functions in JavaScript file
Load game and hide landing page
playButton.onclick = function () {
if (targetDiv.style.display == "none") {
targetDiv.style.display = "block";
start.style.display = "none";
Fetch 4 top tracks from a random artist and appends on list
fetch('https://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=artist.gettoptracks&artist=' artistX '&limit=4&api_key=3fa1d67efdf9fbda6b5c07411588e640&format=json')
return response.json();
for (i=0; i<4; i ){
var firstTrack = data.toptracks.track[i].name;
trackList[i].innerHTML = firstTrack;
Fetch artist's image from mediaWiki API
var url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php";
var noSpace = artistX.replace(/ /g," ")
var params = {
action: "query",
prop: "pageimages",
titles: `${noSpace}`,
format: "json",
piprop: "original",
url = url "?origin=*";
Object.keys(params).forEach(function(key){url = "&" key "=" params[key];});
.then(function(response){return response.json();})
.then(function(response) {
var responseQuery = response.query.pages;
var pageId = Object.keys(responseQuery)
var pages = response.query.pages[pageId[0]].original.source;
document.querySelector("#img").src = pages;
Check answer and provide feedback based on users' guess and turn
function guessBtn(){
if ($('#guess').val().toLowerCase() === artistX.toLowerCase() || $('#guess').val().toLowerCase() === artistX.toLowerCase()){
feedback.innerHTML = "Correct! It's " artistX "!"
restartBtn.style.display = "inline-block";
track4.style.display = "block";
if(userTurn < 1){ // shake and reveal another song as hint
document.getElementById("track" userTurn).style.display = "block"
feedback.innerHTML = "Not quite! Here's a hint.";
Track how many wins user has
var counter = localStorage.getItem('counter') || 0;
function saveScore() {
counter ;
window.localStorage.setItem('counter', JSON.stringify(counter));
After importing Bulma, jQuery, Confetti Js to our HTML file along with dynamically coding Javascript and stylizing CSS, we were able to provide a fun, interactive, and polished music guessing game.
This project was uploaded to GitHub at the following repository link: https://github.com/nhanng19/music_wordle
Deployed Web Application Link: https://nhanng19.github.io/music_wordle/