There are two different CI pipelines here.
The stages below are handled with shell script faceit image has been pushed to the docker hub with the tag of circleci build id (0.1.289)
- build
- test
- push
You can find the different pipeline approaches for different SDLC under workflows folder
- Build image
- Test connections with database
- Push to docker hub with short commit id and latest_github tag
- Run if ci.yaml success
- Build and push to AWS ECR
Terraform validate should be done before the production stage
- terraform fmt
- terraform init
- terraform validate
Stale yaml Runs everyday at 01:30 am
- days-before-issue-stale: 30
- days-before-pr-stale: 45
- days-before-issue-close: 5
- days-before-pr-close: 10
Terraform deploy yaml used for deployment to the AWS with terraform
Terraform deploy yaml could be used for deployment
You can follow Terraform Readme file to execute terraform deployment