A 6502-based Commodore 64 assembly language repo for OSX and Ubuntu. This is a very small and targeted OSX and Ubuntu port based on the original work of Chibi Akumas as the sole purpose of this small repo is to help you port Chibi's work to OSX or Ubuntu and nothing more. For more detailed 6502 tutorials please visit https://www.assemblytutorial.com to get your started.
tar -xvf vasm.tar.gz
cd vasm
make CPU=6502 SYNTAX=oldstyle
cd ..
hdiutil attach vice-sdl2-3.4-r37694.dmg
cp -av /Volumes/vice-sdl2-3.4-r37694/vice-sdl2-3.4-r37694/ .
chmod x compile.sh
Commodore 64 [CLICK FOUR DOTS -> Show Applications]
- Within VICE if you are on OSX use F10 to get a menu structure. The Ubuntu structure will mimic much of the Windows VICE emulator. In either case you need to Automount your file within the ./BldC64/Lesson1.prg directory to run your program within the emulator.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.