A simple gem that make combine React and Rails easier
This gem create a Rails project combine with React (connect through API)
We can intall this gem by command
$ gem install react-rails-generator
First you need to create project with command
$ react-rails new <project_name>
After that we have to install the packages that declare in package.json
$ npm install
We have to run rails and webpack to monitor
$ rails server
$ webpack --watch
And view the project works
We love pull requests. Here"s a quick guide:
- Fork the project
- Comment these lines from Gem Specification
s.cert_chain = ["certs/public_cert.pem"]
s.signing_key = File.expand_path("~/.ssh/gem-private_key.pem") if $0 =~ /gem\z/
- To test your change
- git add .
- gem build react_rails.gemspec
- gem install react-rails-generator-version.gem
- Make the changes and push to your repository
- Make a pull request