This repo is kind of advanced, as it defined design system (Atomic design) and organize with Mono Repositories
This repo is using techniques:
- Mono repo design using lerna
- Storybook to view built react components
- Using husky to check react linting
- Using git convention commitizen with convention cz-conventional-changelog
- Using @commitlint/cli and @commitlint/config-conventional as git commit lint to check and use husky hook to check commit message before commit
- Github action CI/CD
- Chromatic: to run regressiontest with snapshot
- Deploy and hosting storybook in Netlify:
To download as dependencies:
- @leo.97/foundation
- @leo.97/react
- @leo.97/scss
To develop for more components in react, use node@16 as node-sass in this repo is compatible with node version.16