TimeCapsule is a Redis based task scheduling module written in Golang. It is designed to be used as a library in your own application. It is not a standalone application.
As the name suggests, it is inspired by the concept of time capsule which is designed to be used in a similar way. You can schedule tasks to be executed at a specific time in the future just like you buried a time capsule, and use this module to periodically look for tasks that are due to be executed from the dataloader. Once a task is due, it will be executed and removed from the dataloader.
- Golang 1.18 Generic support
- Customizable dataloader for performing task scheduling and execution
go get github.com/nekomeowww/timecapsule
package main
import (
func main() {
// initialize redis dataloader
redisDataloder := NewRedisDataloader[string]("some/task/key", redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
Addr: net.JoinHostPort("localhost", "6379"),
Password: "123456",
// create a time capsule digger, pass 250*time.Millisecond into parameter as the interval
digger := NewDigger[string](redisDataloder, 250*time.Millisecond)
// set task handler function
digger.SetHandler(func(capsule *TimeCapsule[string]) {
fmt.Println("task", capsule.Payload, "is due") // print a message
// start digging in a seperated goroutine
go digger.Start()
// defer stop digging
defer digger.Stop()
// Bury a time capsule
err = digger.BuryFor("this is a time capsule", time.Second)
if err != nil {
err = digger.BuryUntil("this is a time capsule", time.Now().UTC().Add(time.Second).UnixMilli())
if err != nil {